Having trouble finding a balance.

It's just so hard for me to practice moderation. I just can't have one cupcake or piece of chocolate. I just eat it all until it's gone and then feel terrible. But when I flat out say no to these foods I either get negative comments from my family or friends or just feel deprived. I know this isn't really something I should be asking advice on..and I just kind of need to either figure out a way to establish a balance myself or just get used to constantly turning down my favorite treats but I just thought that someone out there had a strategy that'd work for me. I can easily choose a salad over a burger and fries any day...it's just...sweets and baked goods man..I am hopelessly in love with them and just want to be able to incorporate them into my life healthily. Not too many, not too few. Any advice?


  • violet_papillon
    violet_papillon Posts: 26 Member
    I have this problem too! :(
    I tried quitting cold turkey but it didn't last. So now I try to work sweets into my calorie limits for the day. I "promise" myself a treat at the end of the day if I eat well. That way I have a goal to work towards and use it to bolster my willpower.
    If you are going somewhere where you know someone will offer you food, try and carry something healthy with you. So if someone offers you a cupcake, you can wave your banana at them and say no easily. This works well for me at work where there's always something sweet to eat.
  • glynda66
    glynda66 Posts: 184 Member
    I hear ya!
    I have yet to find balance...
    As you can see...my ticker hasnt moved..YET.
  • billiegirl17
    billiegirl17 Posts: 47 Member
    First of all, give yourself a pat on the back. You must be doing something right because MFP shows that you have lost 35 pounds. That is FANTASTIC. I also love sweets and baked goods - they are my downfall. And I eat them on a regular basis - in moderation. But I honestly don't know what the trick is to that - - I just know that I cannot completely live without them and I like being thinner. I share a lot - I will only buy one muffin and then offer 1/2 to my husband or a co-worker. Talk to your friends and family and ask for their support. And then make your treats special ... after a really good week, invite a friend to meet you for pie and coffee. Lots of random thoughts here - hope one of them helps.