One for the ladies... PMS Cravings - tips please



  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Interesting responses; I am post menopausal thank god but still get cravings and have been getting steroid injections for pain which stimulate your appetite. (god I sound OLD) But for stuff everyday esp when overwhelmed, confused, hot and tired, thirsty and hungry, I sometimes eat half of what I want just to get the taste. I think seriously trying to lose weight you have to say no to yourself alot. I think there is no "blanket" answer but you can just take one craving at a time and deal with it in the most self loving and mindful way so as not to hurt yourself and your progress. It really helps being a nurse and seeing how obesity and inactivity cripples people as they age. Hang in there........ one day at a time.
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    This is my hardest fight of weight loss! I got diagnosed with Pre-Menstrual dysphoric disorder two years ago and that brings on major increases in appetitie, horrible cravings, horrendous periods of depression, lack of energy and control over everything. Its like I am two different people. It had gotten to a point that it was so bad I would gain 10 pounds back in two weeks and pend another 3 getting it off before I got smacked in the face with all the symptoms and cycle through it again. My doctor put me on a medication that I take a week before my period now that helps subdue the craziness, its called Serafim. It helps but I still have to work at it. I try to eat lots of fruits and veggies which help quell cravings, as well as, salmon and nuts. I also up my workouts, as working out actually kills my appetite. For the sweets I like sugar free ice cream like artic zero, where you can eat the whole pint for 150 calories. As far as fizzy drinks, I do not know what you can get in Ireland but here instead of soda I like to get La Croix and add different flavors of Crystal lite to it. You could do the same with regular club soda too.

    Good luck!
  • littlebee26
    littlebee26 Posts: 116
    I once asked a personal trainer at my local gym about this. The response I got was unexpected to say the least. I was told that I had 'notions'. Anyways, turns out he was right. I did have notions. I was making excuses. You are making excuses. Just don't eat it. Or eat it in moderation. Its PMS. Meh. Get on with it.

    Funny, an awful lot of women make excuses for similar food at the exact same time. Weird. lol


    You may be right. Personally, I prefer my attitude. It gets me from a to b just fine. Each to their own. The laughing face there???? I don't get it.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I once asked a personal trainer at my local gym about this. The response I got was unexpected to say the least. I was told that I had 'notions'. Anyways, turns out he was right. I did have notions. I was making excuses. You are making excuses. Just don't eat it. Or eat it in moderation. Its PMS. Meh. Get on with it.

    Funny, an awful lot of women make excuses for similar food at the exact same time. Weird. lol


    You may be right. Personally, I prefer my attitude. It gets me from a to b just fine. Each to their own. The laughing face there???? I don't get it.

    Me too. I also prefer to not take my PMS advice, especially when condescending, from a dude. That's just me though.
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    It's best to avoid caffeine although I can't say I abide by this one.

    I think if what you're craving isn't completely sabotaging you, then go for it.

    Try to keep your water up, as that helps guard against water retention (oddly), and exercise as much as you can (helps with the mad moods).

    I give in to the urge for stodge at the dreaded time. It's comforting. Chocolate helps keep the mood up and isn't inherently evil (especially if you eat the good stuff).
  • getting_fit86
    getting_fit86 Posts: 128 Member
    Try making yourself something that tastes like junk food but really isn't. I like to put some almond milk in the blender with ice, a dash of chocolate syrup, coco powder and vanilla exctract. You can even throw some frozen vanilla or chocolate yogurt in there.
  • luckynky
    luckynky Posts: 123 Member
    PMS is real. Hormones are real, just because we can't see them doesn't make them not there. When you get older and grow chin hair and the hair on your head starts to thin, you realize that hormones ARE real. Guys should know that. They are also prone to giving in to their hormones. That is why they are like dogs when they see a pretty lady walk by. The difference is that they don't have cyclical hormones, so they don't notice that they are acting like fools because they have hormone overload (especially the young ones). They are just dogs ALL the time, while we women have our hormone problems for a week or so out of an entire month. Just ask a pregnant lady if hormones are real or not. Guys need to keep their ignorant opinions and ideas to themselves. ;)

    I keep a bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips on hand, and when my PMS chocolate cravings are raging, I have a tablespoon or sometimes two. The chocolate cravings are pretty easy to satisfy, but I crave starches like breads, pasta, cookies, cupcakes, etc., and that seems harder to satisfy and easier to go overboard with.
  • Ice lollies are my trick, any low calorie sweet drink frozen gives you sweet solid food. I get very bloated around this time so I dont like eating at all, or I feel fatter than I am.

    118 lbs down to 110 and im damb well staying that weighr or under.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I just eat what I crave with no regrets. Sorry, the only advice I can give is to not punish yourself. Also, I have read that PMS actually increases your calorie burn somewhat. (some sources state about 100 calorie extra per day)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I once asked a personal trainer at my local gym about this. The response I got was unexpected to say the least. I was told that I had 'notions'. Anyways, turns out he was right. I did have notions. I was making excuses. You are making excuses. Just don't eat it. Or eat it in moderation. Its PMS. Meh. Get on with it.


    People like you used to make me feel guilty. Now that I have a handle on my eating habits.... NO REGRETS! EAT THE FOOD!
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    bump for my neice!
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    bump for the ideas and to try to remember abt that pinkpad app... I use mydays (but, like you may assume, only tracks the days)
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    Hi Ya

    I would recommend locking yourself in a room for the week and paying someone to only pass lettuce leaves under the door!!!

    If this seems a little impractical however then I find a nice cup of tea helps!!

    Seriously though, I want to eat the world at that time of the month and it is hard to stay focussed, I find that hot drinks help with the hungry and I allocate a small amount of dark chocolate into my calories almost every day. I allow myself to eat this late evening and then somehow I can get through the day knowing that I will have my sweet treat later. If I eat the sweet earlier in the day I just want more before bed time so will power still required but it helps!!

    Also keep small fruit portions available like sweet cherries, pineapple chunks, satsuma oranges etc these can help with sweet cravings without being too heavy on the calories.

    I also try to remember just how 'happy' I was when I was 40lbs heavier and somehow those lettuce leaves start to look much more yummy!!!:happy:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I set everything to maintenance. I've tried fighting in, and I just go crazy. So I eat a little more, make sure I'm hitting my calcium targets and for a week I maintain.
  • hammbone55
    hammbone55 Posts: 73
    I used to have terrible cravings a few days before my period would start. For some reason now that I went off birth control and really limit my grain/dairy intake I only get cravings once in a while. I really think that hormones in foods you eat can really make things with your body wacky. I know if I eat too many grains/dairy I get really bloated and have severe cravings. I just try to limit those things to maybe 0-1 serving a day. This is just me though and not every one reacts the same to certain foods. If I have cravings though I try to eat fruit and that usually helps. I always keep most of my fruits and veggies cut up and ready to eat though.
  • McWooey
    McWooey Posts: 61 Member
    PMS is real. Hormones are real, just because we can't see them doesn't make them not there. When you get older and grow chin hair and the hair on your head starts to thin, you realize that hormones ARE real. Guys should know that. They are also prone to giving in to their hormones. That is why they are like dogs when they see a pretty lady walk by. The difference is that they don't have cyclical hormones, so they don't notice that they are acting like fools because they have hormone overload (especially the young ones). They are just dogs ALL the time, while we women have our hormone problems for a week or so out of an entire month. Just ask a pregnant lady if hormones are real or not. Guys need to keep their ignorant opinions and ideas to themselves. ;)

    I keep a bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips on hand, and when my PMS chocolate cravings are raging, I have a tablespoon or sometimes two. The chocolate cravings are pretty easy to satisfy, but I crave starches like breads, pasta, cookies, cupcakes, etc., and that seems harder to satisfy and easier to go overboard with.

    I couldn't agree more... I hate when guys, particularly trainers, are condescending and belittle hormones that women have... its something they will NEVER understand. i get that some women don't suffer from PMS, and they're lucky... but that doesnt mean the rest of us don't. I crave the starchy carby stuff all the time, but have managed it well within my diet, the craving for sweet stuff throws me because i dont normally care for it!
  • McWooey
    McWooey Posts: 61 Member
    Ice lollies are my trick, any low calorie sweet drink frozen gives you sweet solid food. I get very bloated around this time so I dont like eating at all, or I feel fatter than I am.

    118 lbs down to 110 and im damb well staying that weighr or under.

    Good for you!!
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I don't crave chocolate during that time. However, I have been known to force myself to walk or bike the couple miles to the store so I could fulfill a donut need, or to get some burger. Big meat eater during TOM; I assume I need the protein and iron to rebuild my blood supply. I hate exercise during TOM but find that if I make myself work to fulfill the craving, it's not only more satisfying but I negate a portion of the calories through the exercise.

    I'd like to see a man who judged PMS as "made up excuses" try bleeding constantly for a week, and see if he craves anything to replace that blood.
  • McWooey
    McWooey Posts: 61 Member
    I used to have terrible cravings a few days before my period would start. For some reason now that I went off birth control and really limit my grain/dairy intake I only get cravings once in a while. I really think that hormones in foods you eat can really make things with your body wacky. I know if I eat too many grains/dairy I get really bloated and have severe cravings. I just try to limit those things to maybe 0-1 serving a day. This is just me though and not every one reacts the same to certain foods. If I have cravings though I try to eat fruit and that usually helps. I always keep most of my fruits and veggies cut up and ready to eat though.

    Funnily enough I have found that since going onto my gyms diet that is set for my body type, i now can't eat too many carbs in the day or i feel bloated and get tummy pain, i was eating HUGE amounts of carbs and reduced them significantly and it was obvious that was a huge cause of my weight gain and bloating!
  • McWooey
    McWooey Posts: 61 Member
    I don't crave chocolate during that time. However, I have been known to force myself to walk or bike the couple miles to the store so I could fulfill a donut need, or to get some burger. Big meat eater during TOM; I assume I need the protein and iron to rebuild my blood supply. I hate exercise during TOM but find that if I make myself work to fulfill the craving, it's not only more satisfying but I negate a portion of the calories through the exercise.

    I'd like to see a man who judged PMS as "made up excuses" try bleeding constantly for a week, and see if he craves anything to replace that blood.

    yes... i agree!

    and I always treat myself to a cheeseburger when Tom comes to visit because I deserve the pick-me-up! :smile: