Weekly Caloric Intake, not just daily.

Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
Quick question guys.. does anyone here not only count their DAILY caloric intake, but weekly also? Say.. you mess up one night and maybe had some pizza, and went over by 300 or so calories. Can you make that up during your week so that your " weekly caloric intake" still sits even? Or would this be unhealthy to put your body through? I feel like if it evens out It SHOULD be alright, but I am still learning every day.



  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    It should be okay. I think most people don't commonly do it because it is a slippery slope. Some people purposefully bank calories, eating 100 less than allotted Mon-Thurs to save up for a couple of beers on Friday night for example. Oters have big days and little days.
  • Pvestin
    Pvestin Posts: 19 Member
    My opinion is yes, You can go over one day and make up for it the next, or vice versa. I think for health's sake you should eat 1200 calories every day minimum.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I figured it wouldn't be such a bad idea. usually I eat between 1200-1400 a day. I don't always work out either, but it's still a deficit for me... but when I have bad nights, I try and make up for it during the week. I have heard of some people " zig zagging" their days? That sounds dangerous lol.
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    Quick question guys.. does anyone here not only count their DAILY caloric intake, but weekly also? Say.. you mess up one night and maybe had some pizza, and went over by 300 or so calories. Can you make that up during your week so that your " weekly caloric intake" still sits even? Or would this be unhealthy to put your body through? I feel like if it evens out It SHOULD be alright, but I am still learning every day.


    For me weekly calories, protein, carbs, etc is far more important. I try to get a 3500 a week deficit (i.e. 1 pound fat a week) or less to maintain as much muscle as possible.
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    I figured it wouldn't be such a bad idea. usually I eat between 1200-1400 a day. I don't always work out either, but it's still a deficit for me... but when I have bad nights, I try and make up for it during the week. I have heard of some people " zig zagging" their days? That sounds dangerous lol.

    Why is zig zagging dangerous? If I have a hard lift or long competitive bike ride, I adjust my calories and protein way up and may go over calorie limit for the day. Furthermore, when I am cutting fat (weekly deficit of 3500 calories) if I get too weak, I will go back to gaining a little to increase strength, and then go back to cutting fat. Depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I figured it wouldn't be such a bad idea. usually I eat between 1200-1400 a day. I don't always work out either, but it's still a deficit for me... but when I have bad nights, I try and make up for it during the week. I have heard of some people " zig zagging" their days? That sounds dangerous lol.

    Why is zig zagging dangerous? If I have a hard lift or long competitive bike ride, I adjust my calories and protein way up and may go over calorie limit for the day. Furthermore, when I am cutting fat (weekly deficit of 3500 calories) if I get too weak, I will go back to gaining a little to increase strength, and then go back to cutting fat. Depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

    It sounds dangerous to me, doesn't mean it is. Like you said, " depends on what you are trying to accomplish".. it wouldn't be for me since I am mostly sedentary. I prob work out 2 times a week due to time, I used to be able to do it 5-6 times a week but, life happened.

    Also.. I have been doing between 1200-1400 for over a year now.. when does the body start to adjust to this, and no longer see's this as a deficit?
    ELVISDEAN Posts: 77
    First of all you look great kid...keep going but you dont have to...:) the secret of the Calorie counting game IS WEEKLY.

    I call it Roller coasting my cals...in other words most of us have different workouts during the week rest days intense days cheat days...so you see you naturally will eat more on the hard workout days less on rest days etc. this has changed my life....
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I read dangerous to mean what I was referring to earlier when I said it can be a slippery slope. Careful planning of days with different amounts is not unhealthy. The danger is when it becomes too easy to say "I will eat light tomorrow to make up for this" and then tomorrow comes and you change that to "as long as the week totals out okay" and go over again and then... you know where that is headed. I think "banking calories", where the lower days come first, is safer not from a physiological standpoint but just because it keeps me honest.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    I do this, but have no actual proof of whether it's an ok thing to do or not. I'm still seeing loss, but it's slow right now (more off days than on, unfortunately).

    Will check up for public opinion later :)
  • pturner135a
    I try to do extra exersize the day before when I know I'm going to go over the daily count. Doesn't always work but I think the weekly is what's working for me- trying to keep daily variations within 25% although weekends are often very low or negitive net if I'm doing alot of exersize (tennis, walking, golf, yard work). Been a little over a month and seems to work for me.
  • lswain1970
    lswain1970 Posts: 58 Member
    First of all you look great kid...keep going but you dont have to...:) the secret of the Calorie counting game IS WEEKLY.

    I call it Roller coasting my cals...in other words most of us have different workouts during the week rest days intense days cheat days...so you see you naturally will eat more on the hard workout days less on rest days etc. this has changed my life....

    ^^ I couldn't agree more. I personally don't believe our bodies run on a midnight to midnight clock. While I wouldn't want to have a severely low day which took me below 1200 in any given week, being able to view my intake over the week rather than getting all worked up about being a few hundred calories over on a day has been a big part of why this is working for me now. If I could never have a day where I indulged (celebration, just plain hungrier) without beating myself up or fearing I would wreck my progress I would have gotten (and have in the past) discourage a long time ago.

    Just my opinon of course...it has worked for me :)
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I use an Excel spreadsheet to log daily calories in/out, compute total weekly calories, compute a daily average over the week, and log weekly weight. This gives me a pretty good grip on what works for me and what does not. I tend to go over my goal intake calories on rest days, break even on lower intensity workout days, and come in under on big burn days. As long as it all averages out over the week I hit my goals as reflected in weight, body fat, and muscle mass.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    My opinion is yes, You can go over one day and make up for it the next, or vice versa. I think for health's sake you should eat 1200 calories every day minimum.

    This is my view as well. I'm also a person who "banks" calories if I know I'm going to splurge.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    First of all you look great kid...keep going but you dont have to...:) the secret of the Calorie counting game IS WEEKLY.

    I call it Roller coasting my cals...in other words most of us have different workouts during the week rest days intense days cheat days...so you see you naturally will eat more on the hard workout days less on rest days etc. this has changed my life....

    Thank you!!! means a lot to hear that from time to time! Means I have done something right haha, butttt See I look smaller than I am ( guess I am lucky in that respect) I am still 180 lbs, which WAS my goal weight.. but seeing how 180 still looks, there is still room for improvement!

    See I ate HORRIBLY yesterday, AND didn't work out.. so I am trying to fix my week so it isn't as damaging to my weekly caloric intake as It potentially COULD be. Guess I should step it up and do a few extra work outs too!
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    My opinion is yes, You can go over one day and make up for it the next, or vice versa. I think for health's sake you should eat 1200 calories every day minimum.

    This is my view as well. I'm also a person who "banks" calories if I know I'm going to splurge.

    This is how I used to be.. but then I got so obsessive I took a break. I guess I am trying to get back in the swing of it all! I ended up quitting smoking, and now I really need to step my game up.. I fear weight gain!
  • jenniferwoodweeg
    jenniferwoodweeg Posts: 45 Member
    My good friend(who is training for next fitness model competition) , has a cheat day on Sunday only where she eats whatever she wants and during week has pre-planned, 1300 cal diet. Works for her.
  • hot2def
    hot2def Posts: 80 Member
    First of all you look great kid...keep going but you dont have to...:) the secret of the Calorie counting game IS WEEKLY.

    I call it Roller coasting my cals...in other words most of us have different workouts during the week rest days intense days cheat days...so you see you naturally will eat more on the hard workout days less on rest days etc. this has changed my life....

  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I read dangerous to mean what I was referring to earlier when I said it can be a slippery slope. Careful planning of days with different amounts is not unhealthy. The danger is when it becomes too easy to say "I will eat light tomorrow to make up for this" and then tomorrow comes and you change that to "as long as the week totals out okay" and go over again and then... you know where that is headed. I think "banking calories", where the lower days come first, is safer not from a physiological standpoint but just because it keeps me honest.

    This is how I feel!

    For the longest time I was SOOO strict, actually obsessive to the point where If i went over, i would beat myself up so much. SO I STOPPED counting for a while and just lived.. I still have been losing but not nearly as much.. so now I am trying to find a happy medium where I can still be at a deficit, lose weight, but enjoy myself along the way too without beating myself up.

    I want to try juggling my calories around but I just don't want to give myself too much wiggle room to fall off the wagon completely.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I really appreciate the input guys, pretty much.. this is the answer I was looking for.. Now I need to come up with a new work out and food plan... I just recently quit smoking ( 2 months) and this past month was SO hard for me, so tired, sluggish, and my sweet tooth is out of control... so I need to take control before I gain any weight.. some people I know have gained 30+ from quitting.. I can't let it happen to me.

    So basically, even though I have already lost 65 lbs.. I need to restart and get my mind in a new place.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I zig zag my calories on purpose on a daily basis and only look at my total calories for the week (and average daily calories).
    I purposely allow for more calories on Fridays because I weigh Friday morning, and we go out to eat on Friday nights. Saturday, I eat at my regular calorie goal, then Sunday is somewhere between Friday and Saturday's number. Monday, I eat at a low number, then I basicaly look at how many calories I have left for the week and divide them between Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I will tend to eat more of them on Tues/Wed, and then the remaining calories I eat on Thursday (which end up being to the lower side/below my daily goal number). In the end, as long as my weekly number is where it should be, I'm happy, and this has been working consistently, I've lost almost 45 lbs doing this.

    I don't like eating the same number of calories every day because every day is completely different from the next. Sometimes we are more hungry then other days, sometimes we need to eat a meal outside the home or splurge a little bit, etc.. we need to allow for those daily changes. If I try to eat the same number every day, I end up being hungrier some days and then I go over my weekly goal. I've also hit a plateau doing that - I believe the body gets used to the same pattern and it is good to switch it up to try to "trick" your body, at least that's what I've read.

    *Edit* I've also found that if I have a really bad day/higher than where I wanted to be on that high day, and then I try to "make up" for it too much throughout the week, I actually end up eating more, because them I'm way too hungry on the rest of the those days. So instead, I just treat the week as normal, and if those extra calories on that one day end up not meaning a loss for that week - no big deal. I'd rather no loss than a huge gain.

    Oh and if you are using 1200 calories as your goal and working out on top of that, I'd pretty much guarantee you are eating at way too low of a goal number. But that is a whole separate issue.