10lb slimdown with Chris Freytag

Just wondering if anyone has tried this dvd/workout plan? It's currently on our cox's On Demand. I did the 10lb slimdown TOTAL BODY yesterday and it was brutal but not as hard as Jillian Michaels (I just can't get into her stuff). I felt like it was a great workout and got me sweating more than anything I've done before! I wanted to give up at 10 mins in but stuck with it...sore today but mainly in my legs.
Anyways, if anyone's tried it and has been successful let me know! Or maybe recommend other Chris Freytag dvds- I love her attitude, she's very motivating and looks amazing and SO strong! Not too skinny like some of these trainers.

I found the workout plan as well so hopefully it'll stay on demand for the next month so I don't have to pay for it;-)


  • cullensbrunette
    I havent done the 10 LB Slimdown but I have done some other dvd's of hers and I LOVE her! She has one thats called Walking Cardio Shape UP and its great!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I have done ( 3 months ago) some of Chris Freytag dvds and she is very motivational...thanks for the reminder
  • rensmom
    Hi there,
    I just found your post b/c I was searching for more info on this series and totally agree with your comments! I tried the total body workout this morning and felt like I'd worked out twice as long! Just ordered the DVD online since I think I've found the right fit for me. She's motivational without being annoying:-)
  • viclynn
    viclynn Posts: 56 Member
    I tired the lower body 10 lb slimdown today. It is on my demand channel now too. I totally agree with what everyone has said. I felt like I had done alot more in the 25 minutes than with some of the other workouts I have tried. I am going to try some of her other 10 lb slimdown workouts too.
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    I no longer have on demand now so I may have to dl this dvd from exercise tv. I miss it!
  • JoanHolly
    JoanHolly Posts: 46 Member
    I love these work out videos!! I'm sad cause they are no longer on demand. I'm thinking About buying them
  • sharistime
    I'm a big fan of the 10lb slim down work outs too!! Glad to see I'm not alone. Anyone figured out what to use for the cardiovascular entry? Not sure how many calories I'm burning doing the work outs.
  • JoanHolly
    JoanHolly Posts: 46 Member
    I just put 15 minutes aerobics