Digital Nutrition Scales ... Do they work??

syedsaad Posts: 156 Member

Today while browsing and searching for calories for a food I saw this Digital Nutrition Scale .... This is the first time I heard about it .... Do they really work?? is it as easy as putting your food on the scale and it will give you the nutrition info .... for me it looks too good to be true .... or may be I am still living in the stone age.


  • asteriskrntt
    asteriskrntt Posts: 29 Member
    They work within limits. You have to still look up the food and most have a fairly limited dbase, maybe 1000 foods. And I don't believe they let you add more.
  • syedsaad
    syedsaad Posts: 156 Member
    well gud to know .... u saved me from wasting some money :D