Just quit smoking, now I'm fat (ter)

Ynnep1000 Posts: 24
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Yikes, new here and recently quit smoking. I hate to think that I did this for my health and now I have created a new health issue!
Anyway, looking for inspiration and motivation. Also love great ideas and tips, so please share!!


  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    I also gained weight after quitting smoking. Just know that the weight gain DOES NOT offset the health effects of quitting smoking. It's way healthier to be a non-smoker and overweight than to be a smoker and thin. Good luck with your weight loss journey. Feel free to friend me if you want!
  • i just wanted to say that the title of your post made my entire day!
  • FloridaGranny
    FloridaGranny Posts: 154 Member
    yep. your metabolism slows down. Try this for 1 week to jump start your metabolism.............

    a high protein/low carb diet. worked for me when i quit!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi there
    I gave up three years ago and I too got fat, three years on I am nearly back to my pregive up weight... And I am sooooo pleased to have given up, I now ride a bike, jog etc etc etc which would not have been possible at all and I don't stink and nor do you !!!!
  • Wow, thanks for the kind words! I feel better already, kinda......bit hungry though.
  • You have come to the right place! I joined the site back in February but never did anything but sign up. I quit smoking 50 days ago and i KNEW if I started putting weight on that would be all the excuse I needed to start smoking again! That is what brought me here immediately! I havent had a smoke in 50 days and Ive lost 4 pounds since I started eating healthy and exercising about 40 days ago :)
    Congrats on the beginning of your smoke free healthy life and heres to a fit future!!
  • I quit a while back and let me tell you.....................its easier to get the "fat" off than it is to remove all that tar out of your lungs...........congratulations on both the non smoking and weight loss adventure. You will do great!
  • I quit 7 years ago. I was fat then, but gained 20 pounds due to the Big M, my new hubby's good cooking, and my lack of nicotine. . .but. . .I feel so much more healthy and I don't get out of breath. . .and now that I'm losing. . .I have even more energy.
    So congratulations on quitting smoking and committing to getting healthy and fit! You deserve a standing ovation!
  • live4something
    live4something Posts: 58 Member
    Hi there! On October 10th I will have been cigarette free for one year. I feel the same way, that I tried to be healthy by quitting (which was the right thing to do) and ended up gaining 30 pounds in the last year alone! Looks like we are both on some major health makeovers! We CAN do this!
  • MFP is great, and I've found some excellent motivation through my new friends here! Add me if you like! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I quit smoking 6 years ago and still think its the best thing I've ever done in my my life!!! The benefits FAR out weigh the weight issue!

    Of course I gained weight as your metabolism naturally slows down without that awful, unatural stimulant called nicotine, but mainly because you tend to overeat while kicking the physical habit.

    You've done the best thing by joining MFP to watch you weight and exercise. This will kick your metabolism into touch and stop you overeating!!

    Good luck and CONGRATULATIONS you non-smoker you!! :flowerforyou:
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I quit about 2 1/2 years ago and I know its a cop-out but I blame all my weight gain (about 30-35 lbs) on quitting. :wink: That said, I still feel sooo much better since I quit. I wouldn't be able to do a fraction of the exercise I do know when I smoked. I never get really sick anymore. I've stopped getting horrible bronchitis everytime I gat a cold and I hardly ever get sinus infections either. I'm still working on my lung capacity but I recently took a PFT for my job and I don't think I would have passed it if I still smoked. It is the best thing I ever did for myself.

    I wish you the best of luck! Hang in there. It isn't easy but you CAN do it and it is totally worth sticking to it. :drinker:
  • About a years ago, I quit smoking and gradually put on about 20 pounds. If you're like me you're taste buds came back and everything tastes soooo good! Also, nicotine blocks calories from being absorbed, and that's why most people gain weight. If your numbers from your bloodwork are good and your breathing capacity has improved don't worry about your weight. That's what I do. The BEST thing you can do for yourself is quit smoking!
    Also what helps me is making better food choices. For instance, when I was a smoker, I didn't like avocados. Now I love them because I can taste them! Be good to yourself and one way to do that is be forgiving of the weight gain.
    I hope this helps and I hope I see a post of your one year anniversary of becoming a nonsmoker! God bless.
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi, I just wanted to congratulate you on becoming a non-smoker! I quit last year after 9 years of smoking. Keep up the good work!!!
  • glasielady
    glasielady Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Rachel

    First let me congratulate you on quitting, that is one of the best decision you'll every make. I've been smoke free now for 2 years, 8 months, and 4 days (but who's counting LOL). Don't worry about the weight right now, just concentrate on staying smoke free. Keep a lot of fruits and veggies on hand so when you feel that you need to eat something grab a piece of fruit or veggies.
  • showteam
    showteam Posts: 8 Member
    I never smoked but have known many who have and when they quit had the same problem because of subing food for smoke. You can do this just keep track and exercise and you will get thee. Many good people on here. You can friend me if you want.
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