Hi :) New here! Looking to support and be supported!

Monozelle Posts: 11 Member
Hi everyone, my name is Jasparina and I'm from the teeny island of Singapore :) I'm 5'2" and weigh in at 161lbs.

I'm here to get myself back on track to lose the last 20lbs, which seem to be the hardest to get rid of. I previously lost 70lbs and then gained 8 of it back and plateaued, so it's time to change things up and keep myself accountable here too.

I hope to get to know some other folk here who are looking for support in their health and fitness goals. I've been through the ups and downs of weight loss so I know that the journey toward better health is not always easy and it helps when you have people to encourage you along the way. I'm happy to offer support to anyone, so if you'd like to make a friend, feel free to drop me a note! :)

Have a great day and keep smiling!


  • DragonSpark
    Hey, Jasparina! I'd love to have you as a friend on here! I need to lose about 35 lbs to get to my goal and I could always use the extra support. Sending you a friend request!
  • raesabeast
    Hi there!! I'm looking to create a family of people who are dedicated to loose weight and reach their goals so if your interested, I think you'd be perfect, I'd love to help support you through your journey! Feel free to add(:
  • poohbear1958
    poohbear1958 Posts: 175 Member
    New starter myself, feel free to add me to give and receive support.
  • Monozelle
    Monozelle Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Raesabeast, I just added you! :)
  • Monozelle
    Monozelle Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for replying, poohbear, I've added you! :)
  • missydn
    missydn Posts: 5
    I'm newish here as well. I'm back after taking a few months off and gaining back all of the few pounds I had actually lost. I really think I need some support to get this weight off. I'd love to be connected with some people in similar situations. Thanks!
  • adamalle
    adamalle Posts: 88 Member
    Hey! You're welcome to add me, I'm on here everyday and try to be as supportive as I get time for!