Upped calories and gained 4 pounds in 2 weeks

I'm really confused and frustrated with my weight. I've recently lost 15 pounds in the course of 1 year. I was eating 1000-1200 and lost that weight, it seems as though I was maintaining the weight , but as soon as I upped my calories, I've gained around 4 pounds and increased in measurements. I feel like it's been too long and I'm just loosing everything. I'm 5 foot 3 inches and I weighed 111 pounds when I started, and currently have 101 pounds. I seem to look alot chubbier than most people my weight and height, because of where my fat is stored. I exercise Mondays to Friday doing cardio, pilates and yoga mixed, probably for 1 hour daily. I've been doing this ever since last year. Will upping my calories help, and when will I stop gaining weight. I'm currently eating healthy except I've recently added back in white rice, but I don't over eat either. My calorie intake so far is 1200, with dinner remaining. Please give me encouragement, I am currently frustrated and saddened. My stomach has increased in inches and my clothes that I bought are starting to get tighter. I've recently turned 20. Please help.


  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    You should join the "Eat More to Weigh Less" group... and pick up some weights.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    I'm 5'3" and weigh a decent 110 pounds at maintenance level. If you've only recently upped your calorie intake, your weight gain is NORMAL! Since you are exercising SO MUCH, your body is craving the nutrients and the calories. Two weeks is not enough time to reset your metabolism.

    I am very sedentary and have a desk job. On a normal day to maintain my 110 pounds (regardless of where you carry your weight!), I eat an average of 1550 calories. When I exercise, I eat even more because I eat back the calories burned off during exercise.

    Also, start weighing and logging everything that goes into your mouth. I cannot see your diary, but I suspect that your calorie counting is not quite as accurate as you might think?

    What I suspect is that it is not your weight that is really at the heart of the issue here, but your body fat %. Instead of so much cardio, start weight lifting. You may find that where you carry your weight changes and you start to feel better about your body. I LOVE mine and I'm your height and a healthy 110 pounds.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Lift weights to change your body composition in addition to the cardio work. Plenty of threads if you search the Community forums to get you started. Eat accordingly.
  • khalikhoopri
    khalikhoopri Posts: 81 Member
    To me your current BMI falls being underweight. Should you at all be loosing any weight?? Also maintaining a healthy lifestyle is better than anything. You should not be taking less than 1200 calories and may be working out to gain strength or pursue sports you really like rather than loosing weight. Open your diary and upload some photos, it may help us to give you more suggestions!
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Your height and weight sound like a healthy combo - I would suggest weights or strength training, not so much cardio. But keep in mind you WILL gain "weight" when you gain muscle so don't focus on the scale so much. Focus on how you feel and look. good luck!
  • afrogirlie
    afrogirlie Posts: 2 Member
    I wouldn't try to lose more weight you seem to be at a good spot for your height and weight.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    If you've been undereating for a year, it's going to take more than 2 weeks for your body to adjust. Chill.

    Also, you may need to talk to someone about your body image, it doesn't sound realistic that you're chubby at 5'3" and 101lbs.
  • xoshanel
    xoshanel Posts: 4
    I was trying to maintain at 98 pounds, but now that I've increased by 200-300 calories, I just keep gaining weight.
  • xoshanel
    xoshanel Posts: 4
    hmm. I've been told that, but my weight is stored around my waist and I always seem to look 5-8 pounds bigger than my weight :(
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    If you've been undereating for a year, it's going to take more than 2 weeks for your body to adjust. Chill.

    Also, you may need to talk to someone about your body image, it doesn't sound realistic that you're chubby at 5'3" and 101lbs.


    And seriously? You're upset that you're no longer 98 lbs. Seek help, because that's not normal. You're BMI is already at underweight.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I would suggest getting a weightlifting program and start focusing on shaping your body the way you want it rather than the number on the scale. If you're dissatisfied with your shape at 101 lbs, losing a couple more pounds isn't going to fix it. Get to the gym and start lifting weights to attack that last bit of fat.

    Here's the thing though, when you start lifting weights, the number on the scale will go up if you're doing it right. You will end up SMALLER but will probably weigh more. To save yourself from mental anguish, I would suggest a 3-step approach from here on:

    1. Stick with the extra calories
    2. Lift weights- as heavy as you can go
    3. Ditch the scale- only use your mirror and the fit of your clothes to judge your progress. You can take measurements too, but if you do that, take them, and don't take them again for a full month. It can be tempting to obsess about measurements the same way you do the scale.

    Good luck!
  • xoshanel
    xoshanel Posts: 4
    Thanks so much, I only wished to maintain at 98 because it is where my body looks healthy. At 95 pounds I didn't like the feeling, I felt week. I tried to stay away from weights because it tends to go away fast(the muscle) and it also tightens my hamstrings for yoga. I can feel muscles on my legs and abs, but there is still a stubborn amount of fat on top of it. I worry about the fat more than the weight.