New to the site

RobinColyer Posts: 6 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone, My husband and I just started using this site a week ago. We are on a mission to lose weight. My main motivation is to feel better about myself and have more energy. My husband graduates from nursing school this May and we are celebrating that and our 15 year anniversary in the bahamas, so I want to look fab!! I currently weigh 155 and hope to get down to 120 and firm up by next May. In the past when I have tried to lose weight, I always get frustrated with how slow my progress is. I am hoping that being more aggressive with my workouts and watching what I eat will help, and I wont get discouraged. Looking forward to making some new friends along the way.


  • nasansotta
    nasansotta Posts: 17 Member
    Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary - that's a great motivation the Bahamas - patience and you will meet your goal - good luck!
  • sejune
    sejune Posts: 15 Member
    Hey Babe!

    I'm glad to see you on here, and that you are on this journey with makes it so much easier with your support. I know that together we can do this, and get our bodies healthy for us, our family and for our long future together.

    Love you!

  • brat1076
    brat1076 Posts: 17 Member
    It is so awesome your doing this with your husband. My brother and sister in law supported each other 110%. They hit their goals last year and kept if off over a year now. There is a lot of great people and advice on this site so welcome.

  • Hello...
    It's awesome to see you guys supporting each other on here. :smile:
  • Welcome!! Good luck in your weight loss, it's totally awesome that you have support in this at home also. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you need more friends for support.
  • Welcome to MFP. We are all on here for one reason, to lose weight. This website has changed my life and I hope it does the same for you. God bless you on your weight loss journey!
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