Proportion on carbs, protein, fat, sodium?

What is the perfect balance for these nutrients? I see that on my a report how much I get but how do I know if it's ideal? How many sodium is too much? etc.

Anyway, I was browsing around this site and couldn't find the info.

Anyone knows that?




  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    My opinion would be that peoples macronutrients will differ between individuals based on different needs and personal goals.

    I am currently trying to gain muscle mass but lose body fat and through experimentation over the past few months and some research, for me at my size and with these goals, I am aiming to reach these macronutrient goals:

    Carbs: 30% of my daily food consumption (oats, rye wraps/bread, fruit, vegetables, brown rice and quinoa)
    Protein: 40% of my daily food consumption (lean meats, whey powder, cottage cheese)
    Fats: 30% of my daily food consumption (based around good fats i.e. olive oil, avocado, nuts)

    These equal out daily in grams to being:
    Carbs: Approx 100g
    Protein: Approx 140-170g
    Fats: Approx 45-50g

    Sodium: Approx 1500mg (between 1000-2000mg daily)

    So far, this has been best for me, so I am sticking with it :)

    I have been consuming calorie wise approx: 1500-1700 calories at the moment (even though my goal is 1356 - I can see with these changes and lots of exercise - approx 10 hours per week mix of cardio (HIIT, high intensity Les Mills classes - body attack and combat) and weight training, my body is needing more food.
  • JackB121
    JackB121 Posts: 32 Member
    Definitely goal dependent. If you're doing some form of resistance training you're going to want a higher protein intake than someone who is not. Also some people respond better to more carbs vs. fat and vice versa, you have to find what works best for you through trial and error.
  • julyjulie50
    julyjulie50 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you for the info. Will do the trial and error. I do want a balance diet. I've done too many diets of no carbs. Don't know what's ok anymore.

  • oxlisaxo91
    oxlisaxo91 Posts: 67 Member

    Carbs: 30% of my daily food consumption (oats, rye wraps/bread, fruit, vegetables, brown rice and quinoa)
    Protein: 40% of my daily food consumption (lean meats, whey powder, cottage cheese)
    Fats: 30% of my daily food consumption (based around good fats i.e. olive oil, avocado, nuts)

    These equal out daily in grams to being:
    Carbs: Approx 100g
    Protein: Approx 140-170g
    Fats: Approx 45-50g

    Sodium: Approx 1500mg (between 1000-2000mg daily)

    These are my macros as well but with lower calories.
    Whats your sugar intake? I left mine at what MFP suggested but I always seem to go over! And that's purely from my lunches/breakfast. I haven't even had any fruit today yet I'm still over so I'm curious to what should it actually be or is 26g enough?