Help with snacks. FEMALES ONLY

Hi its my tom and as usual i am constantley hungary, are their any good tips out their for healthy things for me to munch on so i can get threw the next week without eating myself in to oblivian.


  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I never understand why women are so secretive about their period. Especially in this case when the question is completely generic: "what are some good low cal snacks?"

    Flavoured seaweed is my favourite. Its like munching on a whole bag of chips (crisps) for 30cals.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    When Tom comes i always eat tons of Peanut butter with Celery it helps stop that cravings for something salty, creamy and crunky, Sugar Free chocolate pudding if I need a chocolate fix, and drink tons and tons of water to keep from getting bloated
  • dore0021
    I never understand why women are so secretive about their period. Especially in this case when the question is completely generic: "what are some good low cal snacks?"

    Flavoured seaweed is my favourite. Its like munching on a whole bag of chips (crisps) for 30cals.

    It's not that she's being secretive she just wants to know what works for other WOMEN during their time of the month to satisfy their cravings! Something I'm pretty sure you can't answer. You men are so senstive ;-)
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    I really like reduced fat wheat thins. I don't know if you have a Kroger where you live, but they make a generic version -- you can have 17 crackers for 130 calories. I love to take a wedge of light laughing cow cheese (35 calories) and I divide it, spreading it over all 17 crackers. It's an awesome snack that feels indulgent almost, for 165 cals altogether!! :) Another thing I keep in the freezer when TOM's at my doorstep, is Weight Watchers ice cream bars! (I crave CHOCOLATE bad that time of the month!!) The giant chocolate cookies and cream ice cream bar is my favorite -- soooo chocolatey and covered with a chocolate cookie "breading" -- I think they're 130 calories.

    Good luck! You can do this!! :-)
  • littlemamajamie
    littlemamajamie Posts: 118 Member
    I really like to just snack on raw baby carrots....when I start feeling hungry I will grab a handful and a glass of water if I'm still hungry I can grab another handful and not feel guilty about it :)
  • ninababes
    Why is it that men just can't resist looking when it says females only lol ;)
    Karen this is my problem too and if I do not give in then I am nasty because I can not stand feeling hungry. For me it starts around 7 - 10 days before I am due and ends around days 2 of starting. I just eat and eat and it is usually the worng foods or even when it is good food I cant stop myself and just eat more. It is getting worse for me the older I get because it was never this bad for me a few years back!
    today so far I have had
    2 bowls of mini choc chip weetabix
    3 packets of crisp
    a ham salad baguette
    a beef salad baguette
    chicken soup
    2 milky way crispy roll bars!!
    SIGH all this eaten and it is onlt 2.30pm!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    For me....I find that I love baby carrots for the crunchy sweet piece, low cal hot chocolate and PB on crackers. I'm also addicted to pickles and blow my sodium out of the water. I usually up my water intake too to make sure that I'm not upping my water weight drastically
  • weightlessness
    First, can I say you have one AWESOME avatar!!

    Second, I understand the drama about TOM snackness. I'm at the tail end and feel the hormone induced hunger craze wearing off. I'm so glad I've been surrounded by support, otherwise I probably would have gone over the deep end.

    Here's what I try to go for first:
    - Reduced fat popcorn, Orville Redenbacher has a GREAT smart pop. Mmm.
    - Oven veggie fries - zucchini, squash, even potatoes and sweet potatoes. A drizzle of olive oil, some cracked pepper and a pinch of salt and then something for dipping? Mmm. They satisfy that "greasy, salty" craving most women get during TOM and are surprisingly low calorie, you know, compared to real greasy, salty foods.
    - Homemade pita chips, here's a good recipe I've used a few times:

    * 1 package of pitas, preferably whole grain or whole wheat
    * 2 Tbsp olive oil
    * 1 Tbsp garlic powder
    * 1 Tbsp Onion powder
    * 1 tsp salt
    * 1 tsp optional flavors like cumin, Cajun seasoning, or paprika

    1. Preheat Oven to 350.
    2. Brush pitas with olive oil, sprinkle spice mixture.
    3. Cut pita pieces into bite sized squares.
    4. Bake 15-20 minutes or until browned.

    They're super yummy and easy to munch on.
  • luv2run4fun
    I often grab a fat-free chocolate pudding and some usually cures the cravings for chocolate and salt...or at least helps!
  • Birdnicaj
    Hi, I just joined and I'm smack in the middle of the at week right before TOM comes!!! What hell! Carrot sticks just wont do for me. I actually like Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal with a bit of skim milk or just gives that nice full sensation and it's low cal/low carb. Someone posted the peanut butter on celery - great idea! Jello makes chocolate mousse snack cups, the dark chocolate is superb and it is only 60 cal (!!!) per cup. So sweet, you'll be ok eating just one!
  • Kazren
    Dom_m, its just I am not sure how other females are but its not the kind of hungary you get when you are typacilay hungary, persoanlly for me its like a deep primal craving, and no matter what i do or even eat i am not full, i could happily eat anything all day long and i would still feel hungary, its like their is something in my brain that clicks and all i can think about is food and snacking, plus at the moment its even worse as i have just had a baby and re started my periods so for 12 months i have not had this feeling a have forgotten how bad it gets. how built in the emotion is, for example this morning i broke down in tears and was completely unconsolable cos my son called me mum not mummy! so its not that we are private about it, its just the emotion that comes with it, i have been doing this since i was 11 and 18 years later i still can not handle the emotions that come with it.
  • vaniag
    vaniag Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Tom, Try a hand ful of almond or walnuts and drink a bottle of water.
  • smilingslatka
    I usually snack on fruit & veg - banana, oranges, apples, celery, radishes, tomatoes... Some of them are high in sugar, but I think it's better than snacking on crisps or choc. Also try Snack a Jack rice cakes. They are really filling and have lots of different flavours. And drink plenty! I've noticed that coffee really helps.
  • Kazren
    Thanks for the help and advice, i will definatley try and find some snack a jacks.