Body by Vi (Visalus)

Hey guys,
So I"ve jumped onto the Body by Vi boat. Is anyone else doing any part of that program as well. I started out with the most expensive package: The Transformation pack.
I recently changed my order to just Shake mix and the Metab-awake pills. Instead of 1 a day in addition to the 1 a day of omega-vitals, I've now decided to do 2 in the morning and 2 at night.
On the label it says not to do more than 4 supplements in a 24-hour period. So that's why.
Though, if I'm going to do that many a day, I may as well just purchase an OTC metabolic booster. I've done a couple others.

I'd like to hear about your journey as you go through it too!


  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    Just so happen a few co-workers were talking about it today. I have never heard of it before then. One is a male and dropped 25 lbs. even without working out. It sounded like a good program so I think it will probably work for you. Although I haven't used them yet I am quite sure I'll be at least trying it out.
  • irish077
    irish077 Posts: 32
    Ive been on it since Feb Lost 26lbs by June. Lost 31 total to date. I love it. First 26lbs was w/ little exercise maybe 2-3x a week bc my schedule was super hectic. I work out 7 days now. I only have 7 more lbs to hit my goal of 150 I set back in Feb. Next step will be to tone up a lil
    If you need any tips lmk.
  • AnitaBlake0
    Thank you Irish and Stronglife for your feedback! I'm open to hearing any negative feedback, but the fact that, that was all positive, that's so awesome! I'm lovin it so far, and It really inspires me to hear good things through the experience of others.
  • Wefita
    Wefita Posts: 91 Member
    I use Body by Vi too! I only have one shake a day tho, and I don't take any of the supplements. It seems quite pricey but has been working for me too. I lost 29 lbs in 75 days! I have been eating healthy and working out too, but I love the taste of the shakes, and they keep me full :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    Objective feedback:

    Liquid diets are nothing more than calorie deficit with some being more extreme than others. What liquid diets fail to do is simulate what eating real food does.
    Statistically speaking, 90% of all people who do a diet program fail to sustain weight loss after they stop.
    Last, an MLM well overcharges for very moderate quality of product to PAY income to people who have nothing to do with purchaser. IMO, you can get much better quality products with more servings for less money.

    Weight loss comes down to calorie deficit. That's all that diet programs promote. Lifestyle change is what one should shoot for since product use eventually comes to a halt.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • sbalisci
    sbalisci Posts: 2 Member
    For someone who isn't used to cutting calories and needs to feel full - this works for me. it was hard to balance life, low cal meals, school, work, and everything in between. I can always make a dinner, but i would fall off the wagon ordering out at work OR eating bad dunkin breakfast treats. This works for me. 10 minutes to make 2 smoothies to bring to work, BOOM. Under calorie, and then I can experiment with dinner. Been on it 2 weeks, working out 4 times a week, and staying under calorie. I am down 10 lbs and a LOT to go. I don't take the suppliments, but don't knock it til you try a shake routine :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    For someone who isn't used to cutting calories and needs to feel full - this works for me. it was hard to balance life, low cal meals, school, work, and everything in between. I can always make a dinner, but i would fall off the wagon ordering out at work OR eating bad dunkin breakfast treats. This works for me. 10 minutes to make 2 smoothies to bring to work, BOOM. Under calorie, and then I can experiment with dinner. Been on it 2 weeks, working out 4 times a week, and staying under calorie. I am down 10 lbs and a LOT to go. I don't take the suppliments, but don't knock it til you try a shake routine :)
    If spending $240 a month on a daily shakes (since you do 2 a day) works for you and you can keep that up for life, then my best to you. For that amount of money monthly, there are lots more options with comparable results and still enough left over to purchase groceries. Good luck.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    This makes a lot of sense and I've thought of trying something like that but in the end I feel it'd be a crutch and it goes right into what you stated. In addition, I can't afford it and I'm losing without any assistance of special shakes or vitamins, just the good ole fashion way with exercise and nutrition. Yes, it is slow, but averaging about 5 pounds a month which is safe and my Dr is pleased; I say slow and steady is fine. I'm making lifestyle changes so this is a way of life. I'm continuing to learn all of the time and making adjustments and improvements as I'm going, it is hard work but it pays off. If people can afford it and like it, power to ya! = )
    Objective feedback:

    Liquid diets are nothing more than calorie deficit with some being more extreme than others. What liquid diets fail to do is simulate what eating real food does.
    Statistically speaking, 90% of all people who do a diet program fail to sustain weight loss after they stop.
    Last, an MLM well overcharges for very moderate quality of product to PAY income to people who have nothing to do with purchaser. IMO, you can get much better quality products with more servings for less money.

    Weight loss comes down to calorie deficit. That's all that diet programs promote. Lifestyle change is what one should shoot for since product use eventually comes to a halt.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • roly14
    roly14 Posts: 25 Member
    Remember the golden rule lose weight fast regain it back fast These quick fixes don't teach you how to manage good eating for life
    Personally would not touch the stuff full of unknown chemicals
  • toddswifey
    My husband and I have been doing the shakes since last May 2012, It was super easy for him to drop the 41lbs and he has kept it off simply by drinking 2 shakes a day and granola bars during the day. Then he comes home eats whatever he wants for dinner and almost always has ice cream with chocolate syrup. Now me is another story, I lost in the beginning but then couldn't get no where..I have now figured out the problem...Not enough calories...So Now I work out at least 4-5 days a week, and just drink usually 1 shake per day..sometimes I will do 2 but then it's super hard to get my calories in... Then I joined fitness pay as well.
    To date since restarting in March I have lost 25lbs. But I have to say I LOVE the shakes most of the time they are just with the Banana Mix in...On the weekends I add blueberries or strawberries....The Oyster My Blend Mixer is awesome for the shakes....
    I am a distributor so if you are interested please let me know..
  • tinavanvliet
    I tried the shakes but I haven't had much luck with them so far. I like the taste of the shakes but I find it hard not to add more nutritious ingredients to them like different berries, yogurt, flax seeds etc. Maybe I make the shakes to calorie rich. I don't know. I know a few people who have good luck with the shakes. Just didn't work for me. I think making lifestyle changes is the way to go myself.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    main ingredient in these is for me is a no no. Not to mention this is like so many other fad diets out there. Sustainable weight loss comes by a change in mindset along with change in how you view food. (My PCP tells all her patients that this is not a good product to buy, and is just another fad)