Bodymedia Link Users!

Hey everyone! I just got my bodymedia yesterday afternoon. I charged it and hooked it up but as soon as I synced it with the computer it said I had burned about 700 and something calories. How? I hadn't even worn it yet. Is this normal? Also I wore it from about 5pm on and still have it on but it didn't track my sleep. Is that something you have to tell it somehow or is it supposed to automatically know? When I woke up and synced it with my phone this morning it said I had burned 600 something but the sleep area was zero. So was that from 12am on? Any experienced users info is welcome! Thanks in advance. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I put my calorie food goal as 1381 and from 5pm to 12am it said I burned like 2800 calories which doesn't make sense at all, putting me in a deficit of 1400ish. My deficit is only supposed to be 750. I'm just confused and slightly annoyed. :/


  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    It gives you the calories you burn all day not just exercise so that is why the number looks so big. The added calories before you wore it were an estimate for the day, as you sync it through the day it will adjust them to actual numbers. Also you may be more active than you think, I know I was. After a few weeks I changed my settings from lightly active to active based on my media readings. If your activity level on MFP is low it will estimate your calories low and media adjusts according to that. I am not sure why it didn't update your sleep. I have the body media core and love it.

    Be sure to pay attention to their warning about sunscreen and lotions, don't wear them on your arm where your device is, it will cause small cracks :( . I just had to send mine back for a new one do to this, it is less than a year so they are replacing it for free but I am without it till he new one comes in :(.
  • JHoelck0928
    JHoelck0928 Posts: 93 Member
    Ok. It did show my sleep it just must of needed to adjust. So what you're saying is by the end of the day the numbers will adjust to what I actually burned? Thanks so much!