Anyone want to be motivation buddies??

This is probably weird, but here goes. I am the kind of person who will be really into eating healthy and working out for like 3 days then 'something' will come up so I'll take a day off, then never get back on the wagon. I am starting over again with the 30 Day Shred (today will be day 3!) and I'm trying to eat WAY healthier than I have been the past couple months. I'd like to lose about 20-25 pounds ultimately for my build and height, that seems like a decent amount. Here's where the weird comes think I literally need someone to tell me or remind me like every day that I need to keep going and keep it up...whether that's texting, or snapchat, or whatever. And I would of course return the motivation back! We could keep tabs on eachother and make sure we're staying on track. I need a motivation buddy!! Any takers??


  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I think she's just jealous! Don't listen to her, OP--keep doing what you're doing.
  • channi_c
    channi_c Posts: 47 Member
    I think she's just jealous! Don't listen to her, OP--keep doing what you're doing.

    HAve you got the write convo?
  • ashme579
    ashme579 Posts: 21
    lol i was wondering that, too..I was like I don't think I offended anyone in my topic starter lol
  • channi_c
    channi_c Posts: 47 Member
    Ashme Im in the same boat as you, check out my profile started this about a year ago and keep leaving lol

    Im more determined than ever now to loose weight just started getting stretch marks and ive never had them before (not that i could see) so thats my kick in the butt!!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    so you want someone else to remind you to work out and eat healthy?

    you are 24 years old. you should've learned personal responsibility a while back.

    no one is going to hold your hand through life. not through your personal life, not at work, and certainly not in changing some bad habits you have.

    you fall off the wagon after three days? thats called laziness. it happens. inside, most of us are all lazy. seriously, there are days i'd really rather just do noooooothing. i mean, turn my mind off and watch netflix all day and eat nutella from the jar.

    but i don't. not because someone is texting me to get moving. but because i am accountable to myself. well, also, i really have found something that i like to do, which is races. half-marathons, 5k's, triathlons, mud runs. whatever. i love doing them.

    so i know that i have to get out there and train. so i do. and i enjoy it. at least most of the time i do. don't get me wrong, sometimes i am dragging *kitten* and would rather not go. but i go any way. because i've developed that habit of doing something.

    thats what you need to do. develop a habit. for me, i know that if i don't work out early in the morning, i won't work out. at least, in the beginning i was like that. now i can exercise in the evening if i have to, i just prefer in the morning.

    you need some special motivation to do 30 day shred?? well, then it's probably not the exercise for you. there are tons of fun exercises out there that are perfect for you. you just have to find them. zumba, weight lifting, cardio kickboxing, cycling, swimming, yoga. there is no limit to what is out there for you to try. i am constantly getting groupons and living social deals emailed to me for a week or a month at a gym or exercise studio. there are no excuses.

    you want motivation? i think you need some dedication and self-discipline instead. start waking up earlier to work out. try some new routines. just do something
  • mjlong
    mjlong Posts: 73 Member
    so you want someone else to remind you to work out and eat healthy?

    you are 24 years old. you should've learned personal responsibility a while back.

    no one is going to hold your hand through life. not through your personal life, not at work, and certainly not in changing some bad habits you have.

    you fall off the wagon after three days? thats called laziness. it happens. inside, most of us are all lazy. seriously, there are days i'd really rather just do noooooothing. i mean, turn my mind off and watch netflix all day and eat nutella from the jar.

    but i don't. not because someone is texting me to get moving. but because i am accountable to myself. well, also, i really have found something that i like to do, which is races. half-marathons, 5k's, triathlons, mud runs. whatever. i love doing them.

    so i know that i have to get out there and train. so i do. and i enjoy it. at least most of the time i do. don't get me wrong, sometimes i am dragging *kitten* and would rather not go. but i go any way. because i've developed that habit of doing something.

    thats what you need to do. develop a habit. for me, i know that if i don't work out early in the morning, i won't work out. at least, in the beginning i was like that. now i can exercise in the evening if i have to, i just prefer in the morning.

    you need some special motivation to do 30 day shred?? well, then it's probably not the exercise for you. there are tons of fun exercises out there that are perfect for you. you just have to find them. zumba, weight lifting, cardio kickboxing, cycling, swimming, yoga. there is no limit to what is out there for you to try. i am constantly getting groupons and living social deals emailed to me for a week or a month at a gym or exercise studio. there are no excuses.

    you want motivation? i think you need some dedication and self-discipline instead. start waking up earlier to work out. try some new routines. just do something

    ashme don't listen to this guy!!! I am here to support you! Inspire you! motivate you! Everyone needs a support system it's hard to do it alone!
  • sw0301
    sw0301 Posts: 46 Member
    You're more than welcome to add me as a friend! I have been consistently logging everything every day. Even on bad days, why lie to myself? Plus it makes me think a little more about it. I've found having active MFP buddies encourages my logging, which encourages my healthy eating & working out. I shouldn't care about what other people think (& really I don't, which is why I log the bad stuff) but I also don't want anyone to watch me fail so it holds me accountable knowing there are people probably reviewing my diaries daily. But my friends are also supportive & encouraging. :) Good luck & you can do it, you can get past day three!!

    I would also ignore Capt_Apollo! It IS hard to develop that routine & some of struggle more than others & don' t have that initial motivation to just keep going anyways. However, the one valid point he makes is that maybe you should try something new. I kept starting 30DS & kept failing as well. It bored me, especially seeing the same routine every day. I could probably still quote JM. As soon as I found something different I've stayed on track. Variety is key in my motivation!
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    so you want someone else to remind you to work out and eat healthy?

    you are 24 years old. you should've learned personal responsibility a while back.

    no one is going to hold your hand through life. not through your personal life, not at work, and certainly not in changing some bad habits you have.

    you fall off the wagon after three days? thats called laziness. it happens. inside, most of us are all lazy. seriously, there are days i'd really rather just do noooooothing. i mean, turn my mind off and watch netflix all day and eat nutella from the jar.

    but i don't. not because someone is texting me to get moving. but because i am accountable to myself. well, also, i really have found something that i like to do, which is races. half-marathons, 5k's, triathlons, mud runs. whatever. i love doing them.

    so i know that i have to get out there and train. so i do. and i enjoy it. at least most of the time i do. don't get me wrong, sometimes i am dragging *kitten* and would rather not go. but i go any way. because i've developed that habit of doing something.

    thats what you need to do. develop a habit. for me, i know that if i don't work out early in the morning, i won't work out. at least, in the beginning i was like that. now i can exercise in the evening if i have to, i just prefer in the morning.

    you need some special motivation to do 30 day shred?? well, then it's probably not the exercise for you. there are tons of fun exercises out there that are perfect for you. you just have to find them. zumba, weight lifting, cardio kickboxing, cycling, swimming, yoga. there is no limit to what is out there for you to try. i am constantly getting groupons and living social deals emailed to me for a week or a month at a gym or exercise studio. there are no excuses.

    you want motivation? i think you need some dedication and self-discipline instead. start waking up earlier to work out. try some new routines. just do something

    While it is true that everything we do to be healthy, lose weight, get fit comes from deep within us and only we are responsible for what we put in our mouths and how we treat our own self, it is very important to be surrounded by a support system whether on MFP or at home or both in order to be surrounded by the environment that will make us most successful. It is with the support system that we can dig deeper in self-reflection and find the energy and motivation that is needed to be successful.
  • Agreed @sw301!

    I have been on and off trying to get fit for the past year. This June I decided to change, again, but I set a goal for myself. Go to yoga 15 days in June. I did it! Then I upped it to 20 days - did it again! Once I reached that goal, I realized having an end in site makes ALL the difference.

    My new goal is to run a 5K with my friends in the fall. I've started the couch to 5k program which is great and only 3x week. They have a free iPhone/Droid app that helps you track your runs, tells you when to run, when to walk, while still listening to your music. Definitely check it out! Half an hour and you're working towards a tangible goal.

    Having friends online or in person are also SO motivating! Seeing what my friends eat gives me ideas and reminds me that no one (well, almost no one...) eats perfectly every day. :drinker:

    Hope you'll add me!
  • mrsleonard12
    mrsleonard12 Posts: 66 Member
    hey I am 20yrs and have about 20-30 more lbs to lose. I would love to be your buddy. :) you can add me! anyone can :)
  • eamadiz
    eamadiz Posts: 1
    If you need a motivation buddy you can count on me!
  • I'm quite similar - trying to lose around 10-14 lbs but also trying to tone up so may not get that far down if I gain muscle!

    I have just done day 2 of 30ds so I'd love it if you add me as we are doing similar things :D
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    so you want someone else to remind you to work out and eat healthy?

    you are 24 years old. you should've learned personal responsibility a while back.

    no one is going to hold your hand through life. not through your personal life, not at work, and certainly not in changing some bad habits you have.

    you fall off the wagon after three days? thats called laziness. it happens. inside, most of us are all lazy. seriously, there are days i'd really rather just do noooooothing. i mean, turn my mind off and watch netflix all day and eat nutella from the jar.

    but i don't. not because someone is texting me to get moving. but because i am accountable to myself. well, also, i really have found something that i like to do, which is races. half-marathons, 5k's, triathlons, mud runs. whatever. i love doing them.

    so i know that i have to get out there and train. so i do. and i enjoy it. at least most of the time i do. don't get me wrong, sometimes i am dragging *kitten* and would rather not go. but i go any way. because i've developed that habit of doing something.

    thats what you need to do. develop a habit. for me, i know that if i don't work out early in the morning, i won't work out. at least, in the beginning i was like that. now i can exercise in the evening if i have to, i just prefer in the morning.

    you need some special motivation to do 30 day shred?? well, then it's probably not the exercise for you. there are tons of fun exercises out there that are perfect for you. you just have to find them. zumba, weight lifting, cardio kickboxing, cycling, swimming, yoga. there is no limit to what is out there for you to try. i am constantly getting groupons and living social deals emailed to me for a week or a month at a gym or exercise studio. there are no excuses.

    you want motivation? i think you need some dedication and self-discipline instead. start waking up earlier to work out. try some new routines. just do something

    Your marathons are your accountability tool! Go away if you can't play nice!

    Ash - I posted today about having an accountability partner! No one has responded at all! :angry: Maybe that's a good thing after ^that reply! ANywho, I have started the Bible study "Made to Crave" and it suggests an accountability partner. I have one in the study but she isn't on MFP. I wanted someone who would peruse my diary and offer constructive advice and encouragement and I could do the same. I explained it way better in my post. Anyway, it that interests you, send me a friend request.

    I know accountability works. A friend and I have been walking together for 11 years because we know the other will be out in the dark alone, waiting at 5 am! Because of this , we both get up and walk 3-5 days a week year round.

    The "how many days" ticker keeps me coming back daily to this site but I don't always log my food. An accountability partner will make me log the good and bad because I know youwill be looking for it!
  • chad_phillips1123
    chad_phillips1123 Posts: 229 Member
    Ash (and anyone else) feel free to add me.

    I can't agree with Apollo much. Not everyone is the same or has the same upbringing, and changing unhealthy habits to healthy ones is a lot of work. It takes getting rid of bad habits and building good ones. Those habits are built with self-discipline that is fostered by motivation. And not just alone; connecting with others who are also facing the same challenges and getting motivation from them and their successes and errors are important.

    Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

    No man is an island.
  • RegularLife
    RegularLife Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah, I know where you're coming from. I used to have a problem with "starting over" but now I'm just accepting my off days and get right back to my normal routine. I can help motivate you to stick with it :)
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    so you want someone else to remind you to work out and eat healthy?

    you are 24 years old. you should've learned personal responsibility a while back.

    no one is going to hold your hand through life. not through your personal life, not at work, and certainly not in changing some bad habits you have.

    you fall off the wagon after three days? thats called laziness. it happens. inside, most of us are all lazy. seriously, there are days i'd really rather just do noooooothing. i mean, turn my mind off and watch netflix all day and eat nutella from the jar.

    but i don't. not because someone is texting me to get moving. but because i am accountable to myself. well, also, i really have found something that i like to do, which is races. half-marathons, 5k's, triathlons, mud runs. whatever. i love doing them.

    so i know that i have to get out there and train. so i do. and i enjoy it. at least most of the time i do. don't get me wrong, sometimes i am dragging *kitten* and would rather not go. but i go any way. because i've developed that habit of doing something.

    thats what you need to do. develop a habit. for me, i know that if i don't work out early in the morning, i won't work out. at least, in the beginning i was like that. now i can exercise in the evening if i have to, i just prefer in the morning.

    you need some special motivation to do 30 day shred?? well, then it's probably not the exercise for you. there are tons of fun exercises out there that are perfect for you. you just have to find them. zumba, weight lifting, cardio kickboxing, cycling, swimming, yoga. there is no limit to what is out there for you to try. i am constantly getting groupons and living social deals emailed to me for a week or a month at a gym or exercise studio. there are no excuses.

    you want motivation? i think you need some dedication and self-discipline instead. start waking up earlier to work out. try some new routines. just do something

    ^ This.

    When it actually becomes a priority to you, you'll get it done.

    Others, just because it's not sugar coated, wrapped in pretty bows, and crapping out rainbows doesn't make it any less true.

    Motivate yourself. Connect with others. But don't rely on them for your motivation.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    so you want someone else to remind you to work out and eat healthy?

    you are 24 years old. you should've learned personal responsibility a while back.

    no one is going to hold your hand through life. not through your personal life, not at work, and certainly not in changing some bad habits you have.

    you fall off the wagon after three days? thats called laziness. it happens. inside, most of us are all lazy. seriously, there are days i'd really rather just do noooooothing. i mean, turn my mind off and watch netflix all day and eat nutella from the jar.

    but i don't. not because someone is texting me to get moving. but because i am accountable to myself. well, also, i really have found something that i like to do, which is races. half-marathons, 5k's, triathlons, mud runs. whatever. i love doing them.

    so i know that i have to get out there and train. so i do. and i enjoy it. at least most of the time i do. don't get me wrong, sometimes i am dragging *kitten* and would rather not go. but i go any way. because i've developed that habit of doing something.

    thats what you need to do. develop a habit. for me, i know that if i don't work out early in the morning, i won't work out. at least, in the beginning i was like that. now i can exercise in the evening if i have to, i just prefer in the morning.

    you need some special motivation to do 30 day shred?? well, then it's probably not the exercise for you. there are tons of fun exercises out there that are perfect for you. you just have to find them. zumba, weight lifting, cardio kickboxing, cycling, swimming, yoga. there is no limit to what is out there for you to try. i am constantly getting groupons and living social deals emailed to me for a week or a month at a gym or exercise studio. there are no excuses.

    you want motivation? i think you need some dedication and self-discipline instead. start waking up earlier to work out. try some new routines. just do something

    ^ This.

    When it actually becomes a priority to you, you'll get it done.

    Others, just because it's not sugar coated, wrapped in pretty bows, and crapping out rainbows doesn't make it any less true.

    Motivate yourself. Connect with others. But don't rely on them for your motivation.

    ^ I'm going to go with this.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I have had friends and "buddies" help me numerous times over the years.

    Until I took responsibility and showed up even when they didn't, it didn't matter.

    It is great to have support. It can make it more fun. But you can't make your changes dependent on if someone else will help you or not.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    so you want someone else to remind you to work out and eat healthy?

    you are 24 years old. you should've learned personal responsibility a while back.

    no one is going to hold your hand through life. not through your personal life, not at work, and certainly not in changing some bad habits you have.

    you fall off the wagon after three days? thats called laziness. it happens. inside, most of us are all lazy. seriously, there are days i'd really rather just do noooooothing. i mean, turn my mind off and watch netflix all day and eat nutella from the jar.

    but i don't. not because someone is texting me to get moving. but because i am accountable to myself. well, also, i really have found something that i like to do, which is races. half-marathons, 5k's, triathlons, mud runs. whatever. i love doing them.

    so i know that i have to get out there and train. so i do. and i enjoy it. at least most of the time i do. don't get me wrong, sometimes i am dragging *kitten* and would rather not go. but i go any way. because i've developed that habit of doing something.

    thats what you need to do. develop a habit. for me, i know that if i don't work out early in the morning, i won't work out. at least, in the beginning i was like that. now i can exercise in the evening if i have to, i just prefer in the morning.

    you need some special motivation to do 30 day shred?? well, then it's probably not the exercise for you. there are tons of fun exercises out there that are perfect for you. you just have to find them. zumba, weight lifting, cardio kickboxing, cycling, swimming, yoga. there is no limit to what is out there for you to try. i am constantly getting groupons and living social deals emailed to me for a week or a month at a gym or exercise studio. there are no excuses.

    you want motivation? i think you need some dedication and self-discipline instead. start waking up earlier to work out. try some new routines. just do something

    This is perfect advice, and it sums up my experience here as well.

    Find something you enjoy to do for exercise, and then commit. Motivation is fickle, don't rely on that, and definitely don't rely on anyone else to be your motivation. It's great to get motivated by other people sometimes, but you can't count on them to drag you kicking and screaming. You have the power to do this.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    so you want someone else to remind you to work out and eat healthy?

    you are 24 years old. you should've learned personal responsibility a while back.

    no one is going to hold your hand through life. not through your personal life, not at work, and certainly not in changing some bad habits you have.

    you fall off the wagon after three days? thats called laziness. it happens. inside, most of us are all lazy. seriously, there are days i'd really rather just do noooooothing. i mean, turn my mind off and watch netflix all day and eat nutella from the jar.

    but i don't. not because someone is texting me to get moving. but because i am accountable to myself. well, also, i really have found something that i like to do, which is races. half-marathons, 5k's, triathlons, mud runs. whatever. i love doing them.

    so i know that i have to get out there and train. so i do. and i enjoy it. at least most of the time i do. don't get me wrong, sometimes i am dragging *kitten* and would rather not go. but i go any way. because i've developed that habit of doing something.

    thats what you need to do. develop a habit. for me, i know that if i don't work out early in the morning, i won't work out. at least, in the beginning i was like that. now i can exercise in the evening if i have to, i just prefer in the morning.

    you need some special motivation to do 30 day shred?? well, then it's probably not the exercise for you. there are tons of fun exercises out there that are perfect for you. you just have to find them. zumba, weight lifting, cardio kickboxing, cycling, swimming, yoga. there is no limit to what is out there for you to try. i am constantly getting groupons and living social deals emailed to me for a week or a month at a gym or exercise studio. there are no excuses.

    you want motivation? i think you need some dedication and self-discipline instead. start waking up earlier to work out. try some new routines. just do something

    ^ This.

    When it actually becomes a priority to you, you'll get it done.

    Others, just because it's not sugar coated, wrapped in pretty bows, and crapping out rainbows doesn't make it any less true.

    Motivate yourself. Connect with others. But don't rely on them for your motivation.

    ^ I'm going to go with this.

    ^^^ I'm going with this as well.
  • RawCarrots
    RawCarrots Posts: 204 Member
    I know this is an old thread, I came across it searching for something else, but thought it deserves a bump for all those struggling!

    When you get your head to that place which Capt Apolow below describes, then you'll do it! Everything else until then is just fluffing around :wink:
    so you want someone else to remind you to work out and eat healthy?

    you are 24 years old. you should've learned personal responsibility a while back.

    no one is going to hold your hand through life. not through your personal life, not at work, and certainly not in changing some bad habits you have.

    you fall off the wagon after three days? thats called laziness. it happens. inside, most of us are all lazy. seriously, there are days i'd really rather just do noooooothing. i mean, turn my mind off and watch netflix all day and eat nutella from the jar.

    but i don't. not because someone is texting me to get moving. but because i am accountable to myself. well, also, i really have found something that i like to do, which is races. half-marathons, 5k's, triathlons, mud runs. whatever. i love doing them.

    so i know that i have to get out there and train. so i do. and i enjoy it. at least most of the time i do. don't get me wrong, sometimes i am dragging *kitten* and would rather not go. but i go any way. because i've developed that habit of doing something.

    thats what you need to do. develop a habit. for me, i know that if i don't work out early in the morning, i won't work out. at least, in the beginning i was like that. now i can exercise in the evening if i have to, i just prefer in the morning.

    you need some special motivation to do 30 day shred?? well, then it's probably not the exercise for you. there are tons of fun exercises out there that are perfect for you. you just have to find them. zumba, weight lifting, cardio kickboxing, cycling, swimming, yoga. there is no limit to what is out there for you to try. i am constantly getting groupons and living social deals emailed to me for a week or a month at a gym or exercise studio. there are no excuses.

    you want motivation? i think you need some dedication and self-discipline instead. start waking up earlier to work out. try some new routines. just do something
  • joodles821
    joodles821 Posts: 11 Member
    you can add me...joodles821

    I do the same thing...I do real good for a while then for some reason I sabotage myself
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    so you want someone else to remind you to work out and eat healthy?

    you are 24 years old. you should've learned personal responsibility a while back.

    no one is going to hold your hand through life. not through your personal life, not at work, and certainly not in changing some bad habits you have.

    you fall off the wagon after three days? thats called laziness. it happens. inside, most of us are all lazy. seriously, there are days i'd really rather just do noooooothing. i mean, turn my mind off and watch netflix all day and eat nutella from the jar.

    but i don't. not because someone is texting me to get moving. but because i am accountable to myself. well, also, i really have found something that i like to do, which is races. half-marathons, 5k's, triathlons, mud runs. whatever. i love doing them.

    so i know that i have to get out there and train. so i do. and i enjoy it. at least most of the time i do. don't get me wrong, sometimes i am dragging *kitten* and would rather not go. but i go any way. because i've developed that habit of doing something.

    thats what you need to do. develop a habit. for me, i know that if i don't work out early in the morning, i won't work out. at least, in the beginning i was like that. now i can exercise in the evening if i have to, i just prefer in the morning.

    you need some special motivation to do 30 day shred?? well, then it's probably not the exercise for you. there are tons of fun exercises out there that are perfect for you. you just have to find them. zumba, weight lifting, cardio kickboxing, cycling, swimming, yoga. there is no limit to what is out there for you to try. i am constantly getting groupons and living social deals emailed to me for a week or a month at a gym or exercise studio. there are no excuses.

    you want motivation? i think you need some dedication and self-discipline instead. start waking up earlier to work out. try some new routines. just do something

    ^^ i wouldn't listen to this guy. he's a jerk, and probably doesn't have any real life friends at all, and lives off of putting people down on the internet where he can feel safe.
  • MARTIC0058
    MARTIC0058 Posts: 42 Member
    hi I have a fb team just for you! we support and keep you motivated each day! everyone has the same goals as you do! If you are interested shoot me a message. Look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes on your journey!
