Eating over calorie amount then beating myself up about it

I had a cheat day yesterday.I worked my two jobs and went out with my daughter but just eat around everything. I decided to write the day off as a cheat day and start again today. However although I was significantly less over and was still under maintenance calories I am just beating myself up about.

I almost feel more of a failure for doing that than when I was eating large amounts of food without really thinking about it. Does anyone else feel the same?

I want to get back on it and I will, I lost 8lbs and two days can be balanced out, I just need a little support with it. I have so much to lose that sometimes it can seem a little overwhelming.


  • MissBenes
    MissBenes Posts: 18
    As long as you eat well 80% of the time, I'd say you're fine, just don't get too carried off. I mean, if you want a sweet, eat a damn sweet. Here's my trick - SHARE YOUR FOOD. A few days ago, I just HAD TO eat a sandwich with roasted ham and cheese, so I bought it, ate only half of it, and gave a half to a homeless man. I mean, you'll feel good when you do that, you'll have your treat, but you'll eat much less.
    It doesn't have to be a homeless man, of course, you can share your meal or candy with whomever you want, everyone's happy, that's the point :)
  • elpurple
    elpurple Posts: 46 Member
    That's a good idea and I may well use it, makes good sense thanks.

    I just find it gets to me and when I start doubting myself I fail.
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    You're fine. When we deprive ourselves of the foods we crave, we really just end up craving them more. We have all fallen off of the bandwagon at some point so it is normal. Just make sure to exercise because you can actually earn more calories. Even though we don't workout to eat, but it does feel great to know that it's a possibility. Good luck!