mizfit Posts: 118
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
It's been a month since I joined and started a new fitness program and I thought I would of had better results by now.
The weight gain/loss is driving me insane!! I weigh in once a week on the same day first thing in the morning and the first week I lost over a pound then the next week I gained 2 pounds the third week lost 3 pounds and now I've gained 2 pounds again!!!
This is so frustrating. I just want to lose 2 pounds a week consistently.
I exercise actively with a cardio program 6 days a week. I also go walking and walk a lot throughout the day in general.
I am a vegetarian and I eat 3 healthy meals along with 2-3 snacks a day.
A few of my not so healthy snacks on occasion (choice of one of these items 3-4 times per week) are things such as dark (70% cocoa) chocolate, a vegan cookie or muffin made without dairy and eggs, organic granola bar.
I usually eat between 1400-1700 calories a day and the goal is 1200 but when I workout I burn between 500-700 so I'm never over when the exercise is deducted.
What am I doing wrong?????
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • Annista
    Annista Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, it could be water weight. Be sure to drink plenty of water so you won't retain it. I've always found that too much sugar in my diet hinders my weight loss even if my calories are in the range they should be. Hang in there and don't get discouraged you may just need to tweak a few things = )
  • well im no expert but i dont eat my exercise calories. the only reason i dont is bc when i was i wasnt noticing a weight loss and now that i dont eat them the weight is dropping off. good luck. i know this is frustrating. its very hard to do all things right and work hard to see no change or a gain. maybe it could be water weight as well or you are building muscle. that weighs more than fat but allows you to start burning calories more. i hope you feel better about this,you are doing well. just hang in their!
  • The same thing happened to me and I was so frustrated. I had to cut back on salt and also leave out low cal popcorn as it kept my weight up and I was very frustrated. As long as your calories are correct you WILL lose the weight. Did you try measuring yourself? You will feel better as you tone and the inches show your progress. Good Luck :)
  • well im no expert but i dont eat my exercise calories. the only reason i dont is bc when i was i wasnt noticing a weight loss and now that i dont eat them the weight is dropping off. good luck. i know this is frustrating. its very hard to do all things right and work hard to see no change or a gain. maybe it could be water weight as well or you are building muscle. that weighs more than fat but allows you to start burning calories more. i hope you feel better about this,you are doing well. just hang in their!

    Actually you're supposed to eat some of the exercise calories to replenish your body of needed nutrients and to use as fuel so I'd continue eating some of them. Eating between 1400-1700 should be fine. Try measuring yourself and drink plenty of water! Keep it low on the sodium as well ..
  • DeanaMarshall
    DeanaMarshall Posts: 22 Member
    Hey there- I am no doctor, but I can tell you I personally think 1400-1700 calories- with or without excercise- is way high. My goal- not deducting excercise- is 1000 calories a day. If I go over a bit, I have a little 200 cal buffer. I try ALWAYS to be in the "green."

    Something else I noticed from your post, you are a vegetarian and eat vegan foods? I have followed a vegan diet and vegetarian diet in the past (it did not affect my weight loss AT ALL) and you must be careful. The fillers and sodium and carbs in these foods will stunt your weight loss and give you water weight (retain water). Here's a trick I used at one time: you must eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetable before you can have anything else. So, in the morning I might have a banana (2 servings) and then an apple for a snack (1 serving) and a big salad for lunch (2-3 servings) with chicken (lean protein. This way I made sure I was eating healthy and getting good foods in for the day. By dinner, I was ready for something more substantial, but sensable. This way you are almost certain to be "in the green" and under calories. Add to that excercise and you should be ok.

    Someone once gave me the best perspective on diet and weight loss: calories in vs. calories out. If you are pushing calories out (excercising) and not taking too many in (eating right) you'll lose weight (under normal circumstances, of course). I found my weight loss increased when I upped my cardio to 45-60 minutes rather than 30.

    Good luck and hang in there!! I hope your insanity turns to inspiration soon!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    It sounds like your doing things right, but I would look at the following:

    1) Are you really eating quailty calories - mostly fresh food or processed? When I avoid processed foods, it speeds up my weight loss.

    2) Are you drinking enough water?

    3) Are you getting enough sleep?

    4) Are you watching your sodium?

    If you are eating healthy calories, drinking enough water and getting enough sleep, then you may want to consider having your doctor run a few tests - many women have problems with their thyroid, which can stall weight loss or make it very difficult.
    Hey there- I am no doctor, but I can tell you I personally think 1400-1700 calories- with or without excercise- is way high. My goal- not deducting excercise- is 1000 calories a day. If I go over a bit, I have a little 200 cal buffer. I try ALWAYS to be in the "green."
    1000 cal/day is not a healthy calorie goal for most people. To meet nutritional needs, most people should be eating a minimum of 1200 cal/day, but many people need more. Please remember that the calorie goal MFP gives you has the deficit built in - you don't need the extra buffer, because the deficit to lose weight is there already. Going over on calories a little every day (50 or less) shouldn't eve make a big impact on weight loss - it would just slightly reduce your overalld deficit for the week.

    Per the MPF system, you are supposed to eat exercise calories back. I have a base goal of 1200 cal/day, but eat 1300-1600 most days because of the exercise I do. I've been losing weight steadily.
  • mizfit
    mizfit Posts: 118
    Thanks everyone for your input. I fee a lot better now and will take a better look at what I am eating. I usually drink 9-11 cups of water a day and that's all I drink. Even though it's frustrating I won't give up! Your encouragement helps a lot and good luck to all of you as well::happy:
  • Hey there- I am no doctor, but I can tell you I personally think 1400-1700 calories- with or without excercise- is way high. My goal- not deducting excercise- is 1000 calories a day. If I go over a bit, I have a little 200 cal buffer. I try ALWAYS to be in the "green."

    That's not way high at all actually. Most people need around 1200 calories daily .. sometimes they may need more. Personally, between 1300-1450 works best for me. Whatever your goal is set to by myfitnesspal has already built a deficit in. So if your body burns, for example, 2000 calories daily and your goal is 1200 calories then your deficit would be 800. Then when you exercise and burn, say, 200 calories that brings the deficit up to 1000 and your net calories consumed down to 1000 so if you eat the exercise calories back then you actually just consume 1200 for day.
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