
sfi2377 Posts: 7 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I am new here... Have 50+ pounds to lose. Just downloaded the iPhone app too... Actually that's how I found out about this site. Hopefully I can have better luck here than with all the other sites I have tried! :)


  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hello and welcome! This is a really great site
  • Welcome aboard and best of luck with your mission :)
  • Hello, Welcome.....I hope you achieve all of your goals.
  • Hi everyone. I am new to message boards and not really sure how they work. If you haven't guessed I am over fifty and computer challenged! I am a nurse in a large hospital and am 85 pounds overweight. I feel like such a hypocrite educating patients on a healthy lifestyle when it is obvious that I don't walk the talk! I lead a very busy life with my family and work and often eat on the fly or eat with very little thought and I know I am consumming many more calories than I need in a day. I am not on the computer daily so my challenge is to do the journaling needed to work this program. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    Hi to you all with best wishes for your success. As for the internet access, do you have a mobile with the internet? The phone app for this is FREE and very easy to use :-)

    Good Luck!!!
  • Hi! I'm new, but I've lost 20 pounds in the past for my 20th anniversary. The problem was, I gained 17 back three years later! I've had trouble getting my motivation (mojo) back, but my daughter has done so well using MFP that I've signed on and I feel really motivated again. It's very helpful to track what you eat and how much you exercise and this site makes that really easy.
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