Ready to shed it..


I am a 44 year old Female who is about 50 pounds overweight. I am ready to shed the pounds for good and quit playing the yo-yo game with my body. 5 pound off in the first week..Im so excited..only 45 more to go.


  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    good job on the 5 lbs just stay at it!! Good Luck!
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Welcome to this site,congratulations on your weight loss. I have been on this site for a year. Consistency is the key.:smile:
  • Consistency AND moderation!
  • tammyhoff2004
    You go girl! I know exactly what you mean!! You can do it! We'll be here for you! God bless you on your weight loss journey!!
  • Hi Sister,

    We ARE going to get it done!! We have each other and all our new friends on this site that are going through the same thing that we are. I feel very encouraged!!!

    Love you,
