Men are also on here

jruizuk1 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
i have recently enrolled on this following a work colleague loosing 15 kgs and raving about the results. It is proving difficult to stick to The plan but I really want to loose a few pounds. Would love to hear your success stories so far as I am going to need some encouragement.


  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hi! Welcome to MFP.

    When you say difficult to stick to the plan, is it because you are getting hungry a lot? How many calories are you allowing yourself each day? Open up your diary to everybody, somebody may be able to give some good ideas.

    This is a great site, best one :drinker:
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Hey there :drinker:

    Welcome to the madhouse :laugh: only joking you've made the best move starting :bigsmile: I see you are just across the pond from me in the UK :wink: I'm Chellie from Ireland this place is like a second home :heart:

    What part are you finding the hardest it takes some adjustments to get used to it so just take one part at a time :drinker:

    Sent you a FR :bigsmile:
  • pixieE
    pixieE Posts: 30
    Heyyyyyyyy :) I ws incredibly sceptical about this site but i've found it to be the best one out there! And it works, i've gained alot of muscle and cut out so much crap that i was eting, so although i'm not sheading many pounds, i'm losing inches.
    Its amazing how much more you think of what you're eating when you have to log it all lol
    Welcome to the site fellow uk-er, feel free to message anytime! Everyone is really friendly on here so make some friends and gain support whilst losing weight :D
  • i found this site by accident, i stared april 31st, and as of today sofar lost 36 pounds, it motivates you and lets you see what ur eating, i was 205lbs 0r so when started now 163lbs, i feel great, as long as u stick with, watch how and what you eat, and exersise, there be success .. most of all its a fun site and many many great poeple, welcome MFP !!
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    I found MFP at the beginning of March. I've lost 37 lbs. The site has been a great tool for tracking inputs (calories eaten) and outputs (exercise) and for meeting other people with similar goals. It doesn't go out and run for me, but it's been very helpful. I use it to plan my food for the day, which helps immensely when it comes time to decide what I'm going to eat.

    And you've found the Man to Man group, so you are all set :wink:
  • jruizuk1
    jruizuk1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys, Sorry I have been pretty incommunicado. Just as I said sticking to the plan is the most difficult thing when life gets in the way. I am back on the gym for another go.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement.

    I am aiming to loose 20 Kgs in total. Let the games commence...
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