Running through Plantar Fasciitis

Is it possible to run through plantar fasciitis? I had problems with PF probably about 12 years ago. I have been running on and off for the last year and half and now am having issues with PF. Would love to hear from anyone else that has had issues, is having, did you run, did you stop? Thoughts??? I know this has been posted many times but just needed to hear some thoughts.


  • I have never had to experience PF, but I am an athletic trainer and have dealt with the issue many time with my athletes. In my opinion I wouldn't say it's something that you can "run through" implying that if you just keep going it will go away. While this might be true in the case of breaking in a new pair of shoes, running through PF could produce worse problems if it is not taken care of (such as bone spurs). It is however something that can be treated and can be managed. My recommendations include plenty of calf stretching, both with a straight leg and with your knee bent. You can also change up your calf stretch by pointing your toe in and out. Also roll your feet out; this can be done on a tennis ball, baseball, golf ball, or even a frozen waterbottle (this one feels especially good after a run). Or you can even purchase those weird little massager doodads. I also recommend to athletes that although this is something that they can run with/manage, if it is affecting their run/walking then they need to take that as a sign to really address the issue and potentially take some time off to let things heal.

    Lastly, there are a number of tape jobs that you could try, and plenty of youtube videos that go along with them. Kinesiotaping is huge right now (because it really does help!). It's pretty simple, but does take a little bit of learning and adjustment to get the right stretch on the tape; and I've never taped myself with it so some practice is probably necessary as well.

    Good luck! I hope some of this might help you.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Visit a podiatrist and get custom insoles. I can't even hardly manage walking without mine. It makes a HUGE difference!
  • ezrida
    ezrida Posts: 36
    I am dealing with plantar fasciitis for more than a year now and my case was very painful in the beginning.
    I decided not to agree to any invasive kind of treatment because there are many things you can do to treat your PF although I understood that treatment efficiency is very individual.
    I have found taping very useful.
    I think that shoes with arch support and my custom made orthotics has made my PF condition worse - the pain has moved also to my arches.
    I think that the foot strength and stretching exercises has made a big difference for me. I have found a very good website page about foot strength exercises in:
    I think that I can say today that I am completely over my PF - almost no pain at all.
    Try swimming and riding a bicycle - It will make you more patient about your need for foot rest. I used to run and I got plantar fasciitis so I started to swim and cycle. Today I’m better with my PF so I ended up as a triathlete - Last June I finished my first Olympic triathlon. So in the end all of this plantar fasciitis journey had a very good side.
    So after a period of rest you can run with plantar fasciitis if you follow your podiatrist advice.
    Take care & Good luck