P90x for people just starting

mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
So before my summer break (I take July and August off) I sampled P90x for a week and loved it. So now that it's September and my break is officially over I decided to start the actual program.
A bit about myself I love going to the gym but because my schedule is hectic I can't squeeze it in anymore so instead of not working out I bought Insanity because I needed more cardio i liked it but it killed my knees. The entire time I did it I really missed lifting weights ( lifting weights is where I saw the biggest change in my body) So I decided to go with P90x.
I have lost weight prior to MFP just following my own plan of cutting calories. I don't follow MFP to a T it's just a good way for me to log my calories without wasting post it's everyday. I am trying to lose the last 20lbs which my body is quite stubborn to let go of. I'm hoping to finally beat this weight off with a stick.

I'm doing my own plan of P90x because i don't like working out 6 days a week. so I workout Monday-Thursday and Saturday. Friday's and Sundays are my days off.
I also don't do Yoga so that's not in my workout program-
Mondays : Chest and Back + Ab Ripper, Tuesdays: Plyo, Wednesdays: Shoulders and Arms + Ab Ripper, Thursdays: Kenpo, Saturdays: Legs and Back + Ab Ripper = Phase 1

Good luck to anyone just starting.
My plan is to finish the 90 days and if I still need work I will jump right into a second round.


  • I LOVE P90x but I find it hard to stick to since you have to dedicate a large chunk of your day, everyday to it. Some days are 1.5-2 hours. I wish that they had a 20-30 minute video incorporating alot of the moves for those days when "real life" just wont allow for more time than that.
  • what is P90x:wink:
  • Probably the best set of worout dvd's there is. I completed the program a couple of years ago and when I was done my hubby said I looked like a dude! Not in a bad way, just that I was ripped! It's really really hard though.
  • arsenal45
    arsenal45 Posts: 211 Member
    It looks interesting and I'm sure it will work if you follow it to a "T", it just wouldn't be practical with my schedule. I have used the Men's Health Hard Body Program for over a year consecutively now and I love it. It's an honest, real-life workout and can be contoured to any schedule.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I LOVE P90x but I find it hard to stick to since you have to dedicate a large chunk of your day, everyday to it. Some days are 1.5-2 hours. I wish that they had a 20-30 minute video incorporating alot of the moves for those days when "real life" just wont allow for more time than that.

    I don't mind the time but yes I look forward to the ones that are 45 minutes rather than an hour. But on Wednesday when I did shoulders and Arms I stopped at 45 to do Ab Ripper to make my workout an hour long. He gives you the option to not do the bonus round. So i took it.

    My schedule is crazy I work full time, 2 kids, plus they play sports, I'm in school myself, my husband is deployed so I'm flying solo and have been for awhile, plus all the housework and yard work. So this is perfect for me the same with insanity.
    I also like to get out and go for jogs with the kids while they ride their bikes.
  • My husband and I are starting P90x on Monday. We've tried the ab ripper twice and it was brutal. I can't wait to give it a go!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    My husband and I are starting P90x on Monday. We've tried the ab ripper twice and it was brutal. I can't wait to give it a go!

    yes Ab Ripper is serious business packed in such a short time frame- It's amazing how fast it goes.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I've done 3 rounds of P90X. It's a tough program, but anyone can do it. Whether it takes you 2 or 3 rounds to reach your goals, you can do it. That's the beauty of the program is that there's always someone modifying if you need to. When I first started, I couldn't do a push up to save my life but now I love doing push ups!

    I didn't follow the diet to a "T" but I just modified it to fit me and substitute stuff out. And make sure you get your protein in. As long as you stick with the protein/fat/carb ratios each phase, you'll be fine.

    You can do anything you set your mind to! And it's not just a 90 day program, it's a lifestyle change!

    Way to go and keep pushing play!

  • Hi, I just started P90X last Monday. I wanted to start it this summer but I fractured a couple of bones in my foot. I am good at starting workout programs and then not finishing them, esp. with work starting again. I didn't do the Yoga, instead I did the Cardio X that day. I also missed yesterday. So all being said and done...I mostly finished one week. And lost 4 pounds. :happy: Bev
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    I had started P90x a while back...loved it and lost a few lbs. Then I found out I had to have cancer surgery and working out kinda went bye-bye.

    I can't wait to get the all-clear to start that again! He's so funny :-)

    and if you're worried about it, on the DVDs I have there's always someone doing a "revised" version, which is usually what I'm doing because of my joint issues (lupus/RA/old injuries). You're still working the muscles, just not murdering your joints, and it allows you to start at a slower curve. Good luck!
  • NavySailor
    NavySailor Posts: 84 Member
    I have done the entire P90X training twice..it works but you need to stick with it...there were times that I had to do my workout at 1 in the morning because of my work schedule. But if you follow the program it should work for you. Good Luck!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Today is my rest day along with Friday so no workout for me, I am very sore Legs and Back did me in but I like that workout. 2 months of being off I expected to be sore so I'm not shocked but I like being sore because I know it's working. Hopped on the scale and I'm down 2lbs so I have 7 more to go and thats just the weight i gained while my husband was home for R&R then I still have another 10-20lbs to go until I reach my goal.
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    My package is coming tomorrow!! I'm quite nervous about doing this but my husband seems to think that I'm not going to have a problem. We did the fitness test yesterday and I was able to do above most of the minimun requirements so that was encouraging. The only thing I had real trouble with was the pull-up, I couldn't even get myself up. But I figure that is something I can work on - Maybe after losing some weight it will be easier to pull my *kitten* up!! Also, I hurt my back last year doing the P90 series by doing push ups (and probably not doing them correctly!) so I pretty much will only do them on my knees now, but I was still able to do more pushups (modified) than the fitness test required (for doing modified pushups). Any advice about week 1 and what to expect??
  • Restarting P90X early tomorrow morning. I started it for the first time in May but incurred double ankle tendinitis. My Sports med dr. told me that it was an overtraining injury (I'd also just re-picked up running and was training for a 10K run in July) and stopped me from working out unless I was ok with having surgery within the year if I persisted. Well... here I am again since I just got cleared to work out again.

    Can't wait to BRING IT again starting tomorrow!!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    My package is coming tomorrow!! I'm quite nervous about doing this but my husband seems to think that I'm not going to have a problem. We did the fitness test yesterday and I was able to do above most of the minimun requirements so that was encouraging. The only thing I had real trouble with was the pull-up, I couldn't even get myself up. But I figure that is something I can work on - Maybe after losing some weight it will be easier to pull my *kitten* up!! Also, I hurt my back last year doing the P90 series by doing push ups (and probably not doing them correctly!) so I pretty much will only do them on my knees now, but I was still able to do more pushups (modified) than the fitness test required (for doing modified pushups). Any advice about week 1 and what to expect??

    First day out is chest and back. I still do back with the resistance bands. I'm unable to do more than two un-assisted pull ups. I've completed 1 round of P90X. I don't beat myself up about the pull-ups. I got heavier resistance bands from Sports Authority with a handle that holds three bands at a time. just keep doing your best.

    For chest. It's cool to start out on the knees, but make sure you PUSH yourself to do a few without knees. That's the only way to get better. You'll find that before phase two your chest muscles will lift and that always makes us look younger. It's a great program. If you keep at it everyday with no excuses you will find yourself hooked.

    Bring It!!!
  • bacardigirl
    bacardigirl Posts: 17 Member
    I have been doing P90x off and on since March...I use it on the mornings I don't feel like driving to the gym or if its too crummy outside to run. I find that P90x is a great workout for strength training if you do not have a gym membership! I am not a huge fan of the cardio discs (I prefer to do regular cardio outside or at the gym), but the arms/shoulders disc is my fave! The legs one is great too. I would highly recommend P90x for anyone wanting a kick butt workout!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Good luck everyone that's going to be starting tomorrow (Monday 9/13) Monday starts my 2nd week and it's chest and back I don't mind that workout a lot of pullups and push ups but I will do my best and forget the rest haha that sounded so cliche. Well good luck to all
  • sevejose
    sevejose Posts: 1 Member
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    still pressing play. last night was chest and back followed by ab ripper x. I was fried after last nights workout I was push up and pull up spent. Tonight is good old plyo
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    still pressing play. last night was chest and back followed by ab ripper x. I was fried after last nights workout I was push up and pull up spent. Tonight is good old plyo

    Way to go! I love to hear that you're still pushing play, it's just that simple! Good for you! How are you liking Ab Ripper X? It's a killer workout in itself! It took me 4 or 5 times before I was able to get through the whole thing! Have a great workout tonight! The mother!!!!!! Plyo baby!

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