PCOS ladies-- Check me out!

I don't share this often, because it is a hard subject for me, but for those of you who don't know, I am a PCOS patient.

I went through several rounds of Clomid treatment in 2012 with no success at getting pregnant.

Since losing weight and taking care of my body, my symptoms have pretty much went away completely and my body is back to normal hormone levels and cycles.

I emailed my reproductive endocrinologist yesterday to update him about my weight loss progress, since I haven't talked to him since I began this journey in March. He was shocked, happy, and so encouraging. His response actually made me cry.

If you are struggling with PCOS and feel hopeless, listen to me when I say this: You are not alone. It hurts to not be able to get the one thing you want more than anything, but you CAN change that.

Work hard, everyday. Remember why you're doing this. If not for yourself, do it for your spouse and a healthy pregnancy. Please understand, losing a pregnancy is harder than never getting pregnant at all.

And know this, you CAN lose weight. I was always told it was harder for PCOS patients to drop the weight, and I have shot that theory out of the water. I have lost a total of 53 pounds since March and am still going strong, still pushing harder, loving myself more everyday, and letting my light shine to everyone around me.

I have been put on this planet for a reason, and I will never again let being "too big" stop me from pursuing what I dream of. You are unique, smart, beautiful and wonderfully made, don't let anything EVER stop you from treating yourself the way you deserve to be treated.

If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be this:
Stop destroying your body because you feel hopeless, powerless and out of control. Put in the work, and above all: Love yourself.

<3 Thanks.
**Feel free to add me, please send a message with you add!**


  • Changeisachoice
    Changeisachoice Posts: 63 Member
    CONGRATS from one PCOS lady to another! My sister also has PCOS and was able to get pregnant naturally and quite by surprise after dropping 50 pounds. You are on the right track and I hope that you hit the baby jackpot soon.
  • maggiecamilo
    maggiecamilo Posts: 22 Member
    That's so encouraging to me because in the past i had the same problem, and its a miracle that I have my baby girl, this is one of the reasons I wanted to control my weight because I want to try in the future to have another baby so don't lose your hope!!!
  • You are amazing and inspirational, I viewed your post at the right time. Thank you for your encouragement to all, what a simple act of kindness :)
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    That is absolutely wonderful!

    Unfortunately I have PCOS without the typical symptoms (none actually except ovarian cysts and infertility): There is a group of women who are thin with PCOS so weight loss or a natural fix is not possible for us. I just like to keep people aware that PCOS is not always a weight issue for everyone.
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member

    If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be this:
    Stop destroying your body because you feel hopeless, powerless and out of control. Put in the work, and above all: Love yourself.

    Congratulations on your positive outlook and great journey so far. You are doing fantastic.

    What you are said above really hit a note with me as that is exactly what I did for years: my body doesn't work so why should I care....

    I actually lose weight previously - about 40lbs ad fell pregnant with a miracle. It wasn't until several years later we found out how much of a miracle since on top of PCOS I have a bicornuate uterus (so high m/c and pre-labour rate) and then we found my husband is also virtually infertile. I think it's when I had that double blow that I went backwards and gained everything back.

    I've now lost nearer to 60lbs and feel I've finally taken control. My body may not work properly (and punish me monthly from it by giving me hurrendous periods) but it won't beat me.

    Good luck with everything.

    Nyk x
  • mnrunion
    mnrunion Posts: 37 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss. I too have PCOS and within the next year the hubs and I want to get pregnant so we are working to get healthy now. I find the hardest part with watching what I eat and exercising is that my body craves carbs, as most with PCOS do, but the second I eat any refined flours, etc I stop loosing weight. I have all the PCOS symptoms and it did take awhile to accept that I can change this (to a degree). I recently went to my endo who I last saw in January and she was so ecstatic of 10 lbs of weight loss that she ran new blood panels to see the change. Seeing that change really put it in perspective for me since I had not seen a huge change on the scale. My cholesterol was not bad but it was near the top of the range and now I have significantly lowered my total, triglycerides and LDL and raised my HDL. To see that all this hard work was for something was nice, even if I didn't physically see it. Good work and keep it up :)
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    WOW! I needed to hear this.
  • p2smommy
    p2smommy Posts: 64
    Congratulations on the weight loss!

    I too have PCOS - and struggled for 6 years to get the one thing that my husband and I wanted more than anything... We lived near Charlotte NC at the time, and after spinning our wheels for 5.5 years w/ a local doctor (being told I was "too fat" to get pregnant.. I weighed around 220.. miraculously getting pregnant, and losing it almost immediately), we went to REACH (an RE group) and within 3 cycles (iui, not ivf.. we were educators and couldn't afford it with our insurance not covering any portion), had a viable pregnancy.

    In June of 2010, we had a perfect, awesome, beautiful little boy who is now 3 and the light of our lives.

    I am SO very happy for you in getting healthy.. Don't EVER think you can't do it. Don't EVER let someone tell you that you can't, or you won't because you suffer from PCOS. Whether you're a thin Cyster or one like me who has the weightier "version".. It IS possible!!

    Great job, and what a great message of inspiration to fellow PCOS'ers!!!
  • kaleena1983
    kaleena1983 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing your story. I too have PCOS. I tried several fertility treatments to no avail. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with cancer last year an had to have a hysterectomy. I guess in a way I was kind of relieved to not have to go through the fertility stuff anymore. At this point, I'm trying to drop the weight to get healthy and reduce the chances of having issues later on because of the PCOS. Anyone feel free to add me. I'm always happy to get motivating, like-minded friends!
  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    Great going!!!! :) Congrats on the amazing progress. Remember that you are strong, you are wise, and you are un-stoppable! :flowerforyou: I went through clomid, test after test, miscarried 2times and had a stillborn. I never gave up and was rewarded with a beautiful daughter in 2009 after a hard pregnancy (21wks bedrest, and multiple injections). You can add me if you'd like. Congrats again! having the right frame of mind really helps.
  • meg708
    meg708 Posts: 1
    Thank you so much for your encouraging advice and your inspiring story! I was diagnosed with PCOS earlier this year. I’m on pills for insulin resistance and hormone issues. I got serious about making a lifestyle change in June- so far so good. I am not trying to get pregnant, just trying to get healthy and happy. Hearing your story is so motivating. Good luck with everything!
  • sdahms83
    sdahms83 Posts: 8 Member
    Wow, this really is a great story. I myself am 29 and was told I have PCOS about 8 years ago and have been struggling to lose weight for a long time. I recently just got put on pills for hormone issues myself ( only been on them about 2-3 months so far) I've struggled with my weight for years, I'm currently not trying to get pregnant right I just want to get healthy and be happy.
    Your story is very motivating and I really enjoyed reading it...

    Always looking for motivating people to help me on my journey as well.. Please feel free to add me :)
  • Mimimay92
    Mimimay92 Posts: 8
    I am 21 and was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16 when I had a large ovarian cyst removed. The cyst was pretty big and it wrapped itself around my left ovary cutting off the blood supply, the surgeon had to remove the ovary too unfortunately. Since then I have been on the pill non stop and last year I switched to the contraceptive implant to regulate my hormones.

    I have always been fat, and my weight peaked this year at 196lbs. Despite this I have aways tried to keep on top of my weight and I have done several 10ks which have been so difficult carrying this extra weight, I sometimes put on weight as a result of running which is totally disheartening. I even tried diet pill supplements and cut all fat from my diet for two weeks, however the scales didn't budge a single ounce. I'm currently on Day 12 of the 30 day shred and have seen zero results, I really am losing hope. I really struggle to motivate myself after constantly seeing no difference.

    I find these stories so inspiring but then get really down about my own weight problems and failures, do any of you have any advice for weightloss?
  • NoleGirl0918
    NoleGirl0918 Posts: 213 Member
    Congratulations on your success & thanks for sharing! Best wishes on your journey to become pregnant - may you be blessed with a non-eventful pregnancy & a wonderfully perfect child in the near future :-)

    i also suffer from PCOS & was pleasantly surprised that my symptoms did get better after i lost some weight. i know that it's easy to roll your eyes (personally that's what i did) when the dr. kept telling me everything would get better (horrible periods, back pain & neck pain following various injuries, etc) if i lost weight. Then when i decided to lose weight & get healthier, i found that he was actually right - all of my symptoms have gotten better. Granted i'm not deluded into thinking that losing weight will undo damage to my neck & back, but having less weight to carry around does help out. It also reduces the chances of Type II Diabetes.
  • scrowl86
    scrowl86 Posts: 12 Member
    This is the success story I needed today. I have battling with my weight too long and I want a baby more than anything. My PCOS is so bad that I do not cycle at all. I have tried many times to start slow with diet and exercise but I see no results, only pushing hard does the trick, then I see changes in my body, on the scale and usually 2-3 weeks in to any hard dieting/exercise I will cycle naturally!

    Well I am just starting a rigid diet/exercise regimen and I need to stick with it so I troll for success stories like yours to remind me of why I need to do this. I want to get pregnant ASAP and I set my goal at a 50 lb weight loss before I go back to my doctor. So here goes!

    Thank you so much for sharing!
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    This one of many reasons as to why I am losing weight. I have had PCOS since I was 13 and it has been a struggle. I am hoping that by time I get down to a healthier weight, and our Honeymoon rolls around I will be one of many to get pregnant during the honeymoon. Ha ha....

    Thank you for sharing =) and if anyone would like to add me, feel free to do so! Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • I found out last week that I have PCOS but apparently have been battling it since a young teen. I was on birth control for years except for about a month when I got pregnant with my daughter in 2008. I have been on birth control since 2009 and stopped it in Feb in the hopes of adding another child to our family. Everything worked fine until April. All of a sudden I stopped losing weight, and stopped my cycles. It is so frustrating to have the dr say "just lose 5 lbs and it should start back up again". That's what I've been trying to do for months! lol Feel free to add me fellow cysters!
  • t4eaed
    t4eaed Posts: 25
    Congrats! I also have PCOS and had to take clomid to get pregnant which luckily worked for me and I had my daughter in 2011. I was so sick my whole pregnancy...nausea/vomiting, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and tipped the scale at over 200 pounds on my 5'4" frame. After I had her it made me realize how bad my health was and I knew I need to lose weight. I got down to about 165, my menstrual cycle returned and I conceived my son all on my own. I just gave birth last month, and this pregnancy was soooo much better! I still had everything that I did the first time, but it was not as bad. I was almost able to control my diabetes with diet alone, but ended up needed some medication...compared to the first time I was on a ton of insulin!!! The weight does make a huge difference and I'm hoping to lose my last 20 pounds before conceiving again. For all the ladies struggling, please don't give up! You CAN do it! I wish I would have listened to my doctors in the beginning and lost the weight before getting pregnant with clomid!
    Anyone that wants to add me, feel free :wink:
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