Team Fit - September

lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hi Ladies - here is our new September thread. :happy:


  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi Ladies! I did pretty well over the holiday weekend - stayed within my calories. Did Bikram Yoga for the first time - man, that ain't no joke! It's hella hot in there - 105 to be exact. I didn't do every move, but I made it through class without passing out. :laugh: I joined a Thanksgiving weight loss challenge thread on MFP - planning *hoping* to lose 19 pounds by Thanksgiving!! :drinker:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi ladies!

    I feel off the wagon for a few weeks but I'm going to try to get back on track. I had a family emergency and then I got sick. I'm not 100% yet but I'm going to the gym anyways. Ihaven't been in like 3 weeks!! EEEKKK!!! But luckily I haven't gained or lost any weight. So thats good. But i still do want to lose another 10 pounds so I gotta keep going.

    I dont know if it made natinal news but my brother in law is an idiot and was stealing stuff out of peoples luggage at sky harbor international airport. he got arrested and charged with burglary and trafficing of stolen goods. :( my poor sister is a mess. she had no idea this was going on. i guess the cops were watching him for 8 months and they did a sting operation and caught him at work the other week. so now they've hired an attorney but its a done deal. he gave back everything he took and confesed to it all so no matter what happens now, he will be going to jail for a while. we're hoping for 6 months to a year. but who knows what will happen. and i shouldn't feel bad for him but i do. he really is a good guy and i love him so much. hesaid he tried to stop but he couldn't. it was like an impluse. like a game. stupid fool. hearing my sister so sad and crying the way she has been, has been really difficlut to deal with.

    Lisa- i think i'm gonna join that group too! i really want to get these last at least 10 pounds off! if i could lose 15 though, that would be ideal!

    hope everyone is doing better than I am!! keep it up!!! can you believe we've been friends for almost a year now!?!?!? wow how times flies!!!!
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Time definitely does fly. It's been almost a year and I've only been able to keep 10 lbs off... which is less than a pound a month! (I did fall off the wagon a couple times though.) These last pesky 3 lbs seem like they will never come off! And now we're getting closer to the holiday season which is the toughest time to lose weight, at least for me!!!

    Ariel, I'm very sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. I hope he gets some help while he's in jail so that when he gets out, he doesn't do it again. I also hope your boyfriend is doing well.

    In other random news, my brother's fiance is due on Oct. 10, so shortly after she has that baby, I'm going home!!! Next Friday she's considered full term, so it could happen anytime in the next month! :happy:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi team,
    well i wasn't able to go to the gym at all last week cause i was sick. my trainer told me not to go back til i was 100%. i would say i'm 95% now, but i'm going back today anyways. i need to get on it again. i want these last 15 pounds gone! i keep fluxuating. 151, 155, 153, 152. when i weighed yestereday i was 152. so i need to be strong and get back into it. i know i can get there. i've gotten this far.

    Angie- thanks. mike had to see some kind of counsler and they told him he has a type of OCD and cleptyo. so thats realy good. cause it was more of a compulsion. he didnt really sell any of the stuff he had, he just tucked it all away. he has to start seeing some kind of forensicis counseler too.

    well i hope you all are trying to keep it up and be good. hang in there! the holidays are right around the corner!!!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Sorry I've been gone for a while. I had a back injury so I've been laying low....
    I'm back on track now. Me and my fiance restarted INSANITY and I'm super excited to get back on my workout routine. I really would like to lose 10 more pounds. I'm confident completing a full round of INSANITY plus throwing in some additional workouts would do the trick.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi Ladies! :flowerforyou: I had a nasty stomach bug this weekend, and I'm still not 100%. I was doing so well, until that, and it put me on my a**. I had my weekly weigh in this morning, and I lost 4.5 pounds in the past week! :noway: I'm not sure that it will all stay off - surely some of that is because I only ate some chicken broth for over a 24-hour time period. I'm happy about the loss - but I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it all stays off!!

    I've really been into yoga lately. It doesn't burn many calories compared to other forms of exercise, but I'm really enjoying it.

    Take care everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi girls!

    well i think i've been doing pretty good this week with the exception of eating a donut yesterday morning and the morning before. I've gone to the gym twice this week so far and will be going tonight also and probably on Saturday too. I'm finally starting to get back on track. I dont know why but lately when I look at myself I feel fat. And i feel like I look fat. so i really am going to try to be good and get these last 15 pounds off. but i have a feeling i will still feel fat after 15 pounds are gone. why does my brain do this to me? lol. so i'm hoping to be down to at least 140 by thanksgiving. my scale says 152, the gym scale said 156. but i was sick when i weighed in at the gym that day so it may have gone up. so thats another reason i really want to try to be good. cause the gym scale usually says 160. i dont like 160. i like 152. why does my scale have to be so much smaller than the gym scale!? lol god! anyways, hope you all are being good! keep up the great work everyone!

    lisa- i've kind of wanted to try yoga too. let me know how you like it after a while. i might do the class they offer at the gym. :)
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi ladies!

    well i've been doing good this week but today i am extremly sore!!! i ccan't bend my legs at all. if i want to sit or stand up., i have to hold onto the desk. i feel and look like an old man. its hillarious but painful..... what was i thinking doing leg exercises last night after the lunges and squats i did the night before!?!?!? i was thinking my legs ned to get thin! thats what it was! well i hope you all are doing good!!! i'm kinda sad we all kinda fell off and aren't on here like we used to be.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    well it seems we have all not been doing too well..... no one gets on here anymore. :( i'm trying to do good since the gym scale said i gained 5 pounds. i dont understnad how its so different then mine. my scale says i gained 2 but there is a 10 pound difference then my scale and the gyms. i dont know which one is the right one. so im going with the gym scale. since its higher it makes me sick so its making me more determined to lose more weight. so im back on 100% now! hang in there everyone! we can do it!
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