can't get on other side of the plateau

I know that I need to exercise but when I see the few calories that come off after 30 minutes of hard running, it is really discouraging. I have all sorts of excuses why I don't exercise, work schedule, asthma, etc. I have reduced by calories from over 3000 to at times <500. I don't crave and I am not hungry. I seem to have hit a plateau. I am not heavy anywhere but the belly. I so badly want to get rid of it. Not a drinker i just have a pear shaped belly. I'm eating healthy, stopped drinking anything but water. Even drinking Almond milk now. I need help folks. Any ideas?? Friend me if you think you can help this old guy change his life. Thanks.


  • romach79
    romach79 Posts: 277 Member
    Have you read about getting on a low glycemic index diet? That may be helpful. Its not simply just restricting calories. The type of foods you eat, especially refined carbs could be preventing you from losing. Also, are you diligent about recording everything you eat? Sometimes I surprise myself thinking I haven't eaten that much, but when I enter it in the diary it tells a different tale.
  • tjthegreatone
    Open your diary and we can advise.
    One thing I'd suggest is varying your workout routine. Maybe your body is too accustomed to the same exercises...Maybe swim? Or take an aerobics class? Or some weight training is great for preserving lean body mass.
    Food wise, difficult to say without seeing what you're eating but I hope it's really not <500kcal/day :noway:
  • Wilsongood
    Wilsongood Posts: 22 Member
    I am reasonably sure I record everything. I'll look up the glycemic thing. i am really new at dieting. grew up in a Mcd"s drive thru. I try to stay away from the rice, pasta, bread and potatoes. I am going to really watch my carbs going forward. You mentioned REFINED carbs. I don't even know what that means. I will definitly look this stuff up though. Really appreciate the feedback folks. Nice to know there are people who are willing to help.
  • Wilsongood
    Wilsongood Posts: 22 Member
    My diary is open now tjthegreatone! Sorry :) Like I said, I sit at a desk. I have no excersise rotine at all. I have to just stop making excuses there. I will likely start with some weight lifting since the rest of my body is not what most would consider muscular. I know that 500 cals a day can't be good. It is so much less than what I am use to. I really think I use to eat over 3k a day. No problem eating a whole pizza and a side of moz sticks. I know I have made a huge lifestyle change and My Fitness Pal has really helped me. I am just so ignorant when it comes to diet terms and exercise processes. Thanks for the feedback.
  • r_balogh
    r_balogh Posts: 42 Member
    Under eating can be as bad as over eating. Let map do the math and eat what it says to lose say 2lbs a week. Add that 30 minutes of cardio and think of them as free calories you burned methemoglobin and they are yours to eat back if you choose. Or use the, as additional deficit. Don't forget lean muscle burns more calories than fat and being sedentary lowers your calories needed so just being active will help a lot. If you're looking for support feel free to add me as a friend I've been where you are.
  • Spookie02
    Spookie02 Posts: 14
    You mentioned hard running. Have you tried HIIT? (High Intensity Interval Training) instead. It may just help.
  • Wilsongood
    Wilsongood Posts: 22 Member
    Wow, there are so many options. I wish Richard Simmons lived on my street. I did a quick look up. I'll look at it more closely this weekend with wife. Thanks for the tip!
  • Wilsongood
    Wilsongood Posts: 22 Member
    Decided on Stronglifts 5x5. Heads down. Moving forward. Going to have to eat more to lose more. Thanks folks.