Weightloss During Pregnancy

If you know my story, you know I gained 60lbs with my first daughter in 2010. My second daughter was stillborn last October, and I only gained 20lbs with her, and it came off right away. Dealing with my grief, I gained 10lbs since then. The past month I've finally gotten serious about my weightloss and have been eating less (and more healthy) and moving more. This past weekend I found out we're expecting again! :) I'm super excited, but worried because of what happened my last pregnancy.

I've changed my eating habits a lot, but I still weigh 234.5. My question is can I still safely lose weight during my first trimester? By eaying healthier and moving more I know some weight will come off. I'm not dieting by any means, but would like to lose some weight if it will mean a healthier pregnancy. I know you're not doctors, but does anyone have any experience in this.


  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    This is a great question for your treating doctor.



    It is not safe to intentionally lose weight during the first trimester. Although morning sickness might be at hand, it is vital that you try to eat a healthy diet to ensure your baby gets the nutrition he needs. Restricting calories to try to lose weight will likely damage fetal development. In worst case scenarios, improper nutrition can result in early labor or cause the baby to be born smaller than normal. Furthermore, doing intense exercises that you are not accustomed to during the first trimester can cause miscarriage.
  • AniyahsMommy324
    AniyahsMommy324 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for replying! I plan to ask my doctor on my first visit. And no dieting for me, just eating healthier and moving more! :)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I wouldn't do any drastic calorie cuts but eating a decent amount of good nutritious foods and keeping active aren't going to hurt. As long as you aren't malnourished the baby will take what it needs and remember that little peanut really is about as big as a peanut so you aren't feeding yourself and a trucker. I wouldn't start any strenuous new exercise but whatever you've been doing until now is fine to continue. My daughter has always been a runner and continued running until her belly got too big for it to be comfortable.

    As you've already found out, whatever extra you gain during pregnancy beyond baby and fluids is yours to keep so keeping the extra weight off in the first place is the most important step.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    As you already know, please do not diet..i had a similar issue with pregnancy and also due to gestational diabetes, i was under the guidance of the nutritionist..maybe you can look into this option..i did lose a few pounds initially(water wiehgt i guess), but later it evened out and i just did not pile on a lot of pounds..
    I have seen a lot of overweight women just retain the same weight till end of pregnancy by eating healthy and exercising(whatever is allowed under guidance of doctor) or just gaining very few pounds..

    Good luck and ofcourse..congratulations :)
  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    I didn't gain with my second son until the last few weeks. I actually lost weight, but not on purpose. I think it had to do with my thyroid. My doctor didn't say anything (I was overweight to begin with). I had to go every week to the doctor, so if there was an issue, she would have said something (I was put on bed rest at 24 weeks).

    I would check with your doctor and I'd also look into yoga or other classes/videos for pregnancy.