Curious about snacks/meals for those who take Herbalife..... Also, how many calories should one be consuming daily along with the Herbalife??



  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Pyramid scheme, get off Herbalife
  • robertntharp
    robertntharp Posts: 7 Member
    I lost 85 lbs using herbalife 8 years ago couldn't afford to stay on it. wish ihad money to start usig again
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
  • aalicia88
    aalicia88 Posts: 77 Member
    In my experience, it's not worth the money. I tried it for a few days and its the same thing as if were to just eat a low calorie diet. They want you to spend $10 a day (at the one by where I live, not sure about other locations) for a protein shake when really you could buy a smaller container of whey protein to make several shakes for the same price. Plus it gets in the way of life. Say you just had a herbalife shake for dinner, then your friend invites you over for dinner. Well too bad your screwed because you already had a very unfilling "dinner" with the shake. I mean I'd rather have a good chicken, steak, or fish dinner counting my own calories, its more satisfying than drinking a shake with all kinds of ingredients I can't pronounce. Basically I didn't make it past the 4 day trial. It got pretty old pretty fast saying "no thanks I can't eat.. I already had my "breakfast/dinner" shake. My aunt considered trying it but I stopped her. I told her its the same thing as counting calories, save your money. She lost 20 pounds too :D
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    Instead of spending money on processed foods buy processed foods.

    My point is, if you can survive the rest of your life on Herbalife then go ahead and be like every lazy person looking for a shortcut. However, if you truly are serious, don't rely solely on Herbalife to lose weight. Learn to eat properly and to eat in a deficit. Plus, I HATE HERBALIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    You don't just need to lose weight, you need to keep it off. Herbal thingy won't teach you to do that.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    How many calories an individual requires depends on; their health, age, sex, weight, height and activities.

    Not which brand of pyramid scheme they've had the misfortune to get involved with.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    buying whey protein in bulk and adding in your own carbs will probably be cheaper and less processed.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Read the wiki on the company's background and cross reference it.

    I took this stuff 10 years ago when their "booster" contained very high levels of ephedra and had a very adverse reaction, as in could have died if I hadn't been rushed to the hospital.

    You might want to rethink taking this stuff and trusting this company.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Curious about snacks/meals for those who take Herbalife..... Also, how many calories should one be consuming daily along with the Herbalife??


    My day usually looks like this:

    Egg + Shake in the morning

    High Protein Snack (like string cheese)

    Shake + Cottage Cheese for lunch

    Another high protein snack (veggies- edamame is great!, string cheese, fruit etc)

    "Colorful" dinner (4-6oz of lean protein, veggie, complex carb)

    and if I'm still hungry/need to meet my calorie goal I'll usually have some more cottage cheese before bed.

    As for calories, my personal calorie goal is 1,200. But Herbalife doesn't affect that- use MFP as normal and then fit Herbalife into your actual calorie count.

    As for everyone else advising her to get off of it... I know several people who have lost 30+ pounds on Herbalife and KEPT IT OFF. Everyone is different. It's worked for many people I know, it works for me, and it may work for OP.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Curious about snacks/meals for those who take Herbalife..... Also, how many calories should one be consuming daily along with the Herbalife??


    My day usually looks like this:

    Egg + Shake in the morning

    High Protein Snack (like string cheese)

    Shake + Cottage Cheese for lunch

    Another high protein snack (veggies- edamame is great!, string cheese, fruit etc)

    "Colorful" dinner (4-6oz of lean protein, veggie, complex carb)

    and if I'm still hungry/need to meet my calorie goal I'll usually have some more cottage cheese before bed.

    As for calories, my personal calorie goal is 1,200. But Herbalife doesn't affect that- use MFP as normal and then fit Herbalife into your actual calorie count.

    As for everyone else advising her to get off of it... I know several people who have lost 30+ pounds on Herbalife and KEPT IT OFF. Everyone is different. It's worked for many people I know, it works for me, and it may work for OP.

    You know what also worked for a whole lot of people? Eating whole food and exercising.

    But hey! Whatever floats your boat :ohwell:
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Yeah, that worked for me too- that's how I lost my first 12 pounds (slowly). But using Shakes for breakfast and lunch fits into my lifestyle more easily right now than cooking a bunch of food all the time.

    Not sure if you even saw what a normal day looks like for me, but I'm still eating healthy WHILE using Herbalife. It's possible to do both. The company has been around forever, tons of people get results, so obviously it's not as evil as everyone thinks it is. These shakes are not much different than other protein shakes, so if people choose to use THIS system, I'm not really sure why everyone flips out.
  • To be fair, everyone is going to have different experiences with different things. If this is what works for you guys, then great! I like to drink an herbalife shake from the shake shop for breakfast every once in awhile because it's fast when I'm late for work. That's obviously better than skipping the meal altogether, and I tend to feel a lot better working out on the days that I have those for breakfast. I don't know if that's because I get more protein or what, but overall, I don't find anything wrong with herbalife in any way if it works for you personally. I like them for a quick breakfast once every couple weeks. You guys like them for a meal plan. If you're happy and you feel energized and are seeing results, then more power to you. I don't get why people are so ready to bash the stuff. Those are the same people who probably have their own great system, like cutting out carbs, eating a cheat meal once a week, or always having oatmeal before a workout. We all have routines and tricks that work for us, so get off others' backs for having their routines that make them happy.