I feel like I'm doing everything right BUT...

I'm not losing weight on the scale. I know I know, the scale should not be a tell-all, but it's incredibly frustrating.

I've been gluten-free for just over 3 months now, with only minor slip-ups in the beginning. I eat this way to primarily navigate through nutrition more consciously. When bread and pasta aren't options, we're naturally inclined to eat more veggies, lean means, etc. I do think I have a gluten-sensitivity, but I'll spare you the graphics. I have been having trouble going to the bathroom, but have upped my fiber intake and take laxatives when necessary. Nonetheless, I feel great about my eating. My energy levels are awesome too.

I work out. I always get in 5 days a week and I shoot for variety. Some days I'll run inside, others out. I lift heavy and I also do circuit training for endurance. I always sweat my bum off.

I eat around 1200 calories a day, and do not subtract my exercise calories.

The only medicine/supplements I'm taking are a daily CoQ10 tablet and buspirone for anxiety. I stopped taking my birth control about a month ago and I know that can effect water weight and body composition.

So, what the f is going on? I do see a lot more definition in my body but what is going on with the scale? HELP.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Eat more
  • Chokis
    Chokis Posts: 131
    What is your height and weight?
    I don't think 1200 cal would be enough for anybody who exercises 5 times a week, does circuit training and heavy lifting.
  • Alright. I can try for that..
    MFP is telling me to stay under 1300.
  • Mistyvs
    Mistyvs Posts: 56 Member
    I find when I eat my exercise calories, I lose better.
  • jess6742
    jess6742 Posts: 146
    MFP is telling you to net 1300. It is designed for you to eat back your exercise calories. So you are undereating probably by a substantial amount.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Alright. I can try for that..
    MFP is telling me to stay under 1300.

    MFP is providing a response to your inputs. You put in you want to lose XX lbs/week, and it spits out a number. Problem with combining high weekly loss target with minor body adjustments is it doesn't work so hot, due to unreasonably low calories.

    Then, if you aren't eating back exercise calories, you're not even doing what MFP says to do. So a double shot of bad idea.
  • I am finding the same thing, and doing what your doing... trying to stay around 1200 and not eat my earned calories. I started reading more about it, sounds like your body will actually fight you if you do it. I am trying to lean up, I have 15lbs to go to my "fit/lean" weight. I am choosing to add more calories, but I am going to do it through protein/carb drinks/bars designed for cyclists/gymies - I have been reading Ben Greenfield a lot, and found he is helpful. Thanks for your questions, I found the responses insightful and reassuring to my plan adjustment. I've heard the more we mix it up, the less likely our body can figure out what we are doing and prevent it :-).
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    I was at 1200 for the longest time and I am now lifting 5 days a week and I can't sustain or add muscle growth on 1200 calories. I have been increasing my calories for two weeks now and while I haven't seen any losses on the scale (weighed this week at the doctors), I just went from a size 4 dress pants to a size 2. Increase your protein and veges and see what your body does. I bet you have more energy and your weight training gets better.
  • sdpeklo
    sdpeklo Posts: 82
    How much water do you drink? Water helps people go. Its summer ....its warm you run....double your water. A warm beverage helps people go. Prunes..... I eat prunes a lot. Salt cant make you retain. How is your sodium. Hormones....TOM....etc. I find running can make me weigh more for a few days after a long hard run . Same with weights...mix it with sodium and bam I am up 4 lbs. A few days of yoga and walking...I am down 4. I usually weigh 5 more at end of day then beginning. No joke.. 5 more....food...workout...lots of water....it all adds up. : ) Hope this helps. I eat 1600 to 2000 but my current net is 1350. I eat every last one of those exercise calories back. Ummm yep sure do!
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Alright. I can try for that..
    MFP is telling me to stay under 1300.

    I think that's with the assumption you will eat back exercise calories. My doc said never go below 1200 NET calories.
  • Aumu95
    Aumu95 Posts: 10 Member
    I hate to sound stupid, but what does it mean to eat back your exercise calories?
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I'm not losing weight on the scale. I know I know, the scale should not be a tell-all, but it's incredibly frustrating.

    I've been gluten-free for just over 3 months now, with only minor slip-ups in the beginning. I eat this way to primarily navigate through nutrition more consciously. When bread and pasta aren't options, we're naturally inclined to eat more veggies, lean means, etc. I do think I have a gluten-sensitivity, but I'll spare you the graphics. I have been having trouble going to the bathroom, but have upped my fiber intake and take laxatives when necessary. Nonetheless, I feel great about my eating. My energy levels are awesome too.

    I work out. I always get in 5 days a week and I shoot for variety. Some days I'll run inside, others out. I lift heavy and I also do circuit training for endurance. I always sweat my bum off.

    I eat around 1200 calories a day, and do not subtract my exercise calories.

    The only medicine/supplements I'm taking are a daily CoQ10 tablet and buspirone for anxiety. I stopped taking my birth control about a month ago and I know that can effect water weight and body composition.

    So, what the f is going on? I do see a lot more definition in my body but what is going on with the scale? HELP.

    If you got your goals through MFP the whole system is set up with the understanding that when you exercise you will eat those calories back. The weight loss deficit was figured in with your age, height, weight, job activity, and goal loss per week. If you're set to lose 2 lbs a week that's 1,000 calories that are already cut from you. Eat your exercise calories back for a month or so.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I hate to sound stupid, but what does it mean to eat back your exercise calories?

    If you for example run on the treadmill for 30 minutes and burn 150 calories you then eat 150 extra calories that day aka "eat back your exercise calories"
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I agree with upping your calories.

    And I love your username. :flowerforyou:
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Always prepare for the fact you could be counting wrong, if you really are at 1200 calories, you'd most probably 99% be losing weight, unless you have a damaged metabolism (highly unlikely at this point).

    Usually it is the persons error of miscounting calories.

    At 1200 calories almost any human on earth can lose weight, even whilst being completely sedentary. I know you won't like to hear what i've just said, but its your life, so i'd advise you check EVERYTHING over, that you are counting, weighing properly, etc and counting sauces, etc etc etc
  • Just read all of your responses. Super helpful! Thanks so much.

    I think the hardest part is reading everything from all ends of the spectrum and then trying to figure out what to do. It's like a mindf*ck.. I think that's what overwhelms me sometimes.

    So my goal will be to squeeze in more snacks/healthy cals throughout the day. Off to the gym! Thanks so much again everyone :).