What do you do when you feel like eating?



  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Walk my dog, clean my house, text with a friend, surf the web, basically I just try to distract myself from the desire to eat out of boredom. I will also eat to procrastinate, and I need to be mindful of why I want to eat and why I'm avoiding whatever it is I don't really want to do.
  • aalicia88
    aalicia88 Posts: 77 Member
    Blast music from my favorite band and sing along.. it makes me feel better and I can't shove food in my mouth when I sing... well maybe some people can :S
  • pupchick
    pupchick Posts: 2
    I make myself a cup of diet hot cocoa and sip it really slooooow. Also have tried a small bowl of low calorie oatmeal with stevia, that really fills me up and satisfies the urge to overeat.
  • tiniboppa
    tiniboppa Posts: 14 Member
    Good -o!

    I have an action plan in mind :

    - carrots for chewing
    - hot tea and no sugar cocoa
    - writing in diary
    - Paint nails
    - oats as I get desperate (1/2 cup)
    - 2 glasses water also when I feel like that

    More tips would be much appreciated!!
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    I eat. If I feel like eating its because I need to eat. That, or I drink milk or water
  • chocolate_totoro
    chocolate_totoro Posts: 827 Member
    I usually make myself a cup of tea (green, jasmine, genmai, or oolong) and that tends to curb my hunger ^__^*
  • zay31
    zay31 Posts: 28 Member
    I eat smh. I'm trying to find other things to do when those urges occur but working nights...it's REALLY hard!
  • I eat.
    I agree. I went through 2 years of starving myself and I'm not going down that road again. Food is there to be enjoyed. Sure, most days I overcook it and overshoot my calorie target, but psychologically I find it better to eat whatever it is I'm craving. I usually end up over by 200-300 daily and I feel better with that than to struggle on, eventually crack after two weeks and binge on 3000+ calories in one sitting (which used to happen).
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    I try to think of things that I can eat without "blowing it". I, too, have eaten an entire bag of baby carrots (1 lb.). Fruits and veggies are usually a good bet, or yogurt or cottage cheese are all low in calories. If I'm truly not hungry, I try to drink more fluids, and this will hold me off another hour or so until I'm truly hungry. I eat something about every four hours. The thing I hate is when I'm trying to sleep, and the only reason I can't sleep is that I'm hungry. So, I have to get up and get something to eat. At that point, I know I go over, but my goal is lower than most, so I don't think it puts much of a dent in my weight loss efforts. I've lost 56 pounds in the last 7 months, so I don't think I'm doing too bad! Just ask yourself, "Am I really hungry?", and go from there. Another thing I've done is drink broth, making it with the cube or the base. It's, like, 5 calories for a cup, and can fill you up. hope this helps.
  • duna_pruna
    duna_pruna Posts: 27 Member
    I think it depends on your craving. Try to ID what you are really wanting. If its a bag of greasy salty chips then salty popcorn (low fat) may work. If you want chocolate, then a weight watchers ice cream bar (100 cal) may do the trick. If you need to fill the stomach then the baby carrots, water and maybe some grilled chicken breast will hold off a rumbly tummy.
  • LaRaAnHa
    LaRaAnHa Posts: 14 Member
    If I am truly hungry or have a serious craving I eat and work it into my calories for the week. If I am not truly craving anything and just want to stuff my face full of food just because I am bored, sad, or anxious, I try my hardest to keep myself busy. I like to knit and spin wool into yarn, both of which leave me no free hands to snack with.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    You need to retrain your brain into not using food as an emotional crutch. Many people don't know how to properly relax and turning to food is an obvious option. Work out what really relaxes you, a bike ride? A bath? Gardening? A book? Whatever it is, start employing it in your daily life, so that you start to automatically turn to it instead of food, and you don't get so stressed in the first place. Furthermore, it' would be great if you have several of these, so you can have different things to turn to in different situations.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • AshleyM71
    AshleyM71 Posts: 3,029 Member
    Almonds. A banana. Exercising releases endorphins. Sex? Lol. All kidding aside, do something to take your mind off the food. Cravings pass...fat sticks! A snack with a small amount of unsaturated fat satiates hunger.
  • eylia
    eylia Posts: 200 Member
    If it's from boredom or emotional reasons, rather than actually hungry, I try and distract myself. I do plan in advance a few snacks I can go to during the day and know they won't break my budget once my meals are tallied as well, so I use them if all else fails/I AM hungry/should eat. It helps me to know what I'm going to get, so I don't just munch on 'things'- and I usually make sure I have some fruit and something savoury in mind so I can satisfy myself either way.

    I drink a glass of water, sometimes with a peppermint teabag or some lemon and ice popped in for some interest. I've never loved water, so sometimes the mere 'whole' glass is enough for me to lose interest/take me so long I forget why I was drinking it in the first place.

    Brush my teeth.

    A cup of tea. Fills most of the holes my soul comes across.

    Go and do something productive for 30 mins, and if I'm still dreaming of a snack afterwards, I usually have it.
  • NYgirl1990
    NYgirl1990 Posts: 180 Member
    Drink a lot of water or tea is what I do.
  • AshleyM71
    AshleyM71 Posts: 3,029 Member
    Take your mind off food. Exercise. Sex? Lol. Seriously. Anything to get the cravings to go away. I hear cravings disappear in 20 minutes, but my pizza craving lasts much longer! SOS!
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    one thing that really helps me (i'm not perfect. yet. I still have my bad days) - is logging the calories before you eat them. so just before you are going for the ben and jerry's, stop and log it. when you see the numbers in your diary, and see how much this is going to get you off track, you may rethink it, or modify your snack (take a small amount and put the rest away).

    Also - eating *something healthy* instead of the *delicious high calorie yummy thing* doesn't always work. (a) because you are STILL eating and not breaking that habit and (b) because you often end up STILL wanting/craving/needing that *other thing*, and this often leads to over indulging. no, i haven't figured out how to override this, yet. but I think that doing "some other activity" might help (give yourself a mani, pluck your eyebrows, sort the papers on your desk, go for a walk, call a friend, come on MFP....)
  • Drink water- cold wter is best best because it boosts your metabolism, and just water in general helps aid weight loss. Miso soup is really good its 3o cals a bowl and its filling. look at your goals. count to 100. read magzines and yeah
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    My newest way of coping with it, is to turn on the digital music channels and dance and sing along with oldies. I also get into a movie or one of the many Anthony Bourdain programs I have on my dvr. I come onto this site and read of others success. I will even get up and walk down to the park and feed the geese and ducks.

    Bordom and lack of imagination is pretty much why most people get over weight :tongue:
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    When I feel like eating my main tactics are to chew gum or go exercise but if I can't exercise or don't have gum then I will notice that I'm usually in front of the tv or computer and that has a lot to do with wanting to eat because your body is actually telling you it's bored so I shut it off and go do something like house chores or work on my bike, something physical even if it's not intense.