HELP! I'm addicted!



  • ddpmkrupa
    ddpmkrupa Posts: 13 Member
    Here is a video to watch. I am in the same boat when it comes to chocolate.
  • mrsbiscuit
    mrsbiscuit Posts: 19
    I depend on Hershey's kisses... they're only 20 calories each and I find that one to three of them usually does the trick for me for chocolate cravings! Especially the dark chocolate ones. Savor them slow. :)
  • I love the Fiber One Chewy Protein bars. The Caramel Nut one is like a candy bar, but with tons of fiber and protein and it is 130 calories. All things in moderation.
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    Skinny Cow makes pretty good chocolate bars (I like the peanut butter ones) and ice cream treats at between 90-150 calories each, so it easily fits into your calorie goal. :)
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    Ladies and gentlemen...

    My name is Tabitha and I am a chocoholic. And an ice creamoholic. I can't help it. Share some taste bud satisfying, low calorie treats? Yes... I need the chocolate.

    I have just the thing for you!
    choco-banana ice cream!

    slice 1 banana
    placed sliced banana in freezer for atleast an hour
    remove sliced banana from freezer and put into food processor
    it will take about 2 minutes forthe banana to turn to a creamy goodness!
    once it reaches that consistency add cocoa powder and mix for another 3 pulses
    if you like nut butters, add your favorite nut butter or other treats (nuts, other fruit, honey) and pulse untilwell mixed

    its amazing. it has the same consistency of ice cream and budget friendly, paleo friendly, low sugar, etc. amazing!!!!

    btw, if you dont have a food processor. buy one now, best $30 you will ever spend. for reals.
  • MeRoHa
    MeRoHa Posts: 95 Member
    I can totally relate as I share your addiction to chocolate. If you have some self control Hershey kisses can be a good choice, as they are small and you can just have a few if you portion it out.
  • lotekgirl
    lotekgirl Posts: 84 Member
    Make your own sweet treats using healthy organic ingrediants like raw honey, coconut butter, dark chocolate, almond butter, coconut milk ice cream (skip the dairy!). you can lose weight by eating as much as you want without counting fat or calories if you focus on quality (real food) instead of quantity (processed junk foods that claim to be healthy because they are low fat or low cal). I just got finished with sweet n salty dark choc almonds...don't give up your chocolate if it makes u happy :-)
  • JourneyingJessica
    JourneyingJessica Posts: 261 Member
    I totally agree with protein powder. I love double chocolate protein powder, 1/2 banana, soy milk & ice blended. Makes a yummy shake and totally satisfies a sweet tooth. I follow up w a liter of water and fills me for hours

    I know not the topic but here's a few great natural ice creams (sorta) :

    Freeze a banana that's been cut in pieces. Blend until smooth. (If it doesn't get smooth add a splash of milk)

    One cup frozen berries (your choice) + one cup skim milk, blend until smooth. Makes two huge servings which are around 120 cal each.

    I dunno if I could stop at 3 Hershey's kisses >.<
  • I love chocolate too. I find that the my fitness pal app keeps me totally honest! It is just a matter of juggling your daily caloric intake appropriately. I choose to satisfy my chocolate cravings with a couple of squares of 85% cocoa chocolate, it packs a BIG chocolate hit in 100 calories. It doesn't pack a big sugar hit as it's mostly cocoa!

    I find that once I am on the sugar and cream/fat train, it can be difficult to get off.

    I have personally adopted the 5:2 diet over the past three months. I know not everybody likes it & it's my own personal choice. I find that one benefit that it provides me with is to turn off my "give me sugar" switch. A day with 500 calories really turns your appetite around. The 5:2 is definitely only for non pregnant adults who are otherwise healthy (see website). The 5:2 also goes against the "meet your calorie limit" for the day mantra of myfitnesspal, which I respect and has provided me with great benefits since the start of 2012. I now aim to meet my caloric intake target for the week rather than each day. The 5:2 diet is not a "eat whatever you feel like" on your non-fast days diet, but it does give you a bit more leeway on your non-fast days to treat yourself "a little". I repeat that I am not recommending this for you personally, just trying to give you some insight into how it has helped me a little.

    Good luck with your weight loss and fitness goals whatever method you adopt. I hope you manage to keep some rewards and treats for yourself in your plan while meeting your targets.