50% Body Weight Loss, Before/After?

adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
Has anyone out there lost more than 100 pounds and/or around 50% of their body weight, and taken before/after pictures? If so, I would love to see some!

When all is said and done, I will have lost 138 pounds (48% of my original body weight) at the time of goal. I'm really concerned about extra skin and such, seeing as how I'm 30 years old (not 18 anymore!).

If anyone has done this successfully and can talk about skin toning and/or surgery and/or possibly not having needed it at all - please share!! :)


  • Narc_soda
    Narc_soda Posts: 181 Member
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    First of all, WOW! Great job!

    When it comes to excess skin, you just have to give it time. It will shrink back. You do not need surgery. It would be great to magically be all tight, but it takes time. One thing to help speed that up is skin firming lotion. The more expensive, the better it works, but even the $3 kind will work well. Use it every day (twice a day for best results), and it will tighten your skin up until it tightens on its own. I use it. I haven't lost as much wieght as you, but I can testify that it really does work.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    First of all, WOW! Great job!

    When it comes to excess skin, you just have to give it time. It will shrink back. You do not need surgery. It would be great to magically be all tight, but it takes time. One thing to help speed that up is skin firming lotion. The more expensive, the better it works, but even the $3 kind will work well. Use it every day (twice a day for best results), and it will tighten your skin up until it tightens on its own. I use it. I haven't lost as much wieght as you, but I can testify that it really does work.

    Thanks - I'll try to look around for some well-reviewed products and start using them asap.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    123 here, looking to lose 187 and weigh 187 at my goal. I'm horrified at the thought of the loose skin and have been using Palmers coco butter daily.

    Edit: I don't have loose skin yet, trying to be proactive.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Unfortunately, no lotion is going to fix loose skin. Time can help improve it, but time won't necessarily fix it either (and I'd go out on a limb and say time won't fix it for *most* people). I'm only at about 35% loss right now. I do have loose skin - the worst areas are my stomach and my underarms, with underarms being the worst (not the 'batwings', but the actual armpit area - weird!).

    I suspect I will need surgery at some point. For my stomach, I could probably get by without it and just never wear anything form fitting or a bikini (so OK with never wearing a bikini LOL). But the underarms are quite disturbing to me.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    Unfortunately, no lotion is going to fix loose skin. Time can help improve it, but time won't necessarily fix it either (and I'd go out on a limb and say time won't fix it for *most* people). I'm only at about 35% loss right now. I do have loose skin - the worst areas are my stomach and my underarms, with underarms being the worst (not the 'batwings', but the actual armpit area - weird!).

    I suspect I will need surgery at some point. For my stomach, I could probably get by without it and just never wear anything form fitting or a bikini (so OK with never wearing a bikini LOL). But the underarms are quite disturbing to me.

    This is what I'm thinking, too. I've lost quite a bit and I definitely think I have some loose skin. I feel like, when I reach my final goal, I'll have quite a bit of it. I don't see how time alone would result in it going away. I'm seeing some problems, already, under the arms, on the stomach, and also my inner thighs. Guess I should probably start saving little-by-little for eventual surgery.
  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    I have lost 122 pounds so far. 34% of my body weight. By the time I'm done, I will truly be half the man I used to be. I have stretch marks galore, on my arms and stomach, but whateves. Skin seems to be laying on my body fairly normal. Won't know if I'll need surgury for that. Congrats on losing so much.
  • Querian
    Querian Posts: 419 Member
    I have heard that time and staying hydrated help with loose skin but I think every body is different. Great progress though and I'd take a loose skin instead of all those extra pounds for sure!
  • jdaley90
    jdaley90 Posts: 259 Member
    This person has a great story about losing 50% but they're no longer on the site:

  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    Fill loose skin with new muscles. StrongLifts 5x5
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    great job! I'd say everyone is different. Not everyone has loose skin after a massive weight loss, while others do.
  • pinupchick82
    pinupchick82 Posts: 31 Member
    I also am at the beginging of my major weight loss and am 30, but there are severl success stories in my gym that have had over 100 lbs loss there all female but what i have got from them is the early you start using skin firmming cream it dose help. I have already strted that as well as coco butter for strech marks, and the wight lifting to tone and time
  • tattoogal77
    tattoogal77 Posts: 72 Member
    I haven't lost nearly what you have but I do wonder the same thing for when I reach my goal. I do have a girlfriend who lost a ton of weight and had the skin removal surgery done not just because of looks, but because it started to interfere with her daily life. It made exercising very uncomfortable. I would say talk to your doctor if the skin is really bothering you and affecting your daily life more difficult. Congrats on the loss so far! Must feel great to weigh so much less!!!
  • shrinkingbrian
    shrinkingbrian Posts: 171 Member
    I have lost 49% of my body weight in the last 18 months (from 405 lbs to 205 lbs). I don't have much loose skin. I stay hydrated and lift weights combined with swimming. My goal is to continue to lift weights and swim and give myself another year for my skin to tighten up and bulk up a little.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I'm down 133 pounds, which is about 43% of my starting weight.

    I do not *need* surgery. I go through periods of wishing I could afford it, though. It's solely cosmetic...I'd like tighter thighs, a flatter stomach, and bigger boobs (which will be your issue, I hope!).

    Here's the thing though. I think I look great in clothes. I was comfortable in a bikini this summer. I can wear, and feel confident in, nearly everything. Losing weight was absolutely worth it. The loose skin is minor, and for that I am lucky.

    Give it time, as others said. I've noticed major differences as time has passed.
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    I have lost close to 180 pounds....about another 15 pounds and I will be at 50% initial body weight loss. I do have excess skin, and may have surgery for it but am putting that off at this stage. I still have 40-50 pounds to go. I did resistance training for most of my journey and when i consider how much I have lost yes I have excess skin but I dont think its too bad in consideration. As mentioned already...genetics plays a big part, and how overweight and how long you were overweight, personally i think the whole eating well including good fats, getting proper sleep, staying hydrated and strength training is the key. :)
  • rmolson
    rmolson Posts: 1 Member
    Just ran across your post. I lost 195 which translates to about 54% of my body weight. I have loose skin but it beats the alternative…staying fat. The thought of surgery is intriguing because then I wouldn't have to tuck my skin into my shorts for the after pics LOL. Since I reached my weight goal I have worked hard to gain muscle mass to fill in the loose skin on my chest, arms and thighs. The mind set change from loosing to gaining is difficult, but again worth it. message me for links to my Before and after pictures.
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