Runners with Foot Problems?

Hi all,
I'm looking for some advice - I have flat feet that are caused by weak ankles and have worn arch supports all my life.
I used to be incredibly athletic, but for many years haven't been doing anything.
I decided to re-take-up running, and have only been at it a couple weeks. My first week I was very sore, which I expected - especially in my one foot.
Well, I've still been trying to get in three runs a week (with Runkeeper) but I'm starting on my third week and my foot is still painful even though all my muscle soreness has subsided. There was no instance in any run where I could pin point that I did something to cause injury. There is no swelling or bruising - but it's painful enough that I limp when I walk.
Any advice? As to what I may have done, or even if there are any other flat footed runners out there who have some tips and tricks to make running, generally, less of a hassle?


  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    What kind of shoes are you wearing? Did you buy them at a running store, and if so, did they assess your running mechanics before selling you the pair?

    Regarding the weak ankle problem, do some calf raises. I like one-legged ones, since that increases foot strength, too. Eventually, you might want to add some weights--grab some dumbbells or kettlebells while you do them.
  • DavidHusky
    DavidHusky Posts: 112 Member
    Shoes would be the first thing I would check - if you haven't already get fitted at a running specialty store so they can analyze how you walk/run and recommend a shoe. I have basically zero arch and used to have issue with my feet falling asleep and/or pain, but this time around , with proper shoes and a mid foot strike I haven't had any foot issues (started back up about 6 months ago).

    Edit: looks like someone beat me to it. I also noticed when I started strengthening my leg stabilizer muscles that I am a lot less prone to twisting ankles.
  • beemgrace
    beemgrace Posts: 19
    Thanks for the help. I do have a decent pair of running shoes I just bought, but wasn't fitted at a running store since I have orthotics but maybe I should look into that.

    @DavidHusky that's good to know! I twist my ankles all the time - although haven't running yet which is why I'm concerned over this foot pain.
  • AmyJo0
    AmyJo0 Posts: 214 Member
    I can sympathize with you. I have been battling plantar fasciitis for a couple of years.
    The more it hurt, the less I ran, the less I ran, the more weight I gained. The more weight I gained, the more my feet hurt when I I did run. Finally I did see a podiatrist and with the help of orthotics and physical therapy I am back into running. Physical therapy consisted of a lot of leg and stabilization exercises, also stretches and exercises to get the blood flowing in my feet more.
    One that really helped was with a bare foot they would place a towel under my foot and I would have to crunch the length of the towel with my toes. So you would open toes, then crunch toes, lift heel and repeat (foot looks like an inch worm over the length of the towel.) They would also have me doing a lot of stretching exercises like toes pointed toward shin and hold for 20 seconds then toes pointed away from shins for 20 seconds.
    But when my arches really hurt I use a water bottle that has been frozen and I roll it under my foot on and off for 20 minutes at a time (with a sock on cause I couldn’t stand the cold on my feet). Also any anti-inflammatory like Advil or Motrin helped a lot.
    I hope any of these suggestions help you. The other advice I can give is see a podiatrist! I waited too long.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Yeah, I agree with AmyJo re: foot exercises and stretches.

    Something else I wanted to add: I walk a lot (live in a city, have no car), and since I am a woman, I've been known to wear stupid shoes. Sometimes these stupid shoes hurt my feet, ankles and knees more than running does. So consider what kind of shoes you wear between your runs. I have gotten smarter about this over the years, and my feet hurt less.
  • BetterMike
    BetterMike Posts: 131 Member
    You should see a foot or sports doctor. I doubt anyone here can give you the right advice even if well meaning.
  • beemgrace
    beemgrace Posts: 19
    @AmyJo0: Thanks for the help! I had actually went to see a podiatrist in June and he offered to do a stent surgery to correct my ankles and feet. Unfortunately it will cost me a good amount of money and can't afford it right now (poditrists in Canada are not covered). So I am seeing a sports med. doctor this week to get a second opinon on that, and will definitely be mentioning this to her. It's always nice to hear what others have done, whats worked and what hasn't!

    @bumblebums: I know, I have never been that great about what shoes I've worn, but I have been trying to wear closed shoes with my orthotics for the past while, and if I wear sandals I only wear Birkenstocks or something similar (like Vikings).

    Thanks everyone!