
Strange question, perhaps:

I was looking at getting some tattoos in the future, but I'm still in the process of losing weight. I figure that once I reach my goal weight I'll try to tone up a bit (probably won't get all the extra skin tightened - but maybe some).

I wonder if I should wait until I'm completely toned up and where I want to be, or if my skin won't change enough to matter / affect the tattoo appearance too much.

I'm currently down from initial weight of 296 to 222.8, hoping to get to 180.

Any thoughts?


  • tattoogal77
    tattoogal77 Posts: 72 Member
    I would say it depends on where you want to put your tattoos at. I have one on each arm and I think they will still look good once I lose some weight and tone up. I also have one on my upper back which I don't think will change too much.
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    It all depends on placement, what the tattoo is, etc - Go talk to a tattoo guy/gal. If you're getting a tribal arm band now and then workout like a beast and get huge biceps then it will look funny. Most tattoos can grow or shrink by 10 - 15% without distorting too much. My back tattoo has not changed really, neither has the one on my foot or ankle. Pondering a new one this winter...

    Think long and hard on your tattoo - flash is for douche-bags.