Me vs The Biscuit Tin: Snacking at work

I would love if anyone could give me some advice on snacking!

I am working over the summer 9-5 where there is a biscuit tin with free unlimited biscuits. I take my lunch with me to work, either soup or a cous cous salad, along with snacks of about 4 whole raw carrots and either banana or clementines. I also take a brunch bar so that I won't go crazy over my lack of sugar.

However, I end up picking at my lunch from about 11am and have eaten everything I take by 1ish, meaning from mid afternoon I start craving food and the biscuits lure me in.

I need some help on what I can snack on that isn't more fruit and veg, and is still low calorie but good nutrients - I am allergic to all kinds of nuts so that isn't an option! Even in the evenings I cannot resist chocolate - I have not yet gone a day without having it in the two weeks I have been logging - my willpower is awful. As you can see by my diary, my main meals seem healthy and good - it's just the snacks I cannot seem to grasp.

Any advice would be wonderful, thanks


  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    You don't need more low calorie food, you need food that satiates you. It looks like on most days you don't come near to meeting your fat and protein goals so that's the first place you want to start -- and since those targets are on the low side to begin with it wouldn't be a bad idea to consider those numbers the bare minimum so it's perfectly fine to exceed them. Maybe full fat dips or salad dressings for your vegetables and some meat or cheese with your cous cous salad. Hard boiled eggs, chicken, egg or ham salad and cream based soups would work too if any of that sounds good to you.

    Just try and get away from the idea your food needs to be low calorie and concentrate on meeting your fat and protein goals each day and you'll be amazed at how long you stay full. Good luck. :)
  • cartoontree
    You don't need more low calorie food, you need food that satiates you. It looks like on most days you don't come near to meeting your fat and protein goals so that's the first place you want to start -- and since those targets are on the low side to begin with it wouldn't be a bad idea to consider those numbers the bare minimum so it's perfectly fine to exceed them. Maybe full fat dips or salad dressings for your vegetables and some meat or cheese with your cous cous salad. Hard boiled eggs, chicken, egg or ham salad and cream based soups would work too if any of that sounds good to you.

    Just try and get away from the idea your food needs to be low calorie and concentrate on meeting your fat and protein goals each day and you'll be amazed at how long you stay full. Good luck. :)

    Thankyou! I will definitely add in eggs and alternate tuna and chicken - I guess I am just a typical lazy student when it comes to cooking, I love houmous and dips so I shall look out for that too :)
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    Like a previous poster said, you need more satiating meals.

    Try having a high protein breakfast to get you through until lunch so you don't have to pick at it before noon, and add some protein to your lunches too.

    For me, greek yoghurt (with no added sugar, you have to check the labels that it is actually high protein because some 'greek style' yoghurts are just normal sugary yoghurts with something in it to make them thicker. Fage and chobani are good brands) mixed with something to make it more palatable is REALLY satiating. I usually mix it with dark chocolate and peanut butter but you can crush half a granola bar in there, or mix it with some honey and fruit, anything you like really! Experiment until you find something that works.

    As a mid morning snack it might help you get through the day a bit easier :)
  • JeffersJJ
    JeffersJJ Posts: 58 Member
    Remember, just like declining a guy hitting on you, there is power in the word, "No."
  • cartoontree
    Like a previous poster said, you need more satiating meals.

    Try having a high protein breakfast to get you through until lunch so you don't have to pick at it before noon, and add some protein to your lunches too.

    For me, greek yoghurt (with no added sugar, you have to check the labels that it is actually high protein because some 'greek style' yoghurts are just normal sugary yoghurts with something in it to make them thicker. Fage and chobani are good brands) mixed with something to make it more palatable is REALLY satiating. I usually mix it with dark chocolate and peanut butter but you can crush half a granola bar in there, or mix it with some honey and fruit, anything you like really! Experiment until you find something that works.

    As a mid morning snack it might help you get through the day a bit easier :)

    Thanks, greek yoghurt sounds like a great idea! I am getting far too lazy to cook meat so getting extra protein from greek yoghurt sounds very convenient :)
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    If you are okay with artificial sweeteners, the Dannon Light & Fit 2x Protein Greek Yogurts are pretty good IMO and they are 80 calories each with 12g protein. I often have one and a piece of fruit for breakfast.

    I have found it easier to cut all snacks during the work day. It wasn't really driven by hunger.
  • cartoontree
    If you are okay with artificial sweeteners, the Dannon Light & Fit 2x Protein Greek Yogurts are pretty good IMO and they are 80 calories each with 12g protein. I often have one and a piece of fruit for breakfast.

    I have found it easier to cut all snacks during the work day. It wasn't really driven by hunger.

    Thanks for the suggestions - Looks like I will barely be snacking today as I forgot my cereal bar and my vegetable peeler so carrots are off the agenda as I didn't have time to prepare them this morning. All I have is clementines, but I am at work right now and am currently eating my lunch which is pretty bulky now I have added eggs and I reckon I can last without venturing to the biscuits! :D
  • cartoontree
    You don't need more low calorie food, you need food that satiates you. It looks like on most days you don't come near to meeting your fat and protein goals so that's the first place you want to start -- and since those targets are on the low side to begin with it wouldn't be a bad idea to consider those numbers the bare minimum so it's perfectly fine to exceed them. Maybe full fat dips or salad dressings for your vegetables and some meat or cheese with your cous cous salad. Hard boiled eggs, chicken, egg or ham salad and cream based soups would work too if any of that sounds good to you.

    Just try and get away from the idea your food needs to be low calorie and concentrate on meeting your fat and protein goals each day and you'll be amazed at how long you stay full. Good luck. :)

    Thanks for the advice on the eggs - I seem to have now already hit my protein target that was set for me - I made my target 1600 cals but no idea about the individual stuff, it's only 1pm though, does going over on protein matter?
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Protein goal is a minimum. Macros are a target number to get near, not a number to stay under. Protein is one that you can go pretty far over before having any concerns.