I need support! BAD!!

Hey guys,
Last year, I was on MFP and lost over 55 lbs! I sprained my ankle and was out of commission for about 3 months, and also struggled with mild depression. Guess what, all the weight has come back and then some. Basically, I'm looking for some friends who are active on MFP and are good supporters. Please friend me if you'd like to help me to reach my goals. Will do the same for you!


  • Orfygirl
    Orfygirl Posts: 274 Member
    Friend request sent!
  • srrose15
    srrose15 Posts: 104 Member
    You can add me - and if you need daily motivation and support I have a private group on Facebook where I check in daily to a group of 15-20 others that are working hard - working out and eating healthy - we have formed a support group - if you are interested let me know - I would love to have you!!
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Same situation here! Will add
  • tanisha_mae
    tanisha_mae Posts: 9 Member
    You can add me - and if you need daily motivation and support I have a private group on Facebook where I check in daily to a group of 15-20 others that are working hard - working out and eating healthy - we have formed a support group - if you are interested let me know - I would love to have you!!
    That world be awesome!

  • tanisha_mae
    tanisha_mae Posts: 9 Member
    thank you guys for the support from last night til this morning!
  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    Hey Tanisha...same thing here. I broke my leg 2 months ago. I did great the first 6 weeks as I was super freaked out about gaining the weight back so I carefully watched what I was eating. Now that I'm getting back on my feet and starting to workout again something in my head clicked and I've lost almost all control with my eating. Such a mind game!!
  • travpsu1
    travpsu1 Posts: 8 Member
    Keep at it Tanisha, last summer I lost 20 lbs and gained 12 back during the school year. Now I'm back at it and as working hard too. I'm an old guy but it's still important to keep positive. Keep up the good work. t
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    you CAN do it!! I am online every day, and I am a good friend to have for support. I also need support.\

    I am also on a facebook group, it is called flab-busters

    good luck on your journey!
