Pregnancy Calorie Tracking



  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    This is such a great post. I am almost 7 weeks (I know it's really too early to be saying anything, but we are so excited!) and have the worst morning sickness. I like to track what I eat to make sure I am eating enough calories and so that I can see which foods make the ms worse or better.

    I had horrible morning sickness with both of my sons. Things that help me were lemon drops. I would carry a package with me and whenever I felt like I was going to get sick pop one in. It helped with the salivating and distracting me from the fact that it was occuring. I know the wives tale is salt or sour are suppose to help morning sickness, think pickles or saltines. Sour foods worked for me. I ate a large dill pickle with every meal. Was the only way it would go down. Ginger is another thing that is suppose to help my doctor said, but I could never stomach it. She always drank ginger tea. Occasionally I would have a Ginger Ale if nauseous.
    If it gets really bad, they make motion sickness bands that you can pick up almost anywhere. You wear them on your wrists and there is a bead that puts pressure on the inside of the wrist. I had a lot of relief from these, but I also suffer from motion sickness when in vehicles. I had them on hand and the doctor said to give them whirl as she used them during her pregnancy.

    *Edit for spelling error. Would have drove me crazy.*
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    This is NOT for weight loss/maintenance. I'm 20 weeks pregnant and still haven't gained back all the weight I lost from morning sickness (I'm 140 now, which is very healthy normally for my frame/activity level). I am tracking my intake for a few reasons. The first is to ensure I am getting enough for healthy weight gain during this time (don't know about other pregnant women, but I can't feel hunger the same as I used to - I don't feel anything till I'm almost to collapsing and I just need a schedule again). The second is to be in the habit of tracking food/exercise for after this little kid decides to make her appearance so I can lose the weight properly. The third and last reason is something I noticed when I first started using this app - when my daughter would get sick (VERY sick) after breastfeeding and sometimes get a rash I could look over the food I'd consumed and attempt to find where her sensitivity may be (it was walnuts, which she is now deathly allergic to). I'm hoping that this time I can have the same advantage by tracking what I eat.
    If anyone else is pregnant and has any of the same reasons/goals I'd be happy to help.
    ***PLEASE TAKE NOTE: I will NOT support people, especially women that are pregnant, starving themselves. It makes me sick. You are your baby's world and I don't care if you have to blow up 200 pounds to support them - you better freaking do it.***

    Sent you a request. Not currently pregnant, but we will be trying for baby number 3 in two weeks. But who's counting.... Everything you stated is what I planned on using this site for as well. Except the tracking for food sensitivities while nursing - GENIUS!!! I could have used that for baby number 2.
  • chelseaautumn
    chelseaautumn Posts: 7 Member
    I recently had my 4th child on 7/5/13. I used this for many of the same reasons although I also used it tho track my weight gain. With my 3rd, I gained 60lbs because I simply didn't ''care'' what I ate... he was 8 lbs and 2 weeks late. This time around I gained a healthier 30lbs and my little man was 10lbs 4oz!!! Three weeks out and I am 7lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight which feels great because my weight gain was appropriate.
    Now that I am nursing, keeping track of my food will help track baby's sensitivity and help me continue journey to healthy weight while doing it wisely. Thanks for all the support!!!
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    I gained 40 lbs. during my pregnancy, including the weight of my baby boy. So, more like 32 lbs. I didn't over-eat for the most part. I ate pretty normally. Looking back, I wish I ate more healthy though so you have a good plan. I think next time I am pregnant, I will do it differently. I had a c-section. It took an hour. My stomach will never look the way it did before I was pregnant, but it looks pretty good thus far. I had ab separation, and it was a big accomplishment for my stomach to no longer look pregnant (this is after the swelling went down). Anyways, eat a few hundred calories that you normally would. I was blessed with no problems whatsoever during my pregnancy, but a hard birth.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    hello I just had a baby bou who came out to weigh in at 8lbs 3 ounces I used mfp pal and food journal during my pregnancy started during 2nd trimester when I gained weight I was worried about my weight since doc gave me a hard time due to thyroid condition but support from my husband and family help me realize it didn't matter what doc said as long as me and baby are healthy in the end I gained 37 lbs I went from 155 to 192 yeah got scary to almost reach 200 lol but if you have strong support group it wont matter as long as your healthy I am now down to 167 breastfeeding helped shed those 25 lbs btw I gave birth end of april
  • cmstirp
    cmstirp Posts: 51 Member
    If anyone is interested, this report from the Institute of Medicine shows updated recommendations for weight gain during pregnancy:
    (click on the "Report Brief" PDF)