how to replace fat in recipes w/ helthier choices

meganalene Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I am just looking for maybe a reference for exchanging lets say oil in a recipe. My sister had used yougurt instead of, I think it was sour cream. If anyone has any suggestions or can put me in the right direction I would appreciate it! I love to cook and would love to make it a bit healthier. Maybe even with out the family knowing it! :-)


  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Yogurt is a very good choice!
    One thing I do is if I'm doing a "saute" of veggies or chicken or something I use chicken stock, (fat free/low sodium). As it reduces it creates a bit of a glaze that adds flavor and sort of mimics the glaze of butter or oil.
  • lfholland
    lfholland Posts: 37 Member
    You can use the spray butter and PAM for some things, but I struggle with this too. To me, nothing tastes as good without a little oil, it just doesn't have the same texture or depth of flavor.

    Most of my fat comes from Olive Oil, Safflower Oil, and lean meats. I guess I try to eliminate fat by using low fat ingredients so I can still use some oil, but I can see how that would be problem with the rest of your family.
  • For cakes and other baked goods you can replace oil with an equal amount of applesauce. This may slightly change the texture but its not too noticeable. I love doing this for muffins and quick breads as well as cakes.
  • Love that apple sauce tip drohde ! Have to try that one...
    I have to say, i still use olive oil, just a lot less than I used to :smile: I recently bought a basil flavoured olive oil which is great used sparingly in cooking.
    I like to bake/ roast in the oven, as that is a LOT healthier than frying. Table- top grills are excellent, they cut down on a lot of fat if you like to have your chicken,fish, meat grilled- and its fast!

    Also, I find that cooking in vegie broth instead of oil works well for vegies or any vegetable based recipe, if you find steamed vegies a bit bland. I use non-fat yogurt for all sorts of things, as a simple dressing for salads or on baked potato.

    Good luck!
    * oops, just noticed broth was already mentioned...great minds think alike!*
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