Well here I am :/

Well her I am logging my weight loss. Not sure why but it seems like the thing to do. Depression has been my biggest motivator to lose my weight and even though ive lost alot im still not happy with my appearance and the depression lingers.
I would imagine with time it might diminish some and I might see myself as a thinner person.

But for now i will continue in this spiraling quest to fit in with the rest of the world and perhaps just maybe someday I will look in the mirror and see a better me.

Was a size 50 waist now a 38
Was a size 5x shirt now an XL

And still considered Obese.....................................


  • doctordana
    That is amazing! Don't be down on yourself. Many of us are our own worst critics. Need to give ourselves positive self-talk and quit feeling we're not "measuring up" to some unattainable standard of "normal." I just now got to a BMI of 25 but still weigh more than many of my friends. My goal is more about feeling fit at 40 than trying to look 25 again. (In fact, at 25 I was quite overweight and had terrible eating habits!) Depression can be so limiting and often, money and a svelte physique don't provide the happiness people think they will! That has to come from within....or with a good SSRI:wink:
  • goldspaula
    Hi there! We're glad you are here. Wow, you have lost 105 pounds? That is so amazing!!!! You are doing a great job!!! Now you just need to lose your negative self image! I'm so done with the term Obese!!!! You have gone from 50 to 38!!!!! I think you are an outstanding example and I hope you find the friendship and support here you need to really see that for yourself. Thanks for joining us!!!!
  • bellanean
    105 pounds is fantastic!!! You should be so proud of yourself and I know thats easier said then done because i am down 60 pounds and I still see that 320 pound girl staring back at me when I look into the mirror or I look at my new pics. Its a hard thing to break, the negative self imagine but just know you are doing a great job!!!!!!!
  • chicken1975
    WOW!!!! That is great!! Be proud of your accomplishment!!! I too am looking to lose a great deal of weight. You are very motivating to others such as myself. We as a society have been mentally beaten with what we should accept and not accept as positive images of ourselves. We can be our own worst critic!!! Hopefully you will truly the the beauty of your newfound weight loss and have a better view of yourself!! Good luck to you and stay uplifted if you can!!!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    You are amazing! And you look fantastic! Keep up the good work and you will achieve your ultimate goal. Such an inspiration TO ME!
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    I found your post very inspirational. I too am teetering toward the overweight category and fighting to get there. My walks (or just getting outside for a bit) lift me up and my friends on this site are very supportive on days when i cocoon and don't really interact with anyone. You've achieved so much and i will be rooting for you! Good luck as you fight on!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Even though you might still be considered obese, you have made some amazing strides and done a LOT of hard work toward your goal. Instead of focusing on the negative, celebrate how far you've come! It's just a matter of time before you get to your ultimate goal. Allow yourself to feel good along the way! Congratulations!!!!
  • sarah6207
    thats what im scared of!! ive ALWAYS been depressed and in eighth grade i got up to 189, then over the next couple yrs i went down to 148 and i thought WOW, this is amazing but why am i still SO unhappy? i have an appt. wednesday for a mental health eval. hoping to get on some type of anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med to help me cope! good luck
  • johnthefatman
    Hi there and welcome
    Man what an example to us 5x men - you're before and after pictures are so impressive. I've managed down from a 58" waist to 52" so far - still a long way to go at > 300 but this site has really got me in the groove over the last 5 weeks. I though I knew it all when it comes to weight loss having lost 50+ ponds 4 times before - how wrong I was. My mistake was not eating enough!! Its true!

    Tell us a bit more about yourself in your profile your bike looks great and those mountains awesome - please include your geographic location as this site is global and it helps to know where you are especially hen it comes to time zones, restaurant and supermarket chains, local foods etc I am guessing your North American.

    Do not accept the label obese it is a meaningless medical label - only useful to those selling cures and snake oil of all descriptions.

    Eat well - eat fresh wholesome natural food and don't stress.

    Best wishes
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Losing weight and being thin is just a part of how we feel about ourselves. It doesn't matter how much you lost or still will lose, if you're not happy with yourself, it will never be enough.
    Sometimes I look into the mirror and I don't see the changes. My mind knows I have come a long way (and I still have a long way to go), but my eyes don't see it. Others see and I'm glad they comment on it. But I? I still see the same woman I was 3 1/2 months ago. And yes, it can be depressing.
    The question is ... what is your motivation? The wish to be thin isn't enough. There will always be things that will drag you down, there will always be days when you think you can't go one step further. Still you do.
    I think sometimes we shouldn't concentrate too much on ourselves, our problems, our depressions. It's important to see the big picture. And it's also important to see what the changes we go through mean to others.
    I have a whole bunch of friends here and I love them all dearly. Their support and encouragment keeps me going, even when I think I can't anymore. And I know that the things I say to them does the same.
    You have come a long way. And in my opinion you should be very very proud of yourself. We all here know how hard it is. And if you know it or not, you are a great source of inspiration to others. This means something.
    Hang in there, stay on your road and maybe you will find inside yourself what you are looking for.
    I wish you all the best.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    The day will come when you can look in that mirror and see. I started my journey 9 years ago now and was very obese. (300+) I still have about 30 to 40 to go. Hit a standstill a while back. I, like you, still look in the mirror and see the fat woman but she is looking better!

    Congrats on what you have done and keep up the great job!

    Personally, I think you look great! Going from a 5x to an XL is a major accomplishment!!!!! Don't let anyone tell you different.

    This is my first time on MFP. I love hearing weight loss stories such as yours. It gives me inspiration to do it myself!

    All my best.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    WOW....great job on that 105 lost! I went into your profile and saw your before picture.................YOU LOOK AMAZING. You are the exact size right now that my HOT southern husband is......I think that once we are heavy....who am I kidding when we are fat, we have this preconceived notion of what we are going to look like when we get thin. But I think when the arms don't turn out the way we'd hoped or the tummy still carries a deflated tire, we think that we still are not there........Well here I am....to tell you! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU LOOK ABSOLUTELY DYNAMITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Keep up the good work and I am so inspired to see the transformation.....I have 135lbs of my own to lose.......

    Good Job!
  • YourFriendBecky
    Has anyone ever told you how much you look like Nicolas Cage? : )
  • JillTwiss
    JillTwiss Posts: 139 Member
    To go from a 5x to XL is amazing! You've done a great job! Try not to be so hard on yourself. You've accomplished more than a lot of people have. :wink:
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    hi there, and congratulations. I know its hard, but remember this. Ok, you ask, why did I lose the weight, whats my motivation?
    Your health will improve, you did it to be healthy. You did it so you wont have to lay in a hospital. You did it so you could see your family grow, you kids get married, you did it so you could hold your grand babies

    You did it, so you can live a life that you matter. You did it , so 75 years later, your grandkids will remember you with fond memories

    You did it, because you have self worth, you did it for the people who love you....
  • YourFriendBecky
    Lloydrt... that is one of the best things I've ever read. I'm going to copy that for my own inspiration.

  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Hi there Becky
    thanks for the nice words, its great to get support from you guys.....I guess being in the same boat, we can all relate to all the drama and dilemma involved in our journey to lose weight........I accept your friendship as well, what a nice compliment

    good luck, Ill be rooting for you as well in your journey...........Lloyd
  • twinsmomma02
    twinsmomma02 Posts: 79 Member
    You are an inspiration to me and I am in awe of your weight loss. Your pictures are amazing as well. I read posts like yours and ir reminds me of the fact that I shouldn't be whining about having to lose 60 pounds when amazing people like you have the strength to lose well over 100 pounds! Congratulations and good luck in your journey!
  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    Ok...stop right there! For starters, look at what you have accomplished so far on your journey!! I can guarantee you that your success is helping not only you, but so many others here at MFP. To see someone start where you started and move on to where you are now is an amazing thing. Just to see before and after pictures of yourself should make you proud. I think we all have those days where we don't feel good about ourselves. Even the tiniest, most beautiful people on the planet don't always feel good about themselves. In fact, they are sometimes the ones who have the worst self image! The point is, when it comes to physical appearance, when you fix a flaw, you're always going to find another one. If you're still stuck seeing the 'old you' in the mirror and pictures, take a different approach. Think of how you feel. How much stronger you are, how much more energy you have, your endurance, your flexibility...look at what you can do now! Think about how much healthier you are and how well you're treating your body. I imagine almost all your stats such as body fat %, cholesterol, blood sugar, etc etc have improved drastically. Be proud of what you've done, and keep all of these things in mind when you start to have negative feelings about yourself. There are way more parts to a healthy lifestyle than just how you look...you are giving yourself the best gift of all, a long and healthy life! Congratulations on your progress, I personally think you're doing fabulous. Never give up!
  • mykaar74
    wow that's amazing (the weight loss) keep up the good work. Seems like to me you have alot to be proud of yourself for. I pray that your negative self image will dissolve just as the weight has. Keep on pushing on