Anyone in their 20's



  • Hi! I'm 28, 5'6 and have been an MFPer since Jan 2012, I lost 40lbs taking me 2lbs away from goal but due to various things have put 9lbs on :( but sorting it out and back on it!!! Feel free to add me!!
  • missdamman
    missdamman Posts: 44
    23 yrs old 141 lbs, and looking to get fit :)
  • nsmoker24
    nsmoker24 Posts: 21 Member
    Im 22 also! :)
  • jenijen25
    jenijen25 Posts: 137 Member
    im 26 feeling olddd lol x
  • I am 25. I will be 26 in February. I'm 5'6" and have lost 28 of the 313 pounds I need to lose.
  • MoNiCaMaRieV
    MoNiCaMaRieV Posts: 50 Member
    im 5'5 25yrs old have two kids and have about 10 lbs to lose to reach my goal weight
  • Hi my name is Kate Moss. The reason I'm starting Myfitnesspal is because last month I broke up with my first boyfriend of 2 1/2 years. I realized I wasn't happy with myself anymore, I didn't even know what made me happy. I relied on my boyfriend for love and if I didn't get enough or what I expected, I turned to fast food. McDonalds became my best friend! And truly ever since I was a child I turned to food to "nurture" my feelings. And so I have struggled with my weight for many years. I've always known what to do and how to get healthy, but I never put any ambition in doing so. I started this lifestyle change July 1, 2013, first thing was first no more fast food. So I set a goal for myself of 30 days without fast food! And I completed successfully! Also I started taking a fat burner called Therm-o Fusion, created by this local company called Bio Fusion here in SD. I didy research on this stuff because I've always been skeptical about weight loss aids. Most are cop-outs. But this stuff works! In turn I've cut my soda intake to about 1 can of soda every two weeks and I drink 64-96 oz of water a day. Last week I started doing Jillian Micheals' 30 day shred. I also quit smoking this week on Chantix and so I walk about a mile on both of my 15 minute breaks. And 6 times a week I walk a little over a mile in the evenings with my dog. I also do a few yoga poses in the morning to wake me up. Breaking up with my boyfriend was one of the hardest things I've done in my life so far, I love him, but I need to discover how to love myself. Thus the reason I titled my page Dating Myself. I'm going focus on my health and what makes me happy!

    I'm 22 and 5'7"
    Anyone can add me! I'm looking for some good, active, supporting friends!!
  • britt25tex
    britt25tex Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 28. I just got back on track MONDAY! Hoping to keep it up. IDK how much I really want to loose. I just want to FEEL better.
    I am a Mom to a five year old VERY HIGH ENERGY little boy and he is my main reason for wanting to loose. :)
  • pillbug89
    pillbug89 Posts: 41 Member
    23 and 5'7" add me, im new here! ♡♥
  • kakiem
    kakiem Posts: 183 Member
    27 and always welcoming new friends :-)

    Feel free to add me
  • strama00
    strama00 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 21, about 5'9.5 and weigh in at 272 lbs. wanting to lose about 95. :)
  • lexoxoc
    lexoxoc Posts: 135 Member
    I'm 23! 4'11''! Add me if you like!
  • What316
    What316 Posts: 563
    Stop rubbing it in you bast&@ds :laugh:
  • pjwarre
    pjwarre Posts: 15
    Were the same age and height! Added :)
  • Hey all. 23 y.o. male here.
    Hardest thing for me has been the diet, any ideas?
    Add me!
  • FlabFighter86
    FlabFighter86 Posts: 233 Member
    I'm in my late twenties, 27, 5ft 2.
  • SaberEsPoder
    SaberEsPoder Posts: 130 Member
    25-year-old 5'4" chica here with 40 pounds to lose. It's great to surround yourself with people going through the same things as you, either in weight goals or age. Always looking for friends so anyone may add me :)
  • jan013
    jan013 Posts: 9
    Hello I'm 20! I'm 5' 5 1/2". Feel free to add me. :)
  • mandy_mae1989
    mandy_mae1989 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm 24, 5'5'' and 160lbs.


    What is your inspiration for all this? I used to be healthier (145lbs) about a year ago--running and eating well--but now I just don't feel it anymore...
  • mandy_mae1989
    mandy_mae1989 Posts: 6 Member
    Oh, and feel free to add me :)