Other people with IBS trying to live healthier?



  • ssseattle
    ssseattle Posts: 22 Member
    For me, having IBS includes so much bloating that it was difficult for me to see any positive changes in my body when I tried to lose weight. I would bloat up so much that my pants wouldn't fit at the end of the day. I started taking probiotics daily, and I have found that my bloating is probably 80% decreased!! I still have IBS symptoms, but I am so happy with the decrease in bloating! Now that I can see the changes in my waistline due to eating healthier and exercising more (rather than any progress being masked by a huge amount of bloat), I am so motivated to keep going!!

    What probiotics do you take? My bloating is so bad I look very pregnant and I could not see any difference in my stomach after losing 2 stone :(

    I've been using Ultimate Flora adult formula, w/ 15 billion live cultures per capsule, purchased on Amazon.
  • mittakiwi
    mittakiwi Posts: 6
    I've had IBS-D for 20 years now. I have never cut anything out of my diet, I just couldn't be bothered dealing with special or restrictive diets. I've tried dieticians, GP's, specialist etc over the years all who told me something different. So I've just lived with it.

    In the past I just ate whatever I wanted and just dealt with the consequences as I hated missing out on yummy food! Since I've gained weight though and changed my diet and all junk food has been cut out except for a little treat once a week. I have noticed a bit of a difference, but not enough to say I'm cured that's for sure!

    I'm not sure if it's just eating better in general or also because I've started eating yogurt which has lots of goodies in it for your digestive system.

    I don't know if the IBS has had any impact on my weight loss. I don't have anything to measure it against as the only two times I have tried to lose weight were while I've had IBS.

    Either way if it keeps improving I will be very happy.
  • newyorklover91
    newyorklover91 Posts: 77 Member
    I am also really glad I found this thread. I eat the usual suspect foods - lots of bread, butter, not lean meat (mince etc) biscuits, comfort food really. I have recently moved house and my job is getting reviewed and I am about to go on a 5 week holiday so I have A LOT of stress going on. I went to the doctor last week as I had serious sharp pains in my stomach that I've had before but not that bad, and turns out I have been officially diagnosed with IBS. I have been dealing with incredible bloating, wind, constipation/diarrhoea for about 6 years now undiagnosed. As I am only 22, I never really thought about it. I always thought that was what everyone else felt. How wrong I was!! My doctor was basically useless in helping me though, I have been tested negative for celiac and told me to start an elimination diet however I don't even know where to begin. I have printed off a heap of info from google so I guess I will just start reading through it all and eliminate the things that are common in all of them and see how that goes...
  • gassyman
    gassyman Posts: 6
    I'm one of those that get bloated from gas. Makes it real hard to ride my bike when I can't breath.
  • gassyman
    gassyman Posts: 6
    Now I have a lot of problems regarding weight loss, When I get constipated which is very often, I gain weight, when you think about it it is obvious, if it goes in but nothing comes out for days then yes you gain weight, diet is doing well as it is healthier blood work comes back good, blood pressure has gone down, but the constipation stops me losing weight, the same 10lbs goes on and off, also now at risk of type 2 diabetes cos I can't shift the weight, had orlistat off the GP and still gained weight and was still terribly constipated, side effect of them was the runs lol was hoping to get that but never happened lol

    Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I've had IBS for about 6yrs now - my doctor says there's no connection but it arrived I was diagnosed with a tumour on my ovary which also coincided with me gaining a load of weight for the first time in my life. His suggestion of 'live with it' and some tablets for stomach cramps meant I didn't bother going back for further diagnosis or help - something I've heard from lots of people with this condition.

    Now that the weight is dropping off (so slowing now, but at least it's not still rising rapidly!) I've found the symptoms have reduced with episodes only occurring on a weekly rather than daily basis.

    Food wise I've always eaten pretty well (just too much of it for a post menopausal 40 something) so I haven't done anything to adjust that. My only issue really is I need to be careful before I go out running as sometimes exercise can bring on the urgent need to go so I need to make sure I've taken care of business before I go out the door lol

    So for me, losing weight has definitely helped and I'm hopeful that the symptoms will stay reduced - nothing seems to help the bloating though :/
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    OP, thank you for posting this topic. I do not suffer from IBS but my husband does, and has for many years. He recently went through a particularly bad bout of it and his weight dropped from 146 to 141 (he's 5"8"). He was prescribed bentel (sp?) and it seems to help. The more severe bouts appear to be triggered by stress and anxiety. He's lived with it most of his life (he's 67) and its onset appears to have started during his Vietnam combat service years (he was diagnosed with PTSD). He was weight lifting until this last bout and now I think he is just discouraged and feels tired, as much as he wants to return to the gym.

    I encouraged him to join MFP if only to keep a food diary and record his symptoms. It appears that from what some of you posted that there may or may not be a relationship between food sensitivities and IBS, and that even if you are tested for certain allergies, and the tests results are negative, there may still be a sensitivity.

    I think the best he felt was when we were taking yoga and chair pilates. We recently moved and are beginning to look for similar classes. I think that will help alot

    Are there other types of meds available to IBS sufferers?

    You are all doing a great job managing this condition!
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    Are there other types of meds available to IBS sufferers?

    I'm curious about this too. My doctor had nothing (that worked anyway), but that was years ago.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    I've had this for some years too mostly the C type. Cutting out the dairy and gluten stuff does seem to help with the bloating, gas pians, GERD.
  • RaineSmith
    RaineSmith Posts: 11
    I have suffered with IBS for about 5 years now. I never really got serious about it and just dealt with it the best I could when I would get an attack. For me I could go long periods of time without an issue and then bam I would have a serious attack that would keep me off work for three days due to the pain and the fact I could stray far from the bathroom. A year ago last April I had my worst attack ever and I decided that was it. I bought a couple books, did some research on the net and cut out absolutely everything that could be a trigger.

    I dropped 20 pounds in no time and that motivated me to keep going. Currently I have lost 70 pounds with 10 more to goal weight. In this 15 months I have only had one attack and it was because I ate the skin on an apple. I have added a lot back into my diet due to trial and error but there are certain things I avoid and have not eaten for 15 months. I do not eat red meat, egg yolks, fried foods, raw broccoli, cauliflower or cabbage. I have added some dairy back in and don't have an issue with greek yogurt and hard cheeses. I find if I eat salad with soluable fiber I am ok. I still get some bloating from time to time and the occasional bout of diarrhea but for the most part the quality of my life has improved 100%. When I lost about 45 pounds I felt that I could start exercising again and now combine regular exercise with a healthy diet which has helped my weight loss and symptoms greatly. People who do not suffer from IBS have no idea what we go through on a regular basis. They don't understand why I can't eat this or that or bring my own food to a BBQ. I would love to have some IBS sufferers as friends so please feel free to add me. Understanding and support is always a great motivator!
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    I'm just starting out to figure out my IBS... I avoid milk like it's poison, eat minimal wheat/gluten. NEVER have onion or garlic.
    FODMAP diet is strict but very good out line of foods to avoid.
    I don't get toilet troubles per-say, slow digestion (every 5-6 days!!) just started fibre supplements, been exercising daily and eating my BMR worth of cals... no loss in 7 weeks! just waiting for my body to adjust and sticking at it.
    Horrible condition.. My main symptom is incapacitating cramps.
    all of these tips are brilliant... great to not feel alone.
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    i eat two scoops of chia seeds a day and it has done wonders for my bowels. i still have occasional IBS flare ups (stress or greasy or spicy foods) but day to day im almost normal!
  • estielouise
    estielouise Posts: 46 Member
    For me, having IBS includes so much bloating that it was difficult for me to see any positive changes in my body when I tried to lose weight. I would bloat up so much that my pants wouldn't fit at the end of the day. I started taking probiotics daily, and I have found that my bloating is probably 80% decreased!! I still have IBS symptoms, but I am so happy with the decrease in bloating! Now that I can see the changes in my waistline due to eating healthier and exercising more (rather than any progress being masked by a huge amount of bloat), I am so motivated to keep going!!

    what probiotics are you taking? is it tablets, or yoghurts? or something else?
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I don't have IBS, but I do have IBD (Crohns disease). After 3 years of living with what docs thought was IBS and celiac, I was diagnosed in April, and had a huge portion of my intestine removed in June.. Now I'm in the process of losing the weight I gained while on prednisone. Awful stuff.

    I take my maintenance meds, plus a probiotic and a powder that gets mixed with juice and helps to "bind" everything. Stops the D completely unless I accidentally eat gluten or oats. Ive spent the last 2 months eating things I shouldn't eat, but it's time to smarten up, accept my food limitations, and start eating as well as I can.
  • cheeky0122
    cheeky0122 Posts: 38 Member
    I probably don't monitor what I eat as well as I should..there's a handful of foods that I love but send my stomach into a fit...still eating them. I don't find that the IBS gives me many problems when it comes to actually /losing/ weight but I get bloated so easily and sometimes it's really bad that any weight loss doesn't matter because of stupid bloat!
  • RaineSmith
    RaineSmith Posts: 11
    I too eat chia seeds and find it helps!
  • estielouise
    estielouise Posts: 46 Member
    For me IBS is a complete nightmare, sometimes I can bloat up so much, I change change a dress size in a day. It definately is hard for me to lose weight! My body thinks its in starvation mode most of the time and stores my fat like a safe! I eat healthily, and blandly most of the time- I gave up on spicy food and Junk food years ago (I can occasionally have mcdonalds provided its just the plain burgers or the chicken! I try not to though!)
    I used to love hiking but now worry about getting half way up a hill and needing the loo (the movement and exercise, sometimes actually triggers the need to go). I am now back to exercising after not doing it for 3 years, I put on 3 stone. Since January, I have lost 10 pounds, 5 before joining MFP, and 5 since joining MFP, but it has been hard work and a slog to reduce every step of the way, most people on here can lose 2 pounds in a week or so, I am lucky to lose 1/2 a pound in a fortnight, or more! (I lost a pound this month!)
    For me I know the pain will reduce when I can shift the weight, but for now, it has an affect on my job, my relationship, my energy levels and my whole life. It really is dibilitating, and whats worse is because there is no cure, and because doctors have such little knowledge on the subject, they either leave to to get on with it, or guess! People who don't have it, think your exagerating, or just dont understand.

    Its nice to know other people on here that can understand, and we can support each other! Good luck to all of you with the daily struggle, and well done for having the strength to try to change our circumstance!
  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    My IBS is all over the place. It's a nightmare.
    I'm generally IBS-C, but then there's days where I'll eat something (and I'll know beforehand) and will just make my tummy rumblings happen and the bathroom call my name.

    Have you guys found at all that the transition to healthier eating is like... confusing your digestive system at all? I've been eating a lot better, and yet I'm getting constant rumblings and bloating and D. I feel like my body's not used to the better food and doesn't know what to do with it?