Suggestions for snacks?

g33kmommy Posts: 104 Member
Even though I'm always under my calorie goal, I'm having a hard time staying under my sugar goal for the day, which is currently set to 24. When I exercise this changes a small bit of course - but on normal days it seems everything that I eat really pushes that number.

I've been using almond milk in my cereal in the morning, and I snack on fruits such as watermelon, peaches, and red grapes and my sugar level tends to skyrocket. If I make a pasta sauce at home there's sugar in it, etc etc.

I do not use artificial sweeteners and it's not really something I'm interested in.

A lot of people say not to count the sugar that comes from fruit, and other people argue that.



  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Hm, I very quickly got to my goal weight last year whilst totally ignoring the maximum sugar intake most days (I'm 20wks pregnant now so my weight has since gone up by 9lbs but I haven't changed my approach to eating). I want to eat fruit for the health benefits (although there are people who say fruit is just as bad as other sugary stuff) and in my pregnancy I just crave it! It is one craving I give into :)
  • moragreid
    moragreid Posts: 2 Member
    I am having the same problem. I don't want to ignore the sugar as my blood sugar levels are high and have a family history of diabetes. Any suggestions would be great.
  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    First, make sure you're using unsweetened almond milk, the sweetened is loaded with sugar!

    As far as sugar goes, the most important thing (IMO) is really where the sugars are coming from. If your sugars are coming from natural sources, like fruits and veggies, you should be fine! If you are still super concerned about sugar, try replacing half the fruit you eat with veggies.

    In my experience, I have not once worried about sugars and have been fine with just monitoring my calories, carbs, and fat intake.
  • peanutbutterrunna
    I just ate some all natural organic apple chips. Each bag is two servings and one serving in 90 calories. The only ingredient is fuji apples. They are so good! I don't bother counting the sugar in fruit or snacks like these because it's 100% natural. Once you start to panic over how much fruit you eat you know you need to lighten up. (in my opinion)