Need Buddies Please!

Hi everyone!

I am 26 years old and 22 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I started out at 138 and now weigh 159 for a total of 21 pounds gained. My doctor just told to watch my weight gain because he doesn't want to see me over 35 pounds of gain. I created my account to help me watch what I eat so I don't go over my caloric intake. I also LOVE spinning and weight lifting. I used to run but had to give it up b/c of joint pain.

I am looking for healthy eating friends because I could use some more vegetables in my life. Please, please, please add me! I can't do this alone!


  • melindafritz
    Your baby needs the food
    please do not be on here
    do not worry about gaining theres ababy inside you
    it needs food to grow
  • melindafritz
    Pregnancy is your time to eat what ever you want and not exercise
  • melindafritz
    so you don't go over my caloric intake????????????????????
    you d ont need an intake you are pregnant the baby food
  • edwardslass
    Melinda - Her doctor specifically said she shouldn't gain more than 35 lbs. Pregnancy is NOT the time to eat whatever you want.

    Kasey - Track everything you eat and drink here; you'll be able to maintain and you and your baby will be healtier for it.

    Happy Baby!
  • MistyEE
    MistyEE Posts: 67
    This is the weirdest thing I have ever seen. Is there a health reason the doctor said that? i have never heard of a doctor telling someone not to go over 35 lbs during pregnancy.
  • JodiMMitchell
    JodiMMitchell Posts: 20 Member
    At issue - feel free to friend me. Nothing wrong wrong with logging your calories. Did the Dr. Tell you a calorie limit?
  • KaseyLaw
    KaseyLaw Posts: 5
    EdwardSlass- Thanks! I agree :)
  • KaseyLaw
    KaseyLaw Posts: 5
    No caloric limit, but I have it set to gain .5 a week so 2.5 pounds a month which is the low end of what he said b/c I know I'll eat some cookies here and there. I can modify if I feel baby and I are not getting enough
  • KaseyLaw
    KaseyLaw Posts: 5
    This is the weirdest thing I have ever seen. Is there a health reason the doctor said that? i have never heard of a doctor telling someone not to go over 35 lbs during pregnancy.

    I believe gestational diabetes is a concern and the healthy weight gain is between 20-35 pounds. Of course, it's not terrible if I go over that, but he said to keep an eye on it. It's much easier to see what I am eating when I can write it down/track it. I'm hoping this will help me eat healthier.
  • MsWallwoman
    MsWallwoman Posts: 161
    Yes your baby needs food to grow and you shouldn't be worried about getting fat.... You can lose it after so who cares. Every mother-to-be must take care of their bodies focus of nutrients and water because what that directly effects their baby.


    Everyone has their own opinion and everyone thinks they are right. If you follow your instincts and your doctors orders, there's nothing to worry about.

    Good luck and congratulations!
  • MistyEE
    MistyEE Posts: 67
    um okay. I am not saying anybody is wrong, or only my way is correct.
    I strongly suggest you get some opinions of other OB/GYNs.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    That is sooo crazy... I gained 100lbs (yeah, I know, crazy.. but 50 of it was water weight) and my Dr said NOT A WORD... I got pregnant 6 months later and gained 15lbs (since I was already 40lbs up from the first one) and my Drs harped CONSTANTLY on if I was eating and yada yada yada... I have a 9.5lb baby... so yeah....

    It is sooo crazy how different everyone's Doctors are and how each pregnancy is different. I would be more concerned with eating a healthy varied diet than weight, because sometimes there isn't a dang thing you can actually do about the scale and as long as that weight isn't coming from cheeseburgers and milkshakes...
  • bdj33
    bdj33 Posts: 1 Member
    Trust your own judgment and your doctors advice here as far as your eating habits. As long as you listen to your body and make mostly healthy choices about your diet your baby is going to be great!
    Gestational diabetes is a legitimate concern and a very good reason to pay attention to your food choices. There is a definite difference between a healthy diet and a skimpy one. Portion control does not mean your depriving your baby. Healthy eating with the occasional indulgence (which everyone needs in my opinion!) and exercise is the best way for a better delivery and recovery. Plus, as someone else has already said it makes for a much healthier, happier baby.
    So bottom line, you know what's right for you and having a community like this will be a helpful tool as a means of support in having a wonderful pregnancy.
    Congrats and look into water aerobics if your looking for a low impact exercise that's great on your joints! You can basically do whatever exercise you were doing before pregnancy as long as you listen to your body and it's signals when you're fatigued. Don't get overheated and stay hydrated! Check with your doc if you have doubts :)
  • weightlossdiva1219
    weightlossdiva1219 Posts: 283 Member
    This is the weirdest thing I have ever seen. Is there a health reason the doctor said that? i have never heard of a doctor telling someone not to go over 35 lbs during pregnancy.

    I believe gestational diabetes is a concern and the healthy weight gain is between 20-35 pounds. Of course, it's not terrible if I go over that, but he said to keep an eye on it. It's much easier to see what I am eating when I can write it down/track it. I'm hoping this will help me eat healthier.

    Plus, it's not necessarily about weight gain. It's just about being healthy. If your doctor says so, I believe him. :) We are here to help! Feel free to add me, and congrats on your pregnancy!
  • KaseyLaw
    KaseyLaw Posts: 5
    That is sooo crazy... I gained 100lbs (yeah, I know, crazy.. but 50 of it was water weight) and my Dr said NOT A WORD... I got pregnant 6 months later and gained 15lbs (since I was already 40lbs up from the first one) and my Drs harped CONSTANTLY on if I was eating and yada yada yada... I have a 9.5lb baby... so yeah....

    It is sooo crazy how different everyone's Doctors are and how each pregnancy is different. I would be more concerned with eating a healthy varied diet than weight, because sometimes there isn't a dang thing you can actually do about the scale and as long as that weight isn't coming from cheeseburgers and milkshakes...

    I've heard of other women gaining that much weight due to water retention and such. I totally agree about the cheeseburgers and milkshakes and that's where I am going astray. I hope that creating this account I can see my eating patterns change towards the better. I really really need to eat more veggies and healthy foods. I'm not too worried about the weight gain b/c I know I'll get it off after the baby is here., but I have been eating terribly so I need something to motivate me...hoping it's here.
  • janicehad
    janicehad Posts: 3
    Honey, you are pregnant. Don't worry. when you have your baby you will lose it.
  • storknursekelly
    storknursekelly Posts: 94 Member
    Being an OB nurse for over 30 years it is VERY important to not just eat what you want because you have a baby growing inside you. Obesity in pregnancy can cause many many problems, increased chances for gestational diabetes, preeclampsia to name just a couple that can cause major problems for Mom & Baby during the pregnancy. Sounds like you have an outstanding OB Dr. and YES you should be on here for the support & accountability of keeping track of your nutrition . Friend me I will defo support you !!
  • hnsr1021
    hnsr1021 Posts: 58 Member
    I don't necessarily think that she is trying to not get fat, just trying to be healthy. Ease up on her! Eating whatever you want and not exercising while you are pregnant is unhealthy. You should make sure that your baby is getting a wide variety of nutrients and calories but you can't just go crazy. And as for losing it after you have the baby, yea, you will lose some but only what counts as the baby, placenta and amniotic fluid. (my baby was 7lb 3oz and I think I lost maybe 20lb all together, but had gained 45lb+) I think it is a wonderful idea that you are using this to track your food and calorie intake rather than just mindlessly eating. Exercising will also help out with giving you an easier labor and hey, who doesn't want that!
  • bambee2013
    bambee2013 Posts: 49 Member
    I wish my doctor would have told me to slow down on my weight when I was pregnant. Awareness is the key. If you eat whatever you want when you
    are pregnant, you could become diabetic. Also, watch your sodium. High blood pressure is common when you get pregnant, and
    very dangerous. Walking is great exercise. I would love to be your buddy.