what to eat for my birthday dinner!

ariel1116 Posts: 555 Member
my birthday is next week and i really wanna celebrate it with yummy food and a cake but i dont wanna have a cheat day because i just started working out and i dont want to have the scale discourage me after my birthday dinner. Anyone have any suggestions on where or what to eat! my husband is going to want to take me out for dinner but i dont wanna just eat of the salad menu. sushi is healthy right?


  • haidos
    haidos Posts: 69
    Have whatever you fancy. If you're concerned that it's rich in calories then do an extra workout.
    Going over cals one day wont hurt you and it's your birthday enjoy yourself!
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    If you are really concerned, pick a place that has a calorie count online, decide ahead of time what you will order.

    Personally, my birthday is usually a day where I will eat whatever I want, whether it is a healthy dinner within my calorie limits or something extremely rich. If you eat healthy the rest of the day, an indulgent dinner on your birthday will not ruin your progress unless it would send you into some sort of month long downward spiral food binge. Remember you would have to consume 3500 calories above your maintenance to gain a lb.

    Decide what you want to do, the most important thing is that you are happy and comfortable on your birthday so whichever option makes you the happiest is what you should do.
  • morpheousneo
    morpheousneo Posts: 62 Member
    Have whatever you fancy. If you're concerned that it's rich in calories then do an extra workout.
    Going over cals one day wont hurt you and it's your birthday enjoy yourself!

    ^^ This! Workout hard and then just enjoy ;)
  • mrsnecincy
    mrsnecincy Posts: 115 Member
    I agree with the others in some respects. Sushi is ok but it depends on if you're watching carbs and sodium. Sashimi is better but not filling in my opinion. Do you have a Tepanyaki restaurant near you? We have a great one here and always go for celebrations as I don't feel I'm going overboard. Last time I had sashimi to start then whatever I fancied from the grill with grilled veg and a scoop of ice cream with an espresso poured over it for my pud. Still a bit indulgent but not too much!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    There are 2 days I don't bother to log unless I just want to do so. One is my birthday which is near Valentine's Day so I celebrate both at once.
  • summery79
    summery79 Posts: 116 Member
    We do sushi for all of the birthdays in my house, my family members all love it so much. You can keep your calories reasonable with sushi, but last night I ate over 2000 cals at a sushi buffet. lol Like anything else, portion size is still going to matter.

    Steaks or a nice seafood restaurant would be my other top picks. Happy birthday! :)
  • RobTheGourmet
    RobTheGourmet Posts: 189 Member
    maybe open the evening with a bottle of 2009 chateau du pape, enjoy some braised mediterranean baby octopus to share

    starting with a asparagus, maitaki mushrooms, pecorino cream, white truffle oil. Following that up with, herb crusted french'ed rack of AU lamb served med-rare, duck confit potato's and a warm enoki mushroom and sunchoke with truffle cream and fresh marjoram.

    finishing with perhaps a tarte au citron and a piece of brie some walnuts?

    or maybe finish with a good expresso
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    cheat meal is ok,, once a week,once a month or once a year,,

    well happy b-day,, hehe roasted pig is good :)
  • Haima
    Haima Posts: 93 Member
    I'm not sure if you have a Zoe's Kitchen where you are but they are really good and healthy!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    maybe open the evening with a bottle of 2009 chateau du pape, enjoy some braised mediterranean baby octopus to share

    starting with a asparagus, maitaki mushrooms, pecorino cream, white truffle oil. Following that up with, herb crusted french'ed rack of AU lamb served med-rare, duck confit potato's and a warm enoki mushroom and sunchoke with truffle cream and fresh marjoram.

    finishing with perhaps a tarte au citron and a piece of brie some walnuts?

    or maybe finish with a good expresso

    If I didn't already have a husband....
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    Eat what you want and enjoy your birthday. Mine was yesterday and my mom made me salmon, asparagus and a salad. We had fresh fruit for dessert but that was my choice because it's been so hot. I'm definitely having cake at our summer birthday party!

    Enjoy your birthday and don't worry about the calories. If you've been eating well for awhile then you probably won't even go over maintenance because your new good habits will help you eat in moderation.
  • RobTheGourmet
    RobTheGourmet Posts: 189 Member
    maybe open the evening with a bottle of 2009 chateau du pape, enjoy some braised mediterranean baby octopus to share

    starting with a asparagus, maitaki mushrooms, pecorino cream, white truffle oil. Following that up with, herb crusted french'ed rack of AU lamb served med-rare, duck confit potato's and a warm enoki mushroom and sunchoke with truffle cream and fresh marjoram.

    finishing with perhaps a tarte au citron and a piece of brie some walnuts?

    or maybe finish with a good expresso

    If I didn't already have a husband....

    haha <3

    can never go wrong with a french red :)
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    my birthday is next week and i really wanna celebrate it with yummy food and a cake but i dont wanna have a cheat day because i just started working out and i dont want to have the scale discourage me after my birthday dinner. Anyone have any suggestions on where or what to eat! my husband is going to want to take me out for dinner but i dont wanna just eat of the salad menu. sushi is healthy right?

    My birthday was yesterday so I went to the gym, did 90 minutes on the treadmill at a healthy incline and worked out with machines. Burned 800+ calories so I could eat what I wanted and I did. We went for Thai which is my favorite but because I banked the calores I could enjoy my special day... and so should you!
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Eat what makes you happy. If you don't want to go over your daily goals then you already know what is reasonable - lean protein, lots of veggies, minimal extras (like sauces). If you can be okay with it, eat whatever you want but plan for it. If you're really jonesing for some alfredo then have it. Seriously watch what you're eating the rest of the day and maybe spend a bit more time exercising, but then move on the next day and don't dwell on it.

    Edit: Because it is worth mentioning that if you are a steak eater, Filet Mignon is actually one of the leaner cuts of beef. Definitely a birthday-worthy entree.
  • MrBecky
    MrBecky Posts: 55 Member
    maybe open the evening with a bottle of 2009 chateau du pape, enjoy some braised mediterranean baby octopus to share

    starting with a asparagus, maitaki mushrooms, pecorino cream, white truffle oil. Following that up with, herb crusted french'ed rack of AU lamb served med-rare, duck confit potato's and a warm enoki mushroom and sunchoke with truffle cream and fresh marjoram.

    finishing with perhaps a tarte au citron and a piece of brie some walnuts?

    or maybe finish with a good expresso
    :laugh: :laugh: