Hi everyone!!!

Hi everyone, I joined earlier today so thought I would post in here.

I decided to change my lifestyle a couple of months ago and have so far lost 25lbs (ignore the ticker, having some issues at the moment :grumble: ), I've got another 84lbs to go and I was recommended MFP by someone so I thought I'd check it out. It''s great to see so many other people who are on the same journey.

I'm a single working mummy so I have the best reason in the world to get healthy and start my little boy out with the right habits as well. I had gestational diabetes and have a very strong family history of type 1 diabetes so I'm hoping that changing my life will mean that I have as many diabetes free years as possible. My baby boy is nearly a year old which means that I'll be having another diabetes test soon, so fingers crossed the changes I have already made will keep me clear.

Anyway, looking forward to getting to know you all more and figuring out the site. :happy:


  • miss_martin
    Welcome! I just joined earlier today as well. I, myself, have type 1 diabetes so I have similar goals as you do. Unfortunately, I have been dieting and exercising for over 2 months and haven't lost a pound yet. Maybe you can give me a few pointers on how you've lost that 25 lbs? :flowerforyou:
  • danmullen
    Hi there,

    I just started a week and a half ago and am finding this site really useful. Good luck!

  • dom85
    Hmm, well, you must make sure you're eating your calories and not starving yourself. I dont know what kind of insulin you take and when but it's better to try and time it so that when you exercise before you take insulin, it'll stop you having hypos and needing glucose but also once you get into a routine with the exercise you'll probably find that you're needing less insulin if you're taking it afterwards which is better for your body but should help your body to lose weight as well as insulin tells your body what to store and what to use.

    Also, I know it's tough but the quality of what you eat is important too, I now live by the principle (as much as possible anyway) that if it doesn't have a mother and it doesn't grow from the ground etc then dont eat it, all that processed 'diet' crap does bad things to your body especially for diabetics. If you eat wholefoods which are lower on the GI index than you should be able to balance your blood sugars better which should help with losing weight.