Been on here for 20 days

Hey, just wanted to say i've been on here for 20 days and have managed to log everything that i've eaten. Im 28 and have never managed to get to what i would consider top form. Fitness has been ok, as i've done a good amount of running (maybe went a little crazy and did do a couple of 20+mile runs for fun), but i've never really thought about what i'm eating before, so most weight has been kept on.

last year i was going to the gym three days a week for around 2 hours, and doing a 9 mile run on a sunday, so I must have been eating some very bad foods + amounts, as i never really lost much weight. Over the course of 2 years i did lose around one stone (14 pounds) but that really was not good enough. I was mainly doing the gym and running though as I just started to really enjoy working out, and pushing myself to the limit. Wishing now I had of also done the better eating, at the same time.

One time around 3 years ago i got up to nearly 13 stone (182lb), but went to Berlin for work reasons for 2 months, walked around the city sometimes 8 hour days, and lost a stone (14lb) in weight. This is what made me realise I should probably start seeing If I could go running (i've got some joint problems - Arthritis, so have always been weary of running), I started and Just really enjoyed it. My current weight is 11 stone (154lb) and my height is around 5'9" My goal is about 10.5 stone (147lb) whilst also trying to just keep general fitness up.

My current Eating habits seem to be no bread (apart from on a cheat day so saturday) cut out most dairy - though the past few days i've had weetabix with a bit of milk, due to not having any eggs in the house. I was doing regular fried / boiled eggs in the morning, but i've now just started having egg white + frozen vegetables for breakfast. I'm managing not to snack anywhere near as much as I was, and am finding reading about healthy eating, and seeing peoples before and after pictures nearly every day, makes eating the right foods easier. I'm being less lazy, less compulsive in the way I eat. This site really does seem to be helping make conscious choices in the way I eat, hopefully i'll be able to get to a level of bodyfat i've never been at before, and see the results.


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    your on a roll, keep it up!
  • WhatAnAss
    WhatAnAss Posts: 1,598 Member
    Good job so far. You are doing great! Keep it up and feel free to add me if you like!
  • Dying2Live84
    Dying2Live84 Posts: 154 Member
    Yes, keep it up! Easier said than done I know, but all worth it in the end :)

  • markawebber
    Good job so far. You are doing great! Keep it up and feel free to add me if you like!

    Cheers - pretty sure I can keep this up, seem to be really enjoying it!
    Yes, keep it up! Easier said than done I know, but all worth it in the end :)

    Thanks - I'm enjoying it not being easy, the challenge of trying to make myself a bit more mindful and being less on "autopilot" when it comes to food seems to be an interesting change.
    your on a roll, keep it up!

    CHEEERS! hope so, thanks for the encouragement
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    You are doing great, well done! This site is great for helping to keep you accountable and on track. Feel free to add me, I log every day.