5'1" and 165 lbs



  • JessekaKing
    JessekaKing Posts: 64 Member
    Hi! :) I'm 5'1" and weigh 178. I just joined MFP about 2 weeks ago to track my food like I used to do on WW, but I started my weight loss journey April 1st of this year at 183. I have only lost 5 pounds, but have lost over 14 inches! I know the scale shouldn't bother me too much, especially with all the inches I've lost, but there's just something about that number on the scale!!!

    I am working out with a personal trainer at my local gym 3 times a week. It is expensive and makes our budget tight, but it is the only thing that works for me exercise wise. She pushes me harder than I could ever push myself and I need that! I don't like working out and going to the gym, but am loving the inches I'm losing!! :)

    Feel free to add me :)

    14" is AMMMMMMMMMAZING!!! Congrats! And stop listening to that darn devil box...your clothes are doing the talking for ya! Great job
  • smsquash
    smsquash Posts: 38 Member
    Hi there. I'm 5'1 1/2 and around 178. In my head, I have a goal of 125-130, but instead of worrying about the numbers on the scale I decided this time to commit to a year of health. So...I stay within my calorie goal as much as possible. I try to exercise every day, but if I get in five days I feel pretty good about it. I just started (again) about three weeks ago, and had my very first NSV today actually (I fit into the pants I was growing out of when I started). I'm going to do this for a year and see where I end up. I'm seriously consciously letting go of the numbers. Heck, I didn't even weigh in this week.

    I have a three year old daughter and a husband who I love. I'd like to be here with them as long as I'm able, and beyond just being here, I'd like the ability to do all of the fun stuff with them that I used to do. I will turn 40 in 2014 and I want to make that transition as a strong, powerful and vibrant person, not the chubby, pasty weakling I seem to have morphed into. Like you, I'm into the outdoors. I live in Vermont and the whole state is pretty much a recreational playground. I used to love to hike, backpack, swim, scuba dive, climb, do yoga, adventure travel, etc. and I really want those things back. Beyond feeling uncomfortable and unhealthy, I've lost friends because I couldn't participate in things we used to do together anymore.

    I gained about 20 pounds during/after my daughter was born and I haven't gotten back to my pre-pregnancy weight (around 162) since that time (I was actively losing - down from a lifetime high of 192 - when I found out I was preggo). Hitting my pre-pregnancy weight would be a big milestone for me, since it is also my "threshold" between being classified as overweight and (ulp) obese. 136 would be the other one, that would put me into the "normal" range.

    Anyway, like you I have to figure out winter. Not only the cold, but the darkness gets to me too. I work full time too - it's dark when I leave in the morning and dark when I get home at night. Getting motivated to put on winter clothes, dig out the cross-country skis and go out in the pitch black for a workout at 20 below after I get home from a long day at work is...well let's just say it's historically been challenging, lol.

    I'm trying to construct eating habits that can work long-term. I'm not dieting. I'm shifting to a whole-food diet. Mine is mostly vegan, because I'm a lifelong vegetarian whose biggest danger foods are all dairy, but I think anybody who incorporates more whole, unprocessed simple foods is going to be better off. I'm not particularly judgy about diet, my husband and daughter are omni's, and hey - I love Entenmann's chocolate cake and TastyKakes, I'm not gonna lie (and cheesecake, and grilled cheese and nachos...). When I fall off the wagon, I sometimes fall very very far off, lol. In the course of a year, I'm fine with that. If I exercise and eat healthy six days a week, I'm not going to sweat a mistep on the seventh.

    Anyone as usual I've said too much. I'm looking for friends to keep me accountable, so anyone/everyone feel free to friend me (and Jesseka - I sent you a request.)
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I'm 5'4".
    SW 165
    GW 125
    CW 120

    I'm not at the same place on the road to good health as you, but just wanted to say "hi" and say "you can do this"!!!
  • prosato1229
    prosato1229 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    I'm 5'2 169lbs as of today, and I'd love to be in the 130's for my wedding in February. I was on here before and I'm not sure why I ever stopped. I love to hike and l want to take advantage of living so close to beautiful mountains and I need to be in better shape to do that!

    Feel free to add me anyone! I'm looking for support and motivation and like to give the same :-)
  • laurams5512
    Hi ladies!
    I'm 5'1" and as of this AM weigh 162. I started around Jan 20 at 175. I haven't lost much weight but have been working out ~3 times a week ( jogging/30 day shred). Have lost about 7 inches in 6 months totaling thighs, butt, hips, and waist. My goal is about 145 then i'll see if I should keep going. I care more about how I look/feel than the # on the scale but it is still always in the back of my mind. I am 26, work full time, been married 1 year to my high school sweetheart, and have a love/hate relationship with Jillian Michaels. :smile: The lowest I've been was a fit 152 so we shall see. I have a furbaby tomcat named Thomas and 2 horses and a donkey. No human babies yet.

    Feel free to add me!
  • superspork2
    superspork2 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm so excited to see you all! I've been looking for friends with similar goals to mine so anyone can feel free to add me!

    I'm 5'4" and I started out at 165. I've gotten myself down to 150 and my goal weight was 140 but now that I'm getting closer I'll have to see if 130ish seems reachable. A goal for myself is to be a better runner. Right now I can do a mile on the treadmill in about 14 mins.. haha not super impressive. One day I'll put on my big girl running shorts and try it outside! But right now I'm also big on trying different work out videos at home (I get bored fast with my workouts and like to mix it up)

    I might be the single worst late night snacker and if there was a woman who could invent a 0 calorie margarita, she'd be my best friend. I'm a huge sucker for chocolate and guacamole and I love too cook! My eating/cooking habits have some how helped me lose weight but I seem to be making my Boyfriend a little chubby with all my home cooked meals XD

    Anyway, thats me and I'd love to make some new friends! Go us shorties!
  • mebohan
    mebohan Posts: 46 Member
    5'1 and 170ish..... been trying not to weigh in as much because the scale is the devil. Work out 4-5 days per week... my goal for August is to make that 5-6 days per week and include some runnning when im not able to get to the gym. I have lots of little milestones to hopefully keep me concentrated for the next year... would like to be fit and fantastic before 30 next April! I like the positive attitude you ladies have shown in this thread!
  • HahnTBeth
    HahnTBeth Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5'3" and currently 161 lbs. I have lost almost 20 lbs, but still have a long way to go! Ideally I would like to get to 125, but if I can get fit, healthy and happy, i'm okay with that. Anyone wanting support and encouragement, feel free to add me; I know I can sure use the support as well!!
  • SaberEsPoder
    SaberEsPoder Posts: 130 Member
    5'4" and around 180 right now, so I think we're in similar boats. I am always looking to build my support community, so I am welcoming to any friend requests :)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member

    I'm 5'0" and at 172 right now. I started at 191, lost 25 lbs, then got pregnant. I've been struggling between 168-174 and have recently started concentrating on my eating. I don't run, though I am considering trying the C2K program. I am also considering doing the 30 day shred just to add something new to the mix. Feel free to add me :)

    I'm starting 30DS today and have done C25K in the past but never got through it. I really want to start it again though because completing a 5K is on my bucket list!
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    close in height to you but considerably heavier than you, good luck on your journey
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    5'2" and 153 here

    I guess my goal weight is somewhere around 120, but honestly...whatever I end up at just so long as I am a size 4-ish, fit and happy.I got down to 135 in the past by eating 1200 calories period, and doing cardio...but I was still "skinny fat". Looking forward to strength training and I hope my new method works for me. Intense calorie restriction was rough. Feel free to add me!!
  • c_mac2009
    c_mac2009 Posts: 14 Member
    We are very similar! I am 5'3" and started at 174 on July 1st. I am happy to say I am down 5 pounds in a month and experienced a great NSV. I am a bridesmaid in a wedding in October and want to lose at least 2 dress sizes by then. I bought a size 12 dress in May and tried it on in June. It fit but was a little snug in the midsection. Tried it on this weekend HUGE DIFFERENCE!! Not snug at all in the midsection, this gave me so much motivation to work harder. I work out 3x a week with a personal trainer doing high intensity training with weights and try to do some cardio, yoga, softball or just something active at least 2 other days a week.

    I like all of you are human!! :) I work full time, have a boyfriend who is great and very supportive. Two furbabies hold my heart, 1 is a 10 pound maltipom and the other a 12ish pound aussiedoodle. I am getting ready to go back to school to start on my doctorate and will probably be working 3 different jobs to pay the bills. I have a very hard time with food, I love me some sweets, cheeseburgers, biscuit and gravy and all other things delicious and bad for you! I am just taking it a day at a time. I mess up, it's ok, do better tomorrow! I try to eat at 1800 calories and usually come in close or right under that. Lots of water and of course the occasional margarita!!!!!

    Ultimately my goal is to be a size 4-6, toned and happy! I don't really care about what a scale says, although I still weigh in more than I probably should :) I want to wear cute clothes again and feel good in them! Anyone can add me that wants to, the more the support the merrier right?
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
    I'm 5'4" and started in the high 160s. Maybe over 170, was too scared to weigh myself early on lol I weighed in at 154# this am, and I am not looking back!!! It's been slow for me, but I'm also strength training.
  • chocorose
    chocorose Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5' and 52 years old. I have been doing MFP for over a year. I spin 3 times a week and have recently added Pure Barre 2 times a week this month. I have only lost 6 pounds and it can be discouraging, but I am convinced that without keeping track I would weigh more than 157. It is great to hear that there are others petites who have the same issue. I will say that the Pure Barre is 'hard as hell' but I already see results in the way my clothes fit. Keep moving and keep track on MFP. You are young and upbeat so I am sure you'll start to see results soon! Question for those who are having success. Do you eat all of your calories with exercise?
  • katiefromvermont
    katiefromvermont Posts: 7 Member
    5'1" and 131 pounds currently. May 2012 I had my baby girl and weighed 159 (post-partum) so it's been a long road to get back down to where I am now. I would LIKE to get to 120, but am having a real tough time losing these last 10+ pounds!

    I'm into week 4 of C25K and hoping that this program will give my body the extra push it needs to let go of this last weight. My husband and I want to start trying for baby #2 in the near future, and I don't want to get pregnant at this higher weight...
  • JessekaKing
    JessekaKing Posts: 64 Member
    I am 5' and 52 years old. I have been doing MFP for over a year. I spin 3 times a week and have recently added Pure Barre 2 times a week this month. I have only lost 6 pounds and it can be discouraging, but I am convinced that without keeping track I would weigh more than 157. It is great to hear that there are others petites who have the same issue. I will say that the Pure Barre is 'hard as hell' but I already see results in the way my clothes fit. Keep moving and keep track on MFP. You are young and upbeat so I am sure you'll start to see results soon! Question for those who are having success. Do you eat all of your calories with exercise?

    Honestly I used to...with the rational that because I'm driving the car more (my body) I must fuel it more (food) But I took about a month off of MFP to deal with selling the house, relocating, and honeymoon....and I'm back....logging exercise but not food to see if that makes a difference. I mean I know how big food is in the equation of weight loss but we're cooking so much now that i find it a bit of a hassle to log each and every ingredient. I want portion control to be my motivator now...cutting out any one food is just a recipe for disaster and future binging! At least thats how my machine works :)
  • deejaroo
    deejaroo Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! Hard for me to admit, but at the beginning of my weight loss journey I was (and still am) 4'11" and began at 191 lbs!! I'm 42! The GOOD news is I'm down in the 160s (probably 150s by now, but my weigh in is tomorrow) and moving along! So fellow shorties out there, feel free to add me! I'd love to see how everyone is doing and gain motivation from all your success stories! :)
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    Feel free to add me! Also newly wed. 5"2, 153- also looking to drop 30lbs. i've set a year- first anniversary paradise (belated) honeymoon!
    Definitely need support, and would love to see results of girls my heigh- so hard to assess shape/loss on taller girls compared to us tiny's!
  • missescrawford
    missescrawford Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am 5'2" and about the same weight trying to get down to 115. I am working out almost every day and eating right. Want to lose the weight before I turn 40 next year. Add me as a friend and we can support each other.

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