AFFIRM the person below you!

So, we know that cortisol (the stress hormone) is a key player in stacking up and holding onto belly fat. In doing a little research on it, I found this statement:

"The brain has the ability to selectively activate the fight, flight, or defeat responses (3). This usually occurs in day to day living when an individual perceives his/her hassles as a challenge to control or a loss of control. Although the stress pathways work together, they each can uniquely affect the function of bodily processes. For instance, the “fight” or “flight” stress responses cause the heart to beat faster and harder as well as release more free fatty acids (disassembled triglycerides) into the blood. The “defeat” response stress pathway can lead to enhanced lipogenesis (fat creation), visceral obesity (deep abdominal obesity), breakdown of tissues, and suppression of the immune system (1,2). "

Basically -- science has proven the feeling of defeat actually has chemical consequences for your body! We were familiar with "I already blew it, why not just eat the whole thing" -- but as it turns out, the mere *feeling* is just as important. Wow!

With that in mind, is anyone up for a game? I think it'd be fun to start a letter/gift chain.. just a few handwritten, affirming words of encouragement the recipient can tape where they'll see it or reach for on a bad day. I'll send a letter to whoever comments below, and they can send a letter to the person below them (PM contact info only, please, don't post your addresses on the board!!) and so on, and so forth!

Respond with "Affirm me!" and PM me (or the next commenter in line)'s info you're comfortable with sharing, and we'll go in chronological order! Let's eliminate defeat and radiate positivity!!


  • ashleyplus3
    ashleyplus3 Posts: 284 Member
    Affirm me!!

    What a beautiful idea! I guess if nobody else responds we can affirm each other. :smile:
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    HAHA! Thanks, Ashley! I thought my thread got lost in the negativity! I'm sending you a PM to get your letter info :)

    Affirm me!! :)