Cardio vs Strength Training

Hey Everyone!

This might sound stupid, but in your own words tell me what the benefits are of Cardio workouts and Strengthening exercises are. What are the major differences? Which do you prefer or do you do both? For example I do Zumba an hour a day, and I'm kind of stuck at 144 pounds. I have a little bit to lose around my waist, so should I incorporate some ab exercises to get rid of the last few pounds? Would it really help? My goal is to be at 130 with a flat stomach, I'm not looking to have chiseled abs or anything, just flat... So please share you thoughts with me :)


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Do both!

    For me, the benefits of cardio are improved heart and lung function, improved endurance, relieves stress, and burns calories to make a calorie deficit easier. (IE, I'd rather run three miles to burn 300 calories than eat 300 calories less.)

    Strength training, though, has completely reshaped my body. It increases your bone density, and strengthening my muscles means I'm much less prone to injury. But the biggest thing for me is that lifting weights in a calorie deficit means that as you're losing weight, you'll keep as much lean mass as possible. That means you'll lose mostly fat, not a combination of fat and muscle. And THAT means that you'll need to lose fewer pounds to reach your goal body. And your body's shape will be better. Without lifting, I had a flat saggy bum. With lifting, it looks like I got an asslift. :laugh:

    You can't spot reduce, but with less than 15 pounds left to lose, I'd suggest making sure you're set to lose .5 pounds a week, getting more protein than MFP suggests, eating most of your exercise calories, including strength training (personally, I prefer heavy lifting with compound movements) and track your progress through how clothes fit, measurements and progress photos, instead of just the scale.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Do both!

    For me, the benefits of cardio are improved heart and lung function, improved endurance, relieves stress, and burns calories to make a calorie deficit easier. (IE, I'd rather run three miles to burn 300 calories than eat 300 calories less.)

    Strength training, though, has completely reshaped my body. It increases your bone density, and strengthening my muscles means I'm much less prone to injury. But the biggest thing for me is that lifting weights in a calorie deficit means that as you're losing weight, you'll keep as much lean mass as possible. That means you'll lose mostly fat, not a combination of fat and muscle. And THAT means that you'll need to lose fewer pounds to reach your goal body. And your body's shape will be better. Without lifting, I had a flat saggy bum. With lifting, it looks like I got an asslift. :laugh:

    You can't spot reduce, but with less than 15 pounds left to lose, I'd suggest making sure you're set to lose .5 pounds a week, getting more protein than MFP suggests, eating most of your exercise calories, including strength training (personally, I prefer heavy lifting with compound movements) and track your progress through how clothes fit, measurements and progress photos, instead of just the scale.
    This. All of this.
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    For me,, Cardio burn a lot of calories,, make your heart & brain healthy


    Lifting or Strength Training burn also calories even at rest,, strengthens your bone at make your muscles very hard
  • alexandriapatton
    alexandriapatton Posts: 117 Member
    Do both!

    For me, the benefits of cardio are improved heart and lung function, improved endurance, relieves stress, and burns calories to make a calorie deficit easier. (IE, I'd rather run three miles to burn 300 calories than eat 300 calories less.)

    Strength training, though, has completely reshaped my body. It increases your bone density, and strengthening my muscles means I'm much less prone to injury. But the biggest thing for me is that lifting weights in a calorie deficit means that as you're losing weight, you'll keep as much lean mass as possible. That means you'll lose mostly fat, not a combination of fat and muscle. And THAT means that you'll need to lose fewer pounds to reach your goal body. And your body's shape will be better. Without lifting, I had a flat saggy bum. With lifting, it looks like I got an asslift. :laugh:

    You can't spot reduce, but with less than 15 pounds left to lose, I'd suggest making sure you're set to lose .5 pounds a week, getting more protein than MFP suggests, eating most of your exercise calories, including strength training (personally, I prefer heavy lifting with compound movements) and track your progress through how clothes fit, measurements and progress photos, instead of just the scale.

    Wow, thank you...

    my butt is kind of flat too... so I guess I better start the strength training... Just need to get my hands on some weights, or hit the gym. And I usually eat more protein anyway than what MFP suggests, I figure if I workout than protein will help me build muscle... so thank you again.
  • alexandriapatton
    alexandriapatton Posts: 117 Member
    For me,, Cardio burn a lot of calories,, make your heart & brain healthy


    Lifting or Strength Training burn also calories even at rest,, strengthens your bone at make your muscles very hard

    Thanks, I'll keep that in mind :)
  • Cbefitforlife
    Cbefitforlife Posts: 83 Member
    I use to go to a gym where I was able to use weights all the time. The big machines where you could rotate around to each one. I weighed 10lbs. more, but my arms felt and looked more toned. Sometimes what you see on the scale, does not compare to inches lost and definition. I had to figure out what I could do at home to compensate.

    Not saying to stop cardio, but if you are looking to tone up that stomach and get some definition in your whole body, weights, def. should be included. Now I just use free weights at home, and do a video called no more trouble zones from Jillian MIcheals. I add that to 30min. of cardio. NOt the whole video though. I would die if I did the whole thing.

    I mainly do the ones with legs and buns. Large muscle groups burn more calories. There are 3 of them along with a warm up. I do 1 6min. workout added to my cardio. Depending on the shape you're might be able to do more. I spread mine out so I am working dif. muscles everday. IN that 6min. my heart is sky rocket high. Higher then a 30min. brisk walk....not kidding. She just knows what to do and combine together to get you rock solid.

    Also, After I get on the computer, I make myself do a set of 10 second planks. I do three sets. These are one of the best ab moves ever. Kathy Smith also has a ab workout video. It is like 6 different workouts that you switch up everyday. They are all 10 min. long. Each one works different areas. The standing abs are one of my fav. because you get a little cardio in there too. It raises your heart rate while you are getting ab action at same time.

    This video is Kathy Smith Tummy Trimmers. STanding abs, core abs, boot camp abs, stability ball abs, and pilates mat abs. It is worth a try!!!!!!
  • alexandriapatton
    alexandriapatton Posts: 117 Member
    I use to go to a gym where I was able to use weights all the time. The big machines where you could rotate around to each one. I weighed 10lbs. more, but my arms felt and looked more toned. Sometimes what you see on the scale, does not compare to inches lost and definition. I had to figure out what I could do at home to compensate.

    Not saying to stop cardio, but if you are looking to tone up that stomach and get some definition in your whole body, weights, def. should be included. Now I just use free weights at home, and do a video called no more trouble zones from Jillian MIcheals. I add that to 30min. of cardio. NOt the whole video though. I would die if I did the whole thing.

    I mainly do the ones with legs and buns. Large muscle groups burn more calories. There are 3 of them along with a warm up. I do 1 6min. workout added to my cardio. Depending on the shape you're might be able to do more. I spread mine out so I am working dif. muscles everday. IN that 6min. my heart is sky rocket high. Higher then a 30min. brisk walk....not kidding. She just knows what to do and combine together to get you rock solid.

    Also, After I get on the computer, I make myself do a set of 10 second planks. I do three sets. These are one of the best ab moves ever. Kathy Smith also has a ab workout video. It is like 6 different workouts that you switch up everyday. They are all 10 min. long. Each one works different areas. The standing abs are one of my fav. because you get a little cardio in there too. It raises your heart rate while you are getting ab action at same time.

    This video is Kathy Smith Tummy Trimmers. STanding abs, core abs, boot camp abs, stability ball abs, and pilates mat abs. It is worth a try!!!!!!

    Thanks for the tips!
  • sexymuffintop
    Theres an absolute word of difference between them. I see both as part of an overall programme depending on what you want to achieve.

    Lifting will give you that sculpted hard 'toned' look you see on fitness models, IF you can reduce your body fat down low enough to show the muscle you have built.

    Cardio will condition your heart and burn more calories than lifting in general, but for me personally didn't do much to change my body shape, even at a low weight.
  • alexandriapatton
    alexandriapatton Posts: 117 Member
    Theres an absolute word of difference between them. I see both as part of an overall programme depending on what you want to achieve.

    Lifting will give you that sculpted hard 'toned' look you see on fitness models, IF you can reduce your body fat down low enough to show the muscle you have built.

    Cardio will condition your heart and burn more calories than lifting in general, but for me personally didn't do much to change my body shape, even at a low weight.

    Well judging by your profile picture you're doing something right. That's where I want my stomach to be one day. I don't want too much muscle definition, but I do want to look a bit toned.
  • jackieleannebowman
    jackieleannebowman Posts: 29 Member
    I started out doing more cardio than strength training and dropped weight, but still felt kind of "jiggly" then I added in more strength training and less (but more intense HIIT running) cardio and the fat just starting melting away! The scale hasn't moved a whole lot in the last 3 months, but I went from a size 10 pant size to size 6 and only lost maybe 5 lbs... I am definitely an advocate of doing both!!
  • sexymuffintop
    Theres an absolute word of difference between them. I see both as part of an overall programme depending on what you want to achieve.

    Lifting will give you that sculpted hard 'toned' look you see on fitness models, IF you can reduce your body fat down low enough to show the muscle you have built.

    Cardio will condition your heart and burn more calories than lifting in general, but for me personally didn't do much to change my body shape, even at a low weight.

    Well judging by your profile picture you're doing something right. That's where I want my stomach to be one day. I don't want too much muscle definition, but I do want to look a bit toned.

    Thank you, to be fair though, I've always been more of a pair shape, all my weight tends to go on my hips and *kitten*!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Cardio is great for your heart and it does help with weight loss.

    I like to do cardio because I like to sweat and it leans me out. I love to lift because I love the muscles and strength I've gained.
  • LaDonnaF
    LaDonnaF Posts: 53 Member
    Advocate of both. Doing both strength training and cardio, however, you will have to change the way you eat/what you're eating. I hope you are not just eating what MFP recommends for 1/2lb a week weightlosee (i.e. 1200 calories) or this "plateau" could be serious metabolic damage from eating so little.

    If you're going to do cardio and strength training you should up your calories to eat at least your maintenance if not 100-200 calories more otherwise you will just be spinning your wheels. has a wealth of knowledge about lifting weights and nutrition for meeting a variety of health/fitness goals.

    Best of luck
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    Personally I do more strength than cardio.. I felt like a mouse on a wheel killing myself all the time with cardio and not seeing much results - some but not much. I started lifting weights .. heavier weights, bringing myself to muscle fatigue with each exercise every day about a month and a half ago I have seen the best results I have seen in 6 months. I stopped caring about the pounds .. i was actually stuck at 144lbs and I dropped 4lbs that first month of lifting. I feel better, and I look a lot more fit than I ever have killing myself repeatedly with cardio. I do believe its good to be well rounded when it comes to fitness so I still do cardio at least twice a week I just don't focus on it like I used to.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    More heavy weights, less cardio.

    I haven't stopped doing cardio all together but I limit it to 40-60 minutes a week (high intensity cardio). I spend most of my time at the gym lifting.
  • alexandriapatton
    alexandriapatton Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you all for replying. I will definitely start doing more weight lifting that way I can begin to tone my body. :) I'm just so scared of eating more calories. Half the time I feel like I've eaten too much when I go past 1200 or 1300. But I will definitely try my best. :)
  • Ichigo2012
    Ichigo2012 Posts: 31 Member
    Friend 1: You look great, what do you do for exercise?

    Friend 2: I lift weights.

    Friend 1: That's cool, what do you do for cardio?

    Friend 2: I lift weights faster.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    I do both.

    It's a bit of an oversimplification, but I use strength training to focus on maintaining and upgrading the musculoskeletal system while I use cardio to focus on maintaining and upgrading my cardiovascular system.

    It's very much the same logic behind why I bring my car in for different types of maintenance (oil change, brake pad replacement, air filter change, etc) in order to keep the whole vehicle running smoothly. Sometimes they're done together, sometimes they're done individually or as needed.
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    I was actually where you are at, stuck at 145 a week ago for about 3 months. I was losing weight steadily up to that point. I did cardio three times a week, a long run, shorter speed run and fast mountain hills as well. I also recorded each and every food and made sure I ate about 1300 calories per day. Fitnesspal calculated 1340 for me. Be careful with fruits, I love them but calories can unfortunately add up. I lost five pounds to 140 this morning. My stomach is almost flat. I didn't do any stomach exercises because as everyone on here says you can't spot reduce. I think lifting and strength training is fantastic it's just that I did cardio.
  • alexandriapatton
    alexandriapatton Posts: 117 Member
    I do both.

    It's a bit of an oversimplification, but I use strength training to focus on maintaining and upgrading the musculoskeletal system while I use cardio to focus on maintaining and upgrading my cardiovascular system.

    It's very much the same logic behind why I bring my car in for different types of maintenance (oil change, brake pad replacement, air filter change, etc) in order to keep the whole vehicle running smoothly. Sometimes they're done together, sometimes they're done individually or as needed.

    That makes the most sense to me. Thank you!