Anyone here fighting an ED??

I know I've asked this before but I thought I'd ask again in a sort of more recent way lol.

Just wondered if there's many people on here using MFP to try and recover from or control an eating disorder?

There seems to be lots of people dieting to come down to a healthy weight (and congrats to everyone on your achievements by the way!!) or people who are at a fairly healthy weight just trying to eat slightly better and exercise more. But the number of people on here with actual food issues seems a bit sparse, mind you you could all just be keeping it quiet I suppose!

I'm not proud to admit I have an eating disorder, but I also know I shouldn't be ashamed. I do want to fight it, though sometimes I don't. It is a battle. I just wondered if anyone has a similar experience and wanted to share?


  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    I haven't had an ED, although I do have a long track record of starvation diets, motivation through thinspo, etc. I sympathize with you. :[
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    i have an ED i understand how u must feel someday i want help but im afraid to battle konwing that i will gain all the weight back that i have lost

    take care and hope u fight u ED lots of hugs :flowerforyou:
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I struggle with one and am trying to deal with it and hopefully get past it sometime soon. Sometimes I think getting on here so much and logging all my calories just makes things worse on me. But I can't break away from the obsessing over it all.
  • kaizen1993
    I have Anorexia, last year I had was put in a Hospital Inpatient Treatment place...I got to a "normal" weight, But I hit relapse. I have Bulimia, so on the days that I'm not restricting or not eating at all, I'm binging and purging...
  • blugoogirl
    I know what that's like. I developed anorexia a few years ago, tried to recover on my own and it turned into bulimia. Now I go through phases where I appear totally recovered, even so much as I've almost got myself convinced. But in the back of my head I know I'm just letting myself off the hook temporarily and soon enough I'll stop eating normally and start restricting again... like I am now.... :S
  • ErinRexia
    ErinRexia Posts: 7 Member
    I have an ED, and it sucks. I'm hoping this site wil at least help me get in control
  • kls390
    Yeah, I've had trouble with disordered eating habits for quite some time now... MFP has been helping me focus on using my calories for healthy foods and actually eating the right amount of calories in order to stay healthy, while losing weight. (Although, as someone mentioned before, sometimes I think that logging on here so often might be making my obsession with counting calories worse ha but at least I'm being more healthy about it).. feel free to add me on here, we could all use some support. :)
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I hate to admit that I read "ED" as an entirely different dysfunction that we're battling/being generously accepting of!:blushing: