Help! what am I doing wrong?



  • nsemrau
    nsemrau Posts: 23 Member
    Feel free to peek at my food diary for some ideas. I tend to eat 5 small meals instead of three, though. This helps me stay at a happy place all day. I'm never really hungry, nor am I ever "stuffed."
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I have been counting my calories for 6 weeks now and started exercising about 5 times a week doing cardio for 30 minutes, I am doing some strength training and yoga in addition to that. I am at a desk all day so I am sedentary but working on moving around more during the day, my job is stressful but I feel that I have made a huge improvement not to turn to food as comfort, I stay under my calories everyday and the first week I lost around 10 pounds but since then I am bouncing back and forth between 3 and 6 pounds so I've lost a total of 13 pounds as of right now. I'm not giving up, I want to be healthier but I have a lot of weight to lose and would appreciate any advice anyone can give me as to what I might be doing wrong!

    13 pounds is good for 6 weeks. I think your expectations might be unrealistic.
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    I have lost the same in about the same amount of time, and I feel good about it! I have a lot to lose but 13 lb in 6 weeks is 2 lbs per week, which is in the healthy weightloss range.
  • alhb1017
    alhb1017 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes actually that entry is correct for the cheeseburger. I had no intentions of eating a cheeseburger or drinking tea. Tea is one thing I am really trying to stay from and this is my second glass in 6 weeks. My coworker and I were having a rough day and I wasn't going to get much of a lunch so she stopped by this little place and got me a cheeseburger which would be similar to something you would make at home and a tea from McDonald's because before I started this I would have tea everyday. I couldn't say I can't eat that and hurt her feelings she was only trying to be nice.
  • nsemrau
    nsemrau Posts: 23 Member
    Yes actually that entry is correct for the cheeseburger. I had no intentions of eating a cheeseburger or drinking tea. Tea is one thing I am really trying to stay from and this is my second glass in 6 weeks. My coworker and I were having a rough day and I wasn't going to get much of a lunch so she stopped by this little place and got me a cheeseburger which would be similar to something you would make at home and a tea from McDonald's because before I started this I would have tea everyday. I couldn't say I can't eat that and hurt her feelings she was only trying to be nice.

    Unsweetened iced tea (or hot tea) is not bad for you at all. Quite the opposite, actually - tea has been shown to be beneficial, especially the green varieties. It's a fantastic substitute for sodas and other high-calorie drinks.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    You've lost 13 pounds in 6 weeks and you think something is wrong?
  • victoriahunt93
    victoriahunt93 Posts: 18 Member
    There is nothing wrong with Iced Tea, but if you're talking about a McDonald's sweet tea, they are PACKED with sugar and calories. Instead of feeling like you have to give up things that you enjoyed before (like tea), you should try to find healthy substitutions for them. For example, if you used to buy sweet tea everyday for the caffeine and sugar, try making your own. You can brew a huge batch of tea at home, cool it in the fridge, and use it all week! Sweeten it with Splenda or Truvia (which have no calories), and take it with you in a travel cup when you leave the house. You can also buy jugs of tea such as Arizona Green Tea or Arizona Diet Blueberry Tea. These are delicious option that have only 0 - 5 calories per serving.

    You can apply this substitution philosophy to almost everything you eat. Use fat free sour cream wherever you would use mayo. Use sugar free jam instead of butter on toast. Use egg whites wherever you would use eggs. Snack on oyster crackers instead of chips. Shop around for brands and varieties with the LOWEST calories when you grocery shop. Check the nutrition facts on a restaurant's website before you go so you know what to order. Reward your progress with non-food rewards such as a manicure or some shopping. Etc.

    The most important thing to remember is that you are doing this for YOU. If you skip a workout, or binge eat, it only hurts YOU. Using sites like this for support and publication is a fantastic tool to keep you accountable, but just remember that it all comes down to you changing your life. Nobody can do that for you. You can go to bed every night either feeling proud and healthy, or guilty and ashamed. Try to make EVERY day an 'on' day. You deserve to wake up and go to sleep every day feeling like a million bucks. Good luck! Feel free to contact me if you're interested in anymore tips!