Not eating enough?

For the last 4 monthes, I have only ate breakfast (Slim Fast high protein shake) and a very healthy supper of either fish or chicken (boneless, skinless, broiled). Since all the veggies are coming in season, I have been making a huge bowl of summer squash, zucchini, carrots, brocolli, cauliflower and a small new red potato. Cubed up, sprinkled with Mrs. Dash salt free seasoning and roasted under foil for an hour. This makes me very full and I have no desire to eat in bed, which was my biggest down fall. Topped off with a small cup of applesauce. The stupid thing is telling me to eat more, I'm not eating enough. But I'm full and satisfied. I'm watching carbs./cal./fat. very closely, mostly carbs. I drink 64-90 ozs. of water a day. and about five 8 oz. cups of coffee. I feel great, better then I have felt in years. Have lost a total of 64 lbs. since Christmas.

What can I do to up the calorie count, but not the carbs.?


  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Higher fat protein sources like beef and salmon, avacado, nuts, cheese. Fats help regulate hormomes.
  • lluckenbaugh
    lluckenbaugh Posts: 12 Member
    Tonight I added 3 oz. of baked Haddock to my 4 oz. of broiled boneless, skinless Chicken breast. Lots and lots of fresh steamed veggies and I still only got it up to 887 calories. Wouldn't you think if my body was in starvation mode, I would have no energy and want to sleep? I have lots of energy and feel great. :ohwell:
  • seblagg
    seblagg Posts: 42
    If I read your profile correctly, you're in the 300 lb. range? You need more calories. Perhaps try smaller meals throughout the day?
  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    Why don't you eat lunch? your appetite is probably low because you drink an awful lot of caffeine.
  • smchot
    smchot Posts: 3
    If you don't eat the proper amount of calories, you will start to lose muscle, not only fat. I agree with seblagg, you should try eating smaller meals throughout the day, lean protein, fruits, and veggies.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Add more meals and snacks. Put more food in your mouth. If you don't want to eat carbs for whatever reason, don't. Eat lots of fat and protein instead. Simple.
  • lizzzylou
    lizzzylou Posts: 325
    Why do you want to up your calorie count? If what your doing is working and you're saying you're not having any side effects, I don't understand. If it ain't broke don't fix it...
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    You may not realize your calorie expenditure vs what you are actually eating. Here's my story.

    A while ago, I'd gotten myself to 200lbs and was super unhealthy. I would get out of breath bending over looking for my shoes on the floor by my bed. I found MFP and stuck to the calories it gave me. I reached a point after about 20lbs down that I wasn't really losing weight. I'd go forever and get frustrated that I wasn't losing weight like I should with the calories I'd been eating, especially when I'd made sure I was exercising more and working even harder. There were days I had a cheat day, like I went to the movie theater and went over my calories, but THOSE were the days I lost weight!!! I was given some amazing macros by a friend, where I tracked every single protein, carb and fat gram I ate and it was exactly the same every day. This put me at about 1500 calories a day. I began to lose consistently but at this point I wasn't able to work out at all because of other factors in my life. I eventually made it down to almost 150. I felt great, I was able to get by on those calories and I was strict and felt like I couldn't ever fit anything in that I didn't need... had to keep it down to the bare minimum... lots of veggies and less sugars so I could feel full and make it through the day. Sometimes I'd feel like if I worked out, I would have a harder time to lose weight and I powerlifted, so I had lots of muscle that a normal girl my size didn't... so I suspected I burned more calories than MFP thought I did... but could never prove it so couldn't act on my suspicions.

    I ended up falling off the wagon, couldn't get back on for quite a while. I got back up to 175-180 and started using MFP again. This time, a few weeks in... my boyfriend bought me the bodymedia fit armband. This shows me my daily calorie burn is actually usually closer to 3000 and sometimes much higher. This tells me my activity level is higher, meaning I should have been eating more the whole time. I had been really over doing it the time before and although I lost weight then, I feel like now I'm losing it easier. I don't own a scale now, but I can see the big changes my increased calories make. I feel better, I feel like I actually have to eat more than I'd expect some days to keep up with my exercise levels and seriously get 500-1000 extra calories every day compared to what I'd been at before because of it. My body thins out visibly after just a few weeks and I am able to eat way more. There was one day I actually bought myself cookies because I needed more calories that day! Dieting has become EASIER.

    You may feel fine and you are acheiving some results, but it may actually be better for your body to try eating more. Try to fit in a small snack every day... just 200 calories between that breakfast and your dinner. Carrots and ranch or celery and peanut butter. You might discover you would lose weight BETTER by eating that extra food.
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    I am not convinced you need to eat more. There is no such thing as starvation mode. 900-1200 calories is plenty for a sedate 46 year old. I am a 5'11" male and only eat 1200-1400 per day.

    This gentlemen only ate 800 calories per day for an entire year.
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    Why do you want to up your calorie count? If what your doing is working and you're saying you're not having any side effects, I don't understand. If it ain't broke don't fix it...
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I am not convinced you need to eat more. There is no such thing as starvation mode. 900-1200 calories is plenty for a sedate 46 year old. I am a 5'11" male and only eat 1200-1400 per day.

    This gentlemen only ate 800 calories per day for an entire year.

    This is terrible advice, do not listen to this. A 5'11" male should be eating 50% more than that, easily. Using examples of people doing starvation diets does not make it all right.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Add a protein shake, tuna pouches or baggy of cooked meats, if focused away from carbs.
  • jess6742
    jess6742 Posts: 146
    Just add in a healthy lunch. You need to fuel your body.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I am not convinced you need to eat more. There is no such thing as starvation mode. 900-1200 calories is plenty for a sedate 46 year old. I am a 5'11" male and only eat 1200-1400 per day.

    This gentlemen only ate 800 calories per day for an entire year.

    This is terrible advice, do not listen to this. A 5'11" male should be eating 50% more than that, easily. Using examples of people doing starvation diets does not make it all right.

    This!! I am 6 ft. Male and am maintaining at 4000 calories a day.... I never ate less than 2500 (3000 most of the time) I lost over 300 lbs. Your body has no choice but to adjust to such a low caloric intake doesn't mean it (your body) likes it... There is a good chance you are burning up just as much lean body mass as your are fat....
  • fghtffyrDEMONS
    fghtffyrDEMONS Posts: 32 Member
    Add a protein shake, tuna pouches or baggy of cooked meats, if focused away from carbs.

    ^What he said. Make smart decisions and plan out your (low carb) lunches before hand.
    It might be a little terrifying at first to eat more but your body will thank you!

    You just don't want to lose all this weight and gain it back in the end - which can happen if you don't eat more calories. Your body is going to hold on to whatever it has!
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    I am not convinced you need to eat more. There is no such thing as starvation mode. 900-1200 calories is plenty for a sedate 46 year old. I am a 5'11" male and only eat 1200-1400 per day.

    This gentlemen only ate 800 calories per day for an entire year.

    This is terrible advice, do not listen to this. A 5'11" male should be eating 50% more than that, easily. Using examples of people doing starvation diets does not make it all right.

    What if the 1200 calories is made up of boneless skinless chicken breast and fresh vegetables over the course of a day. That is a lot of food and plenty of nutrients. I don't feel like I am starving.
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    I am not convinced you need to eat more. There is no such thing as starvation mode. 900-1200 calories is plenty for a sedate 46 year old. I am a 5'11" male and only eat 1200-1400 per day.

    This gentlemen only ate 800 calories per day for an entire year.

    This is terrible advice, do not listen to this. A 5'11" male should be eating 50% more than that, easily. Using examples of people doing starvation diets does not make it all right.

    This!! I am 6 ft. Male and am maintaining at 4000 calories a day.... I never ate less than 2500 (3000 most of the time) I lost over 300 lbs. Your body has no choice but to adjust to such a low caloric intake doesn't mean it (your body) likes it... There is a good chance you are burning up just as much lean body mass as your are fat....

    To become morbidly obese I gained more lean body mass than I should have. I need to lose some of that as well.

    My plan is to get closer to my goal weight and then begin stronglifts and eat more to fuel those workouts.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I am not convinced you need to eat more. There is no such thing as starvation mode. 900-1200 calories is plenty for a sedate 46 year old. I am a 5'11" male and only eat 1200-1400 per day.

    This gentlemen only ate 800 calories per day for an entire year.

    This is terrible advice, do not listen to this. A 5'11" male should be eating 50% more than that, easily. Using examples of people doing starvation diets does not make it all right.

    This!! I am 6 ft. Male and am maintaining at 4000 calories a day.... I never ate less than 2500 (3000 most of the time) I lost over 300 lbs. Your body has no choice but to adjust to such a low caloric intake doesn't mean it (your body) likes it... There is a good chance you are burning up just as much lean body mass as your are fat....

    To become morbidly obese I gained more lean body mass than I should have. I need to lose some of that as well.

    My plan is to get closer to my goal weight and then begin stronglifts and eat more to fuel those workouts.

    So you want to burn up lean body mass instead of maintaining it by eating a caloric intake that promotes this only to begin stronglifts to eat in a surplus to put it back on along with fat because you will gain that too? Seems legit..... Best of Luck.....
  • JaymeJaime
    JaymeJaime Posts: 18 Member
    I am not convinced you need to eat more. There is no such thing as starvation mode. 900-1200 calories is plenty for a sedate 46 year old. I am a 5'11" male and only eat 1200-1400 per day.

    This gentlemen only ate 800 calories per day for an entire year.

    You don't have to up your calories, unless you aren't getting enough protein. Your body fat is providing the extra calories that you need!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Why do you want to up your calorie count? If what your doing is working and you're saying you're not having any side effects, I don't understand. If it ain't broke don't fix it...

    I concur! :)
    I have been trying to hit the 1200 caloric goal to no avail (especially for those days when I do cardio). I have breakfast at 5:30a, snack at 9:30 a, lunch at 12:30 p, snack at 3:30 p, and supper at 7:30p. I workout six days a week (3 cardio, 3 strength training), and drink lots of water!

    It no longer is a concern to me about not reaching the caloric goal. I measure mi chest, biceps, waist, hips etc every fortnight. I have a reliable heart rate monitor. In addition I have body composition analysis done. All these further reinforce mi resolve of not fretting about the caloric goal :)

    If it ever happens (it has happened once when I went over 1200 by 24 calories), then it happens. I will not lose mi mind over it.